Hi, I want to level slower. Do I need to change the variable in "Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededBase"? The default variable is 1500. So, if I increase it that will mean my leveling would be slower?
It does, but it really doesn't have much impact. After some experimentation, the best variable I found to adjust is
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededQuadraticSlope to 1 ; 1
I set it to 1.2 and that worked really well. I actually found I levelled a little too slowly when I got to level 20 or so. I've put about 400 hrs into my current game and I'm only level 32. You might try setting this to 1.1. You don't need to change it by much though, so I'd be careful about changing it to much more than 1.1 or 1.2. Now in my game, I have a lot of the miscellaneous stats turned off. I don't gain XP from eating ingredients, stealing stuff, reading books, gathering Nirnroot or feeding as a vampire. If you have all those things turned on, you might want to use 1.2 for the quadratic slope. Even with those things turned on, I wouldn't set the quadratic slope too high (1.2 or 1.3). I also had the sleeping bonus turned off for most of my game, although now that I understand how it works now, I leave it on.
The sleeping bonus does not give an XP bonus. The message is a bit confusing. Instead the way it works is that it gives you a pool of XP. While you have points in the pool, you earn double the amount of XP for anything you do. Each time you earn XP while you have a rest bonus, the earned XP is decremented against the pool. Once you've used up the pool, the amount of XP you earn for stuff returns to normal.
So give that a try. You'll see the effect immediately because Ob XP will display the new number for the required XP to level. The main question is the overall result. I do all the guild quests, the main quest and had a couple of quest mods loaded. I did The Lost Spires and A Brotherhood Renewed. I just bought Shivering Isles, but that didn't have any effect on my game since I didn't get it until I was already level 30. I probably won't do the quests in it anyway. So hopefully that gives you an idea of how this variable affects the game.
Happy gaming !