hook mode 1: using main GetTickCount callcrit_sec_mode 3MemoryHeap Optimization Mode 0: Not optimizing MemoryHeapcritical section b32b80 overriden to spin 1500critical section b32b80 overriden to spin 1500Memory 1 5063 0.198ns 1Special crit. sec. 1 (@ A000030, thread E34) spin 2000 -> 2000Special crit. sec. 2 (@ A001F60, thread E34) spin 1000 -> 1000Special crit. sec. 3 (@ C008F70, thread E34) spin 4000 -> 4000Renderer 1 62k 0.016ns 1initialize2() running in thread e34Suppressing CRITICAL_SECTION Renderer+0x180 (18985CB4)Game Instance : 1 | Time : 01-06-2010 08-22-31 PM==================================================Unk4 1 5722 0.175ns 1Memory 128 2342k 0.055ns 1Unk6 1 4121 0.243ns 1Unk4 68 180k 0.377ns 2Unk4 71 182k 0.390ns 3Other 1 11k 0.091ns 1Memory 256 4332k 0.059ns 1Unk4 128 530k 0.241ns 3Memory 384 6944k 0.055ns 1Renderer 108 1450k 0.074ns 44time 79981 thread 03cc:3 waited on CS 18985bb4 (spin 500) for 44 ms (init 0)Renderer 129 1496k 0.086ns 44time 80171 thread 03cc:3 waited on CS 18985bb4 (spin 500) for 21 ms (init 0)Renderer 256 4194k 0.061ns 44Renderer 384 6808k 0.056ns 44Memory 512 9618k 0.053ns 1qqqBye
Master = { _comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here. bManageFPS = 1 bHookCriticalSections = 1 bHookLightCriticalSections = 1 bHookHashtables = 1 bReplaceHeap = 1 bLogToConsole = 0 bFix64Hertz = 1 iSchedulingResolution = 1 bFastExit = 0 bFlushLog = 1 iMainHookPoint = 1}FPS_Management = { _comment = Basic FPS stuff, switches to slow-motion on low FPS; in the past this has occaisonally produced bugs like the NPCs-dropping-dead issue; the issues are believed to be fixed but if you suspect you are having related problems you can try disabling bAllowSlowMotion which is the main suspect for any problems relating to FPS management bAllowSlowMotion = 1 MaximumFPS = 40 MinimumFPS = 20 iSmoothFrames = 0 iSmoothMode = 0 iSleepExtra = 1 bFPSConsoleSPAM = 0 iSchedulingParanoia = 1 iHardMaxFrametime = 200}CriticalSections = { _comment = CS stuff helps both Oblivion and Fallout significantly _comment = most of the benefit comes from the Renderer+0x180 suppression (see overrides below) _comment = modes: 1=vanilla, 2=fair, 3=stuttering, 5=suppressed, 6=prioritize-main-thread, 7=deprioritize-main-thread bEnableProfiling = 0 bEnableMessages = 0 bUseOverrides = 1 iDefaultMode = 3 iDefaultSpin = 500 iStutterLevel = 4}LightCriticalSections = { _comment =LCS stuff is for Fallout only, no effect on Oblivion; most settings are similar to Critical Section settings bFullHooks = 1 bEnableProfiling = 0 bEnableMessages = 0 bUseOverrides = 1 iDefaultMode = 2 iDefaultSpin = 500 iStutterLevel = 4}Heap = { _comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion, only moderate improvements on Fallout _comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout, is moderately buggy on Oblivion _comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4 (requires external dll), 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 5=ThreadHeap2 iHeapAlgorithm = 5 bEnableProfiling = 0 iHeapSize = 450 bEnableMessages = 0}Hashtables = { _comment = This stuff is still new. _comment = The dynamic resizing option is still buggy I think. May be impossible to do right. bAllowDynamicResizing = 1 bUseOverrides = 0 bEnableProfiling = 0 bEnableMessages = 0 iHashtableResizeScale1 = 3 iHashtableResizeScale2 = 5 iHashtableResizeDelay = 20}OverrideList = { CriticalSection = { CallerAddress = 0x701748 comment = Renderer+0x180, recommendation=suppress (mode 5) Mode = 5 } CriticalSection = { ObjectAddress = 0xB32B80 comment = MemoryHeap CS, recommendation=stutter (mode 3) Mode = 3 } CriticalSection = { CallerAddress = 0x70172A comment = Renderer+0x80, recommendation=??? } CriticalSection = { ObjectAddress = 0xB3FA00 comment = Unknown4, recommendation=??? }}[General]MinimumFPS=20MaximumFPS=30iSmoothFrames=0iSmoothMode=0iSleepExtra=5bFix64Hertz=1bFPSConsoleSPAM=0iSchedulingParanoia=2iSchedulingResolution=1iHardMaxFrametime=200iHeapMode=0iHookMode=1[CriticalSections]iCriticalSectionMode=3iCriticalSectionSupression=1iDefaultSpin1=500iDefaultSpin2=500iMemorySpin=1500iMemoryUnfairness=4iExtraDataSpin=-1iUnknownSpin1=-1iUnknownSpin2=-1iUnknownSpin3=-1iUnknownSpin4=-1iUnknownSpin5=-1iUnknownSpin6=-1iSpecialSpin1=2000iSpecialSpin2=1000iSpecialSpin3=4000