OOC Welcome Shard

Thandran found his way through the back ways to avoid the guards. He just new they would be itching to peg something on him after lorn has luckily freed him. He found himself in a dead end so decided to test out that "miracle" potion of lorns. He backed up a bit than ran at the wall and jumped at the last moment. He grabbed onto the top of the house and pulled himself up and onto the roof. He crouched in the warm sun and enjoyed the view of the harbor. The midday sun sparkling of its murky depths. He scanned the docks and saw the building that had been described to him by a beggar earlier. It was a large wooden structure amongst the houses bu the shore. Thandran planned out his path and began to run jump between the different roof tops. and eventually jumped off right outside the thieves guild headquarters.
Thandran checked to make sure no one was watching before approaching the doors and knocking on them. Immediately he was seized by multiple pairs of hands and pulled inside. Everything turned black as a burlap sack was pulled over his head and his arms were tied. He was pushed on a chair and left there. Whispers were vaguely audible through the thick fabric but he could distinguish what was being said. After several minutes the sack was pulled off him and daylight flooded in. He shook his head to clear up his head. He looked around and saw 5 men , all wearing leather of varying sorts. Thandran couldn't help but smile and was rewarded with a punch to the head. A smaller woodelf man walked forward and stood in front of him. He had an air of authority to him and Thandran could tell straight away this was the leader of the guild or at least this branch.
..." My name is Feniel acrollis , i am the leader of this chapter of the Thieves guild. Who sent you to trespass on our turf? Are you working for the Thieves BrotherHood?
Thandran didnt answer straight away. Instead he inspected this Feniel. Eventually he spoke up. " My name is Thandran Thame. I do not work for those b@#$%@#'s the Thieves Brotherhood. I would rather die first. I came here because i was seeking information.
"Well is that so
Thandran ( a heavy accent was put on his name). And what is this information you are looking for?
Thandran openned a long pocket on the side of his leg and pulled out a long arrow. It had a golden shaft and a silver head.
"I want to know where this came from."
Feniel took the arrow. He sat down behind his desk in front of Thandran and looked at him for a long time. After several minutes of silence he through the arrow on the desk and than spoke " How can we trust you? you come off the street carrying many hidden weapons and ask of us without giving in return. hmm... First you will have to do something for us."He got out of his chair and started to pace. Just hours ago i got a note from one of my contacts in the upper society named Rielle. Apparently she wants good men to help her with some particular task. I would be more than willing to help out a friend but in this case i cant. Many of my men are caught up in this territory war with these "Thieves Brotherhood". For years we worked in tamriel without any real competition but now this new group has come out of no where. The difference with this brotherhood is that they will kill anyone who gets in the way of them making money. And unlike us they keep all of their loot themselves. They don't give any to charity or the poor. So if you wont this information you seek you find with my man Deian behind you and sign up at Rielle's warehouse. Show her we support our friends even in times of crises. Good now get out of my sight.
Thandran was released suddenly and got up. And nodded on Feniel than headed towards the door.he stopped before he reached it and looked at Deian. " Take me there now" he said.
Fifteen minutes later they were standing outside the entrance of the hired warehouse. Thandran looked at Deian as if asking him if he should go in or not. Deian nodded and Thendran turned back. he slowly walked through the doors.
OOC2 I gotta go for the night. Ill be on abit in the morning than after school tomorow ( my time so sydney time)