1) All questions asked, must be based around the lore or gameplay within (vanilla) Oblivion. No references to other Elderscrolls games, or other Elderscrolls lore. This is strictly an Oblivion Quiz, though reference to official downloadable content (i.e. Shivering Isles) is allowed.
2) S/He who answers the question correctly and first, gets the all coveted :turtle: and may ask the next question. If s/he decides that it is too gargantuan a task to think of a question, or they just can't be bothered any more (or more likely that they aren't at their computer within the hour of receiving the :turtle:), then the :turtle: is passed onto the next correct answering person.
3) Questions can be of any difficulty, however, try to avoid being too specific (to the point where the only way to answer is to consult the trusty UESP).
4) No riddles.
5) There is no official scoring, however, you may keep a running total of correct answers and questions asked by yourself, if you so wish.
6) Have Fun?
Example: Dude 1 - What is green and has buck teeth?
Dude 2 - My good sir, it is an Orc

Dude A - Prison.....etc etc