Luckily for me, Bethesda was nice enough (or careless enough) to have left a PSD of one of their splash screens for Oblivion in the BSA, so I took a look at how they did it, remade the base resources for it, the background, center borders, found the font, ect, and got to work. Here's what I've got done so far:
I've only got four done, sure, but I had made a bunch more in the past, these are just the new, nice ones, with the parchmenty background and all that jazz.
So why am I posting here? Because I don't feel like coming up with a billion interesting little sentences to put into my splash screens, so I want you guys to give me ideas. You can also tell me places and stuff that you'd like to see a splash screen for, like Balmora? I haven't made a splash screen for it yet, throw me a sentence and I'll give it a shot.
Anyways, I'll let you guys pvssyr away, I've got a ton of mods to work on.