Why should you? The achievement is for collecting 15 daedric artifacts, not completing 15 daedric quests...
That isn't the point. The point is that it shouldn't be.
Well, it's probably too late to fix now, live with it...
That's supremely unhelpful. This forum is, in part, to discuss grievances with Skyrim and perhaps appeal to the devs.
It's the nature of the task. You can either do what it is that is asked of you or not do it. If you agree to do it, you can either do it or do something that will result in you failing what was asked of you. If you don't do what is asked of you, then why should you still succeed and get rewarded? You don't, you fail.
They're reading, understanding, and replying. They're just not agreeing and not telling you what you want to hear.
The OP is just a completionist who is unwilling to sacrifice role play to complete it all.
/end thread
You're mistaking the fact that an achievement is something completely outside of the lore. An achievement need not have any actual bearing on the quest at hand. Bethesda could have simply chosen to say "hey you're an "Oblivion Walker" because you were contacted by and supported or rejected a Daedra Lord. That would be perfectly valid, and better, IMO.
Shouldn't we be thanking Beth for not sacrificing lore in order to please "achievement hunters"
Again, achievements have nothing to do with lore at all. In fact the lore of Tamriel is very much set by things that happen outside of the games. The Lore does not, for example, say that the Hero of Kvatch was the Listener of the Cyrodilic Dark Brotherhood.
Ultimately I agree with the OP. I believe that the daunting job of completing the 15 Daedric quests for good or for ill is worthy of the achievement.