Oblivion 5

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 am

If Oblivion 5 comes, do you think it will be better, do you hope your Oblivion 4 character can go to Oblivion 5, so you won't have to start tones of levels again!

What do you want in it?

Give us your ideas!
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:03 pm

Oblivion 5? That would be like... TES 9. That's a very long way off
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:03 am

Oblivion 5

It would be ELDER SCROLLS 5 not Oblivion lol...

And i dont think it would be cool to carry over a new character... wouldnt be the same... the game may be about the sandbox but it would kill the story imo...

as to what i want... well i want BETTER guild interactions... make an AI that generates quests so even if you do become the guild master there is STILL more to do... also Theives... make better loot to steal or make it so we can steal more even if its a lil harder.... make it so you can open your own "House"(like in Morrowind) and you can use it to make your own "semi guild" with your own agenda.... or maybe make it so its an multiplayer game(like set it up so players can enter another persons game and steal stuff or help" not so its a huge MMO but so you can see other people...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

If Oblivion 5 comes, do you think it will be better, do you hope your Oblivion 4 character can go to Oblivion 5, so you won't have to start tones of levels again!

What do you want in it?

Give us your ideas!

Warning Wall-of-Text :P

Yeah I think they will come out with TES V .... eventually. Not sure how much money Daggerfall made, but it had high ratings and made a lot of money (for a computer game in that day and age). Same with Morrowind and the again with Oblivion. Bethesda is a company I like, but they are still a company, and companies dont just give up on thier money makers.
There's also this from Bethesda Blog:
"Apparently some folks got a bit upset by reports based on Todd's talk at QuakeCon last week. An article came out where Todd was quoted as saying we had no plans for a TES V. He did not say that. That was not a direct quote from him. That was someone's interpretation of what he said. I know, I was there.

At his QuakeCon talk he was asked when TESV is coming out and Todd replied, "Don't look for a new Elder Scrolls game in the near future." He also went on to say how much the franchise means to us and that it definitely will continue. He just wasn't going to provide any timeframe on "when." This should not be news to anyone that has been paying attention. Both Todd and I have said repeatedly that, of course, we're going to do another Elder Scrolls game. The last one was enormously popular. So was the one before that. You get the idea. So do we."

To answer the rest of your question. IMO Morrowind and Oblivion are very different games and because of this Bethesda has been able to see peoples reactions to various parts of the game. I think they will try to take the best of each game and then add to it as well. So, yes I think it will be a better game. I also think they will take a look at what the modding community has done and maybe even add features to the game based on what the more popular bods are doing now.

I doubt you will be able to keep your character, there will be 'tweaks" to the game wich would mean Bethesda would have to come up with a way to "patch" your character into the game. And while that may be possible, it'd probably be more of a headache than it's worth. I doubt the leveling system will be so different that the average player couldnt figure out how to powerlevel in a short time anyway, so I dont think there is the need to be able to transfer characters. Pluss a high level character in a new game would just ruin the feel of "rags to riches" .... or whatever you want to call it.

And for what I'd like. Well right now I'd just settle for more interaction with NPCs and Guilds. And my backstabs actually killing things my level every once in awhile.

EDIT: oh yeah, I left out "Arena" on purpose. While I liked it when it came out, I dont think it had a huge following at the time. So I left it off of the "money-maker" list/anology.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

If Oblivion 5 comes, do you think it will be better, do you hope your Oblivion 4 character can go to Oblivion 5, so you won't have to start tones of levels again!

What do you want in it?

Give us your ideas!

PLEASE, for the LOVE OF AKATOSH, use the existing (and proper) thread in the Elder Scrolls General forum.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 am

Nice call ElderScrollsPunk.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 am

Use the topic linked above to discuss any future games please.
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