» Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:43 pm
Someone playing an RPG is complaining about a choice they have to make in a game that will make a serious impact on their character? I think you might be playing the wrong game.. This is Elder Scrolls, its not tailored so everything you do is good and rightious, and not every scenario you run into will have a grey choice rather then black or whtie, sometimes there is no grey area and you must choose. Either you are willing to bend to the deadric princes will and eat the human flesh if you want their boon, or you are not. That is the choice. That is what Deadric Princes do... they want YOU to bend to THEIR will, do what They Want.. If you dont want to do what they want, you dont get their boon or item. Not all Princes are easy to associate with like Hiricine who is happy as long as someone is hunted down and killed in a sporting manner, while other Princes are more black and white, like Miridia is very black and white when it comes to the undead She/He hates them. and Beothia Hates weak people.
I hate to sound like a stereotype myself in saying this sounds like a console player complaining about everything PC-RPG fans love. Real choices with real consequences.
I personally stopped at an Inn got some BBQ sauce, enjoyed a good meal, then killed everyone and ate them too, AS A WEREWOLF.