» Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:55 am
People seem to forget or not care but Oblivion was a huge step forward in change from morrowind, the same was Morrowind was a massive step forward from daggerfall. Skyrim doesn’t really make the same kind of leap, its basically the same as Oblivion in most areas except things like UI, combat, and scenery, from my observation. Morrowind is also the game that hooked me to TEs but Reading the typical two sentence post about how The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the worst game in the history of the tes universe just doesn’t add up to me. Oblivion wasn’t that different then Morrowind except for the revolutionary make over of the game engine in all areas. I do admit Oblivion can get boring or bland over time, I thought it was real cool of Beth to release Shivering Isles it gave it some real spice. I won’t even include daggerfall or arena they are just way too dated.
Is Oblivion the new Morrowind, yes in the sense its a huge step forward in technology but its not the same feel of immersion and detail Morrowind still trumps any tes game i have played.
Almost every TES game was a step forward in the TES game evolution, except I cant say skyrim is oddly enough but maybe the next tes game will really utilize a new game engine, graphics ect. by then we might have new consoles out like ps4 or xbox5000, since sadly Beth no long builds tes games with PCs as the foundation. All we can hope for now is that consoles get better, that’s when new tes games will make those revolutionary leaps like in the past.