Ok, I admit I missed that comment of yours earlier. Sorry for that. :icecream:
I would be interested in knowing what water settings you are using. I'd like to compare yours to mine and hopefully find a good balance for me in the process. Would you mind posting your [water] settings from the oblivion.ini and possibly also the settings from the in-game water options, that would be terrific. Thanks so much! :thumbsup:
Well, first off it's the game engine that has the problem with water. As such, the problem also occurs in Fallout 3 (which is what I'm using just for clarification).
My water settings are all either unchecked or set to the lowest possible setting. This makes it actually look pretty nice from far away (If you've ever played Just Cause 2 it looks a lot like that from the correct distance) and it makes the water see-through when up close.
For realisms sake this is probably not good -- but frankly I enjoy being able to just look into the water and see if there's anything interesting down there (instead of having to swim through all water I see on the small chance there might be something interesting).
So I have everything set to low, but if I remember correctly the FPS increase one gets from water settings happens as soon as it's put to medium on reflection and multisampling. I just choose to put it even lower because -- and this is the most important part -- the fps increase is there whether or not you're even looking at water. Even if you're seemingly not near water at all for some darn reason I suppose as long as you're outside then it's almost always still processing it for some reason.
Another thing of note is that I've found taking busethreadedmorpher=1 actually causes crashes much more often while fighting enemies. I have every other threaded option besides audiothreading turn to 1, but I've had good luck with morpher turned off. Someone might want to test this as well.
@Iprime -- it's OK I was being childish lol. I wrote a few things a page or so back if you want to read them. A lot of it has to do with Nvidia control panel which matter only if you use an Nvidia graphics card (Unless ATI has similar settings you can tweak).
Keep in mind that if you want the control panel settings to take effect you should go to the first set of options "3d settings" then go to the first setting within it labeled "Adjust image settings with preview" Once there it will give you three options: 1. Let the 3d app decide, 2. Use the advanced 3d image settings, (choose the second option).
Then go to "Manage 3d settings" and change what needs to be changed from there.