[off-story]PART II[/off-story]
Arthur Codill couldn't give credit to what he was hearing.
"I've came here to solve the vampire issues upon my lands. Not to rescue a...a missing God!"
Marus smiled. "Maybe both things are pretty much connected. Remember that according to the legend, vampires are Molag Bal's children. And their father is no other than Vivec himself. Or at least that's what the Tribunal Temple has always said".
"Well, it could have sense", thought Arthur. But he never imagined he'd have to bleed a daedric prince in order to solve his land's issues.
"Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you about this matter" -continued Marus-. "You'll have to find the reasons of both the gate and the kidnap for yourself, as well as the solution. But as I've said before, I've full confidence in the Codill Clan. If anybody can do it, that's you."
"Yep, and only me" -Arthur smiled sarcastically- "The Codill Clan never had many friends, especially in Hammerfell".
"Why?" Marus innocently asked.
Arthur looked at him, his eyes full with surprise "Of course, they're used to face every day with oddities. I think that they even have vampires in the Mages Guild as full members. No wonder he behaves so normal with me. Besides, he's NOT a Redguard, and I doubt he knows our history well enough. That's important, too".
Arthur decided that it woudn't harm to tell him the truth.
"As you'd probably learnt (or saw with your own eyes) from my uncle, we the Codills have the ability to summon non-daedric swords".
"Now that you say it...yes. I remember that not long after Kurtstain was destined in the University he commanded a raid upon Silorn, and although I didn't took part on the battle, I was there in order to collect and study a rare and colossal black soul gem. Before battle began, I saw Kurtstain making an odd handsign and suddenly a flaming sword appeared on his hand".
"Yes. We the Ansei have had that ability since we have memory".
"The Ansei?".
"The Ansei are the ancient Masters of the ancient technique of Shehai. We are Redguard sword-fighters known as "Saints of the Sword", and we possess the ability to form spirit-swords. The Ansei are divided into Clans, each one with different abilities based on their elemental affinity. We, the Codills, for example, have an affinity with fire and stone. That's why we can summon fire-spiritual swords".
Marus was amazed by the story. Arthur continued.
"As you know, the sinking of Yokuda is still a mistery. Some say that it was a natural disaster. But they're the lesser. Most people in Hammerfell think that it was because of a renegade Ansei Clan, the Hiradirge Clan, and the war they began between all the other Ansei Clans. The Hiradirges were extremely powerful, as all Ansei Clans were and are, but in the ancient Yokuda prior to the Fall we all managed to keep a balance so our society could survive without getting in endless wars.
"But the Hiradirge Clan broke that balance", said Marus.
Arthur affirmed. "I don't know what exactly happened, as neither of the Codills or the other Ansei Clan's members know. I only know that only a few Ansei from the other Clans survived the disaster, and now they belong to the Hammerfell ruling class known as "the Crowns". They're always trying to remake their respective Clan, but it's pretty difficult when there's only one or two surviving members of each Clan".
Marus flushed when he remembered the History class about Redguards and his customs. It's not odd for them to marry between brothers and close parents in order to keep their pure blood. He was certainly sure that the Codills weren't the type of family that would gave up on that tradition, and for what he knew about them, they never will be.
"We the Codills are the exception. Most of our Clan survived the disaster and moved to Hammerfell. That's why we are so isolated. The lowly people (the Forebeards) have us equally fear and hate. Fear because of our power. And hate because they think we are responsible of the fall of Yokuda, as they think that ANY Ansei is responsible of the Fall. And the Crowns isolate us because of envy, fear of losing their position, and our pure blood. We should be the ones ruling Hammerfell. But a single Clan can do nothing against the union of the survivors of all the other Clans, plus the Yokudan royalty and nobility, and without the simpathy of our people. Even if they've lost more than a bit of their pure Ansei powers, while we still keep it".
Marus meditated about those words. "Certainly I don't envy the Codills because of their natural talent. If talent comes with the price of complete social isolation, they could keep it all for themselves...".
"However", -continued Arthur, and his voice changed into a grim, terrible one- "There has always been rumors spreaded around the people of Hammerfell that say we the Codills have survived because we were the first to flee to Hammerfell, and that we are nothing but cowards". Arthur closed his fist in pure anger. "My soul knows that is not true but I can't prove it. But because of those foul words the Codills existence is forever tainted with shame. That's why we need honor. All we can get".
[off-story]I love the lore I'm creating for my char

And the best of all is that is pretty lore-wise (Yokuda/Hammerfell/Ansei lore extracted from the UESP wiki). Next post: The big quest begins! (with a color pic included!).
BTW, welcome, lonelydogs and PaladinOfTheNine!
