Bunch of posts since the last time I replied.
Thanks. I went back through the threads and found that address. It still crashes. With ThreadHeap2 it crashes right when the save game load screen comes up. With that address, it goes to about half way through the save game load screen. So I'm wondering -- whenever SkyRanger pops in again -- if he could give me another address that I could try.
Oh, 0x40000000? Or 0x20000000, 0x30000000, 0x40000000, 0x50000000, 0x60000000, 0x70000000, 0x80000000, 0x90000000, 0xA0000000, 0xB0000000, or 0xC0000000. Can't go past 0xC0000000 if you want to fit an iHeapSize of 1000 in. Without LAA you might or might not be restricted to 0x40000000 or lower to fit an iHeapSize of 1000 in.
Skyranger-1 would you be able to add a purge cell buffers, and possible streamsave equivalent to OSR?, enabled/disabled via the ini
I'd love that, actually, especially since I don't usually use Streamsight; it'd mean OSR would completely eliminate the need for Streamline for me. I like Streamline, mind you, but it hasn't been updated in years, and it would be one less thing running in the background.

I had the vague impression that PCB calls might be better controlled by something with more knowledge of when cell transitions etc were happening. OSR has a harder time tracking what's going on in the game (in terms of cell transitions, combat, sneaking, etc) than scripts do. But if you just want something like a call to PCB from the main thread once every 5 minutes I could do that pretty easily.
I turn SLv.PurgeOnTravel off for other reasons. Mainly because it's been known to interfere with All Natural's ability to sync weather indoors, but also because it drastically raises load times when exiting back to the exterior. Should be obvious why

I don't know why OSR would have a problem with it though.
Probably no relation, but in the non-default configuration mentioned in the readme of changing the CS @ Renderer+0x80 to mode 5, some people have reported (not many I think) getting crashes on interior->exterior transitions.