I just installed version 4.1.5 of Oblivion XP using OMOD and loaded an existing character. My character's level was reset to 1 and I was not given the Level Up menu to allow me to redistribute Stats. How do I get this menu?
The menu should pop up automatically - if it doesn't, the mod is probably not working right. So could you please confirm that Oblivion XP is working correctly? Just start a new character and check if you get XP etc like you should.
Hail Sir Frederik! Firstly, thanks for creating this great mod. It is very professionally presented and it's obvious much work has been put into it.
I was running version 3 for a while until I discovered that you had released several updates. So I DLed the latest one. I like the XP bar on the HUD and the new menu with the arrow buttons.
BUT. I'm experiencing some rather annoying issues.
1. Whenever I try to change the INI more to my liking it doesn't take effect in my game. This was after I have enabled the mod and saved my game with it loaded. For example, I raised the number of times I can train to 10 and increased the cost x3. But these changes did not take effect. I then deativated the mod (it's an OMOD) and even deleted my save game with the .obse extension. When I loaded the game, there was a large transparent box in the lower left corner that didn't go away (which I ignored for the time being). I saved my game, quit, and re-activated the mod with the INI changes made. The default settings still persisted even though the values were changed and saved in the INI.
2. The amount of rested XP I am getting is ridiculous and makes for very quick leveling. The amount is around 4000 extra XP and higher (as opposed to the max of 400 in the version I was running before). I don't know if this is the default amount or not, but I tried changing it in the INI and it didn't work.
Some help with this would be much appreciated.
I have the feeling you're editing the old v3 ini, which was in the Oblivion\Data directory; the location of the ini has changed in the new version, so please make sure you're editing the right one. It's now located in Oblivion\Data\Oblivion XP and is called Oblivion XP Settings.ini. In v4, rested XP is a
percentage of your Needed XP - so it's quite a bit higher than in v3, where it was static (and hence less and less useful as you got to higher levels).
Deactivating the ObXP OMOD while your UI OMOD is still active will cause the ObXP custom UI files not to get deleted, which is why you still were seeing the box after deactivating.
I also have a few suggestions for the next version:
1. How much XP you get from reading books should be proportional to it's value. It doesn't make any sense that I would get the same XP for reading a blank piece of paper as closing an Oblivion gate.
2. Killing the same creature over and over again should cause the amount of XP gained from killing that creature to deteriorate. That way, allowing a conjurer to continually summon the same creature and then killing it again and again can't be used to take advantage of the system.
3. Why not recieve XP for repairing items?
4. Is there any way to get XP when I kill something with a scripted weapon that has scripted damage?
5. Is it possible to display the skill perk popup windows when I've achieved a new mastery level for a skill? It would be nice to get those just to remind me that I can now "cast expert level restoration spells". Maybe after I click "done" in the point distribution menu.
6. Is it possible to display information about the skills and attributes in the point distribution menu? Such as the governing attribute for a skill and the descriptions.
7. It would be good if there was a way to decrease the size of the XP bar as well as change it's position. Right now it's like 3 times larger than my health bar.
8. You should update the link in the readme and on the nexus description page to point to this current forum thread. The thread that it is currently linked to was closed long ago.
Also, what's the Grandmaster skill level mastery mentioned in the INI? Are there any perks?
1. That's an interesting idea - scrolls already yield only 1/3 of the XP books get, but an additional scaling factor would make the balance even better I think. It remains to be seen if the value of the book is the right factor, though - I'll test this some more.
2. This is a bit problematic: I see your point about summoning, but e.g. a cave of goblins shouldn't have deteriorating XP just because they're all goblins, right? The problem is that a lot of different spawns (each new spawn will be a new ID) can have the same base, so I don't see a viable way to implement this.
3. This has been brought up before and is something that will be included in a future version - if it can be done right, that is

4. If the maker of that script made the script properly, the script will increase the player's kill counter after applying the scripted damage (e.g. Deadly Reflex does this - which is why DR works fine with ObXP). If the maker forgot this, it won't work, and never will unless fixed.
5-6. Both on the to-do list for the next version.
7. I'm hoping to make the new UI elements completely configurable in the next version (like DarN UI).
8. Yeah I'm lazy with updating links, sorry

I hope that answered your questions.