Skyranger-1 - I have held back for a while because so many updates with the tripple wip, I kept updating but never really got down to testing (which I still haven't but made a discovery - it may not be new info for yourself but will post it just in case)
Also held back because on the laptop after the last couple of tripple wip versions I have experienced slight stutter on both my laptop and desktop, and yet everyone seems to be experiencing the same performance (mostly unable to discern any improvement from previous versions .. but no worse), which made me believe there was something different in my setup.
There was, a few ini tweaks which I had not re-applied after refreshing the oblivion.ini to optimise setup, here's the relevant ini settings and notes I gathered around the bazaars which are relevant ...
iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400 - This setting appears to determine the maximum amount (in bytes) of RAM allowed for preloading game data. The higher the value, the more chance you have of reducing stuttering. The default value equates to around 25MB (divide the setting by 1024 to get KB, then by 1024 again to get MB).
For those with 1GB of system RAM, try doubling the variable to 52428800.
For those with 2GB, try double again at 104857600 (100MB).
You can raise these further to experiment, however note that raising this to a large amount doesn't force all the game data to sit in RAM, and can actually cause crashes. I suggest the maximum anyone should set this to should be around 262144000 (250MB), even for 2GB of RAM. Make sure to raise your Cell Buffer values accordingly (see above).
*Jaga Telesin's explanation:
"iPreLoadSizeLimit is one of those things people thinks work like a regular "cache", when in fact it does not. Larger values in this setting are WORSE for players since the 1.2.x patch. Martigen and I spent a week straight looking into this and a few other performance related INI values, and in fact it's better to keep it lower if possible. The right number is something you arrive at based on what you are using. The default value of 26214400 can be equated to one "unit" of cache. To find out how many units you need, refer to the following list:
(+1) Vanilla Oblivion + 30 or less mods (all small)
(+1) OOO, Fran's, Warcry (not FCOM)
(+1) MMM (not FCOM)
(+2) FCOM
(+1) QTP1 (or similar normal-size texture pack)
(+2) QTP2 (or similar medium-size texture pack)
(+3-4) QTP3 (or other large-size texture pack)
So for example, someone running Oblivion, a few small mods, OOO and MMM would need a setting of: 1+1+1 (3x default) or 78643200. Generally this floats up and down by 1x, so that person might be able to get away with 2x instead, which is BETTER than 3x. You know you are too low when just after changing it and reloading the game, you start stuttering badly.
A high end machine with 2gb of RAM doesn't need to set their cache at 1gb, that's just insane. They need instead to evaluate what they run and see what setting value they need. If they had Oblivion+mods, FCOM, and QTP3 they would need: 1+2+3, or around 6x default (157286400), which is roughly 153mb of Oblivion cache.
Everyone's experience is unique, so people will have to play with their settings to get it just right. Too large and you will get problems, too small and you'll get different problems with similar symptoms (stutter and lag). Finding the sweet spot is what tweaking this entry is all about. My numbers are just a rough guide, and are by no means the final word on the setting."
Using the ones highlighted changed to the recommended (and tied in with Jaga Telesins recommendation for our load order setup, I could go for 2gig settings but not necessary, and as Jaga says too much can be detrimental also) ....
Using the latest OSR tripple wip, I am now running
completely smooth again on both machines, mostly at default settings....
- Only changed to use Threadheap2 on both machines - (previously this would not play well on the laptop, I was using FastMM with the new .dll, but after Cell buffer and IPreload settings changes, no problems with Threadheap2)
I have x32 bit OS on both machines, XP and win 7, I have never needed to change Heapsize, on both machines it remains 450.
Lowest specs here on the laptop - Core2Duo, cores @ 2ghz, 4gb ram, Sata II HD, Geforce 8600 GS (only 256 onboard graphics memory) - This is the Win 7 x32 machine
Cell buffers and IPreloadsizelimit as detailed above make a noticeable difference combined with OSR (marvellously smooth in our case).
Edit: One other change I do to default - bFix64Hertz = 0, I dont have any problems with this off and the faster accumulation of save file A-bomb bugs me