To the point- As mentioned on, I'm making a Vvardenfell/Solsthiem map (which might include the mainland) in the style of
Will it be possible for this map to replace the existing ingame map? Yes, but at the same time, no. Vality7 had made a Morrowind map at one point, and it was/is possible to use it ingame using Yacoby's map extracter/importer thing, but the game engine is limited to a 512 map texture, however this was before the code patch, it could be possible that the texture size on the map be increased by it in the future, I'll have to ask Hrmchamd.
So, you wanna see what I've got done? me mid-working. You can give feedback or constructive criticism on it, but please before posting consider the following, to avoid suggesting/critizing things on which I'll already improve:
-That map in the picture isn't done. Keep in mind that when posting, it's not perfect because I'm not done perfecting it to the quality I'd like yet.
-I'm going to add location marker thingys for the cites and major locations like the ones seen on the Oblivion map in the place of cities, where you can actually see the features of cites.
-I'm not done adding the extra land details like what you see around the Grazelands/Southern Solstheim/Ascadian isles on that picture, feel free to suggest source images that I could use though, as of now I'm using aerial views of landscapes and images from google maps/earth.
-The red dots you see are placeholders for major locations on the map.
-I had made the map with all of the roads shown, but cleaned them up after because they were being space hogs, so that's why there aren't all the roads.
-The text sizes won't be the same size as Oblivion, they will be around 3/4 as big because when they were OB's size they were being space hogs.
-I realize the parchment isn't the same as Oblivion's, I'm avoiding using direct assets from Oblivion's map because I thought that that would be too easy/the back road, also because of copyright and stuff.
-The land on Oblivion's map different brightness for different terrian, I have not done this yet on my map, I realize it is too bright.
-I know the paths could look better, but they will once other stuff is added onto the map, and they look better up close, right now you can't see them that well.
So, just avoid bugging me with things like that, and I think ideas will flow a lot better and I'll be able to make this map better.