[RELz] Oblivion XP

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:36 pm

How do FCOM and Oblivion XP work together? Will Oblivion XP cause a character to level up more quickly than is default in OOO/FCOM? Will one end up with an overpowered (or underpowered) character?

Vanilla Oblivion settings level too fast for FCOM/OOO, so I'd imagine Oblivion XP must be setup to default to being more slow. Or is it defaulted to be the same speed as vanilla?

Thank you for all your hard work!
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 am

Oblivion XP is fully configurable. You can level faster than vanilla or you can level slower like vanilla.
It is difficult to compare Oblivion XP with vanilla because they are conceptually different.

It's up to you.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

How do FCOM and Oblivion XP work together? Will Oblivion XP cause a character to level up more quickly than is default in OOO/FCOM? Will one end up with an overpowered (or underpowered) character?

Vanilla Oblivion settings level too fast for FCOM/OOO, so I'd imagine Oblivion XP must be setup to default to being more slow. Or is it defaulted to be the same speed as vanilla?

Thank you for all your hard work!

ObXP by default is slower than vanilla, slightly faster than OOO, which is slower than vanilla.

the best way I can describe it "working well with FCOM" is the high rate of monsters MMM, OOO, Frans and WarCry pumps out.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 am

I haven't really played a game with this new version yet so this may not be accurate, but XP used to be about twice as slow as vanilla. Using the Kobu system, I had all my skills set to increase at 50% of vanilla. I'd do a certain opening that didn't really vary all that much and I ended up in Kvatch at about level 5. The same thing happened whenever I used XP.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 am

I really LIKE Oblivion XP, but I'm not sure I want to use it yet. It really does change things entirely (which is neither good or bad, just different--but, actually, in many ways, far superior).

There will be no more skill grinding, which is a huge plus. Standing in a field casting heal over and over and over is ludicrous, and it also leads to leveling too quickly. And now, trainers are actually useful, because they give you skill points completely aside from the level-up points. In the vanilla system, using trainers, again, lead to artificial, too fast leveling.

The stuff that is different (again, not negative, possibly even positive) is that now I actually need to consider choosing things like speechcraft, acrobatics and athletics as major skills. They would hit 100 easily in vanilla, just by using them, but obviously here you have to choose to raise them, and they're quite necessary for the kind of stealth character I want to play.

I'm thinking of experimenting a little more, but I'm leaning heavily towards using Oblivion XP. I like that I'm "rewarded" for doing things above my level by extra XP. In vanilla and even FCOM, you're penalized for doing stuff "above" your level, because you don't get anything extra for it, and often your quest reward is diminished based upon your low level (I'm looking for an appropriate mod to fix this).

I think I may slow the leveling of Oblivion XP down slightly, because I want it to be more in-line with OOO.

I'm still not sure on how using Oblivion XP instead of vanilla or, say, nGCD, compares as far as what kind of character one will end up with. Underpowered? Overpowered? (Then again, in vanilla, you could choose important skills to leave as minors and then just level the hell out of them for an artificial leg up on the competition, so maybe it all balances out.)
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:56 am

I'm still not sure on how using Oblivion XP instead of vanilla or, say, nGCD, compares as far as what kind of character one will end up with. Underpowered? Overpowered? (Then again, in vanilla, you could choose important skills to leave as minors and then just level the hell out of them for an artificial leg up on the competition, so maybe it all balances out.)

I think you've already got the gist of it. With OXP you won't be able to play the Minor is Major game, nor can you play the "I'll just never sleep" game, so it isn't exploitable like vanilla, so I suppose that means you won't be "overpowered". However, unlike vanilla you'll likely find that you have much lower Minor skills than you're used to, which probably won't affect your combat effectiveness (unless you picked the wrong Majors, hehe) but can be a bit of a burden as you've already found. Setting the Preset to 0 to get "Master of All" mode might alleviate that a bit for you, if you care for it. See your .ini.

With NGCD it's a whole mixed bag simply because of the extent that you can customize it. By default, I think nGCD characters end up being a little more powerful than default OXP characters mostly because of the Minor skills,.. but I typically play nGCD such that Majors and Minors both "count" towards level equally and then adjust things so it balances out.

Anyway, you can continue playing OXP as you will and if you find that your character is too powerful or too weak, then you can change the .ini and reduce the number of skill or attributes you gain per level. You can then get OXP to let you reroll your character according to the new settings if you'd like. I think the console command for that would be "Set ObXPMain.firstTime to 0" but you should check with SF... it might 'destroy' your training sessions.

edit: nevermind the following. Restarting Oblivion fixed it, not disabling OXP.

On an unrelated note I think I found a bug... a surprising bug. My .ini is set to allow for Journeyman skills at level 3. I got to level 3 and raised my Blade to 50. The new sideways power attack works fine but now I'm completely unable to do power attacks in other directions (forwards, neutral, backwards). Switching to blunt or H2H I still have all my attacks. I've looked through OXP's scripts again and I don't see anything that would cause this but when I disabled OXP the problem went away. If anyone has any ideas that would be great :).
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:43 am

One thing with Oblivion XP is that it seems to make me level up a LOT faster than FCOM by itself. I think I read in the OOO readme that OOO levels 1/3 the speed of Vanilla. I will have to inquire in the Oblivion XP thread as to what settings I'd want to use to achieve a similar effect.

These are my settings, don't worry about them ^^; Anyway reduce these a bit below their defaults.

I'd say 3, 1, 0.1, 2 sounds good.
Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBase 		to 10	; 5Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBonus 		to 2	; 1Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillLevel 		to 0.4	; 0.3Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillSneaking 		to 4	; 2

Also if you don't wont scaling of quest xp, turn off;

Set ObXPSettings.multXPLevel to 0 ; 0.2

For the XP NEEDED TO LEVEL variables, you could leave them at their defaults, or reduce them a bit. It's calculated where it will climb high in xp values before going into a straight line. So you will grow slower and then you will grow steady in later levels.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

These are my settings, don't worry about them ^^; Anyway reduce these a bit below their defaults.

I'd say 3, 1, 0.1, 2 sounds good.
Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBase 		to 10; 5Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBonus 		to 2; 1Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillLevel 		to 0.4; 0.3Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillSneaking 		to 4; 2

Also if you don't wont scaling of quest xp, turn off;

Set ObXPSettings.multXPLevel to 0 ; 0.2

For the XP NEEDED TO LEVEL variables, you could leave them at their defaults, or reduce them a bit. It's calculated where it will climb high in xp values before going into a straight line. So you will grow slower and then you will grow steady in later levels.

Cool, my friend and I were saying the same, these adjustments will help, thanks!
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

hi again :) no actually im using the omod in the tesnexus and it says 4.1.5 buts that the intriguing part, because i use a mod to identify what mod the token comes from and it says it comes from the oblivionxp.esp, now i have anothe big question does the carrion rats are part of your mod ? they appear after one kills the bad guys ? because i have notice the lost meshes only appear when the carrion rats, appear running around but i have no idea if they are part of your mod? because the token meshes only appear when there is are carrion rats.

ill check to what mod the rats belongs too. and let you know thanks for the response :)
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 am

ObXP adds no monsters, no actors. The carrion rats are property of MMM and if you're having issues with them, there is a plugin provided by MMM to remove them. :)

..But this sounds like "leftovers" from a 3.0.1 uninstall. Could be solved from a clean save and reinstalling 4.1.5.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 pm

Been playing the mod for a couble of hours now.
Its bloody awsome never expected the mod to be like this!

Thumbs up! :clap: :clap:
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 am

Thanks so much for all the help, guys!

After trying out Oblivion XP this morning, tonight I experimented with using Progress and Realistic Leveling. Frankly, it is just too much stuff I have to manage and think about, OUTSIDE of the game; INSIDE the game, I still have to play the whole "major is minor" game, etc etc etc. If I learned how to use Progress and Realistic Leveling (or nGCD) properly, maybe they would take all the micromanagement out for me, but I just feel burnt out and frustrated with it.

Oblivion XP, on the other hand, is fun, because it's the kind of stuff I'm used to, from everything from Japanese RPGs to Fallout 3. I like not having to grind skills.

(What I miss is "cheating," though, ironically, the way it was so easy to stick, say, athletics, acrobatics, alchemy, sneak, speechcraft, mercantile and lockpicking into the minors and level the HECK out of them, not to mention restoration, etc etc. Can't do that here.)

So, my question would be--how about some advice on which skills to select for a stealth character? I mean, as far as majors/minors, attribute specializations, etc etc., I really don't know what to select. I'm befuddled. I'm going to keep starting characters and messing around some.

Thanks for the help with the settings. I'll see if I can implement them. I really do want it more along the lines of OOO, so that should help. Also, am I understanding correctly that the first few levels come fairly quickly compared to later levels? So even though levels 1-10 might be faster than OOO, it balances out later because later levels take longer? Or did I misread?

I'll have to re-read the readme, because I'm confused about master mode, and as for editing the ini, it's all mathematical gib to me, so I'm just going to have to trust you guys for the settings.

Thanks again! This is a fantastic mod.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:50 am

hi again yes i recheck the whole thing and the meshes were from 2 mods aensland the bank and oblivion xp i make a clean save and and uninstall both and reinstall them and all was ok :P sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help :)
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:43 am

Reading the readme and ini file. Things are making more sense now. :) Trying to decide if I want the default or master of all.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

hi again yes i recheck the whole thing and the meshes were from 2 mods aensland the bank and oblivion xp i make a clean save and and uninstall both and reinstall them and all was ok :P sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help :)

I'm glad it worked out. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:09 am

I'm thinking about using an Uncapper (Ely's or something like that--screwed the name up I think!). Should I wait to implement this until I actually need to uncap something, or is it better to use it from the get go? If I use it right away, I might end up facing some real challenges since I'm using FCOM. It might make the stronger characters even stronger, which is what I'll want eventually but not necessarily right away...

Just curious.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:00 am

Better to just use it from the get go. Despite how fast one might cap attributes and skills, unless you tweak XP NEEDED variables, and other XP related variables, you wont be getting high levels anytime soon, so those challenges wont come too soon. A heads up to what to expect at lvl90ish though, yeah lvl90+ lichs and other things. Some monsters in certain quest mods like Heart of the Dead will get in the upper 70s if you're around that mark. They are not really that much stronger, just take a longer time to kill.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:43 am

Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. I think I'll be able to hack it. :)

I'm still thinking about specialization/major/minor strategies and if it's "better" to plan things out that way or to just say heck with it and go master of all instead. Now that I'm not playing the "major is minor" game and am actually choosing skills I like and will use as my majors... Then again, I do like alchemy, and even choosing that as a major, it will still be 3 points per skill point. I supposed it depends upon how many stealth skills I'll be choosing as majors. Hmm, decisions decisions!
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 am

I just switched over from nGCD/Progress to this mod. I wish I wrote down what all my old stats were to compare, but it seems I am now getting my a$s kicked by everything (using FCOM). I know my skills are definitely lower, which is one of the differences in this mod, but my attributes are higher. But I am thinking my health is much lower, but I don't recall what it used to be. I have 300 health, now at level 21 with 75 endurance, which according to the readme is not right, but according to a previous poster I asked this about it is right (apparently the formula used to calculate health in the newest Oblivion XP is much different than that stated in the readme). Do others that use this mod have a similar health at this level (I am thinking this is similar to what it would be in vanilla) and do you tweak it in any way?
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 am

(apparently the formula used to calculate health in the newest Oblivion XP is much different than that stated in the readme).

It's not "much different" - it's a practically insignificant difference.

The readme says:

Health = 2 * Endurance + Player Level * Endurance / 10

The actual calculation is:

Health = 2 * Endurance + (Player Level - 1) * Endurance / 10
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

Hi, I seem to have some problems with this mod.
I am using OBSE0017b but no other community made mods at the moment, thought id get the most important ones working first.

I do have the various DLCs installed however.

Oblivion is updated to 1.2.0416UK.

My problem is as follows: The game loads just fine, the mod pops up a message asking me to redistribute my points and I can say yes or no. I said yes and could choose three attributes to distribute to, however, when I was done I had a look at my attributes and the changes was not saved.
When I leveled up, I distributed attributes, but the changes were again, not saved.
Whenever I kill something, or gain experience in any other way I hear sort of a click sound, but no message appears.

Please help :)
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:09 pm

I wonder if upgrading to the newest OBSE (18b,I think) would help? Other than that, I dunno... Someone here should be able to help, though.

And not to disregard a serious technical issue, but, onto another topic entirely...

I had an idea and was wondering if you guys would care to comment. It's not something that could be coded into Oblivion XP really, because it allows too much potential for cheating, but it's something one could do on their own as an "honor" system, so to speak.

I was thinking about how I used to play vanilla. I'd sit and level the heck out of my minor skills and often place some majors that leveled fast into minors. Then, I'd max them out and take the system for all it was worth by sitting and casting spells over and over, putting something over "W" and sneaking in a corner near a bed to max out sneak, make potions like no one's business to get alchemy up quickly, repair every item I found, etc etc, so by the time I was level 3, I already had quite a few minor skills maxed. Frankly, I sort of miss this in Oblivion XP. As a stealth character, I have to spend 4 or 3 points just to get one point in Alchemy, for instance.

A solution, although I'm not sure if it's a good one, is to add more points to the pool and, again, on the honor system, have a certain amount set aside that I would only use toward "minor" skills (i.e. the ones that could easily be leveled in this cheap fashion).

Otherwise, I'd never level them. I'd just keep spending my points on major skills. This way, I can use the normal amount on my majors and use my extras per level on the "cheaply levelable" minors.

Again, I don't know if this is a good idea or exactly what settings I'll try using. This is actually one of the flaws of the game that I used to take advantage of, so using Oblivion XP eliminates this flaw and makes it a better game. So, perhaps it "breaks" ObXP in a sense and defeats the purpose of the vision. However, I miss having high athletics, alchemy, restoration, speechcraft, and I find the characters I end up with using Oblivion XP in default mode have slightly higher attributes (not much, as I was a multiplier freak), about the same major skills, and vastly lower minor skills.

I don't want to cheat or unbalance the game, but I find ObXP makes me play a little too straight and narrow. And miserly when it comes to the points.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:55 pm

..It pains me to read that you're missing the inefficient god awfully broken, poorly and lazily designed vanilla system..

I was typing a ton of math out that would probably work for you but then my head assploded, imploded, reconstructed itself and then exploded because my OWN math equations went over my head.

I just don't know what to say anymore.

I suppose from your post, another type of leveling mod might be best. There is no way you can sit around and spam skills with ObXP. You CAN do it in the level menu if you have allotted ALOT of points, but yeah..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

You should patch Oblivion XP to support the newest version of "The Alyied Steps".
Only a tip ;)
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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 am


This really doesn't seem to be the leveling mod for you then. However, if your main gripe is the "stinginess" of point allotments on level-up, then it's just a matter of changing the appropriate settings in the OblivionXP.ini. Which settings are clearly commented in the .ini itself.
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