Bazz22, on 22 October 2010 - 08:18 PM, said:
Bah-ha-ha-ha! I remember when I was younger I would watch it all the time, but know the shows are ridiculous
And a Trading Card game would be interesting, but I don't know if I would participate, and it would give TES a childish look maybe.
And i want you to look at my friends bioware posts on his Mass Effect TCG. and tell me those look childish...
Bet you can't name 10 advlts who play TCG's and actually have A) Sanity or b, a social life (actually I take that back, social life isn't all its cracked up to be

). The TCG's target market will be aimed at children, thus making it childish. Since the TCG will be published, it will be linked to Bethesda Softworks, Oblivion game which as I understand is a Mature rated game. Of course i'm guessing you wanna do it for fun, but it will probably die out within a few months.
Of course I could be wrong, i just remember playing Pokemon cards when I was 7, not 18