The "Arena" quest uses a variable called "CombatantsKilled" to keep track of things every time the player tells Oswen (sp?) he's ready for another match, maybe you could use that?
Possibly, but my concern with using that is that it might be updated after you kill each individual combatant. There are a couple of times when you face multiple combatants at once, and I don't know if that variable is just updated once for the group or updated after each combatant is killed. I'm also concerned that this would be too many points. You already get points for the kills themselves (well you should be anyway

). If I added points for arena matches, I would rather go with points upon rank advancement or points upon quest completion.
Andalaybay, I would like to get rid of the HUD Oblivion XP level progress bar, that comes with the mod, because I`m using the one from HUD Status Bars now. Do you know which script of Oblivion XP I need to edit to achieve this?
Somehow I just knew you were going to ask this

Did you know that you are predictable?

For those who don't know, I helped Klaus set up TNO's HUD Status Bars for Oblivion XP, so I figured he'd wonder how to shut off the Ob XP one eventually - and I am just teasing here!
Anyway, to answer your question: the only way to turn off the XP progress bar is to shut off the log as well. Press and hold down the L key, then press the left arrow key two or three times until the HUD bar disappears. This will not only remove the HUD progress bar, but will also stop messages from appearing when you've earned points for something. SirFred did not separate these two functions and I haven't touched this part of the mod yet. Also, I believe you will have to redo this everytime you re-load the game.
Your other option is to edit the xml yourself. Make a backup of Data\menus\main\hud_main_menu.xml and try removing the section titled
. If you don't know anything about xml, I wouldn't recommend editing this file though. Perhaps I can try a quick edit and see if this removes the progress bar. I'm not sure what effect it would have on the scripts, though.