Why don't we have an RP in the Oblivion General Discussion section(so it's just us) as are charcter?
Maybe we are all just hanging out in an inn or something?
What would you think and would the mods allow us to have an RP thread here?
Why don't we have an RP in the Oblivion General Discussion section(so it's just us) as are charcter?
Maybe we are all just hanging out in an inn or something?
What would you think and would the mods allow us to have an RP thread here?
You can do this in the Fan Fiction forum, moving the thread there.
That's what this entire sub-forum is for, go nuts.
What he said. ^
If you want help with it, I'm your Mer.
Darn it!
I really wanted this in the Oblivion General Disscussion forums so we could use all the charcters we use in-game.
Although I like the kind respones so I will do it anyway but if it's in an inn it might get a bit boring so maybe I could use the help of people who have made RPs before and I love Lexicon's idea.
Maybe I could be the DM?lol.
Well this part of the forum is still in the TES-section, and people post plenty of stories about their (insert TES-game)-character here so I don't think it will make that much difference if your thread is here or in the Oblivion general forum.
It's been tried before, all you have to do is ask, pretty much all of us here have tried GMing at somepoint or another.