I own the Legendary Edition of Skyrim and have now wasted nearly two weeks of my time to earn the Oblivion Walker Trophy only to have it fail not once, but twice on me.
I do not know what the problem with the game is, but it's obvious that there is one, as I've followed guides to get the proper artifacts and kill (or not) kill the proper people for the Trophy.
To save time having to answer the obligatory "Well, did you do this quest this certain way?. . ." questions, here's what I did:
1. The Black Star: I took it to the mage in the Winterhold Inn and had him cleanse it.
2. Dawnbreaker: Killed the wizard after hitting all of the beacon points to open the path to him, then took the sword from the stand.
3. Ebony Blade: Swiped the key from the house mage in Whiterun, opened the door in the basemant, took the sword and book from the table. (I even powered up the sword by killing sellswords and beggars after paying them, although it's supposedly not required.)
4. Ebony Mail: Made my way into the mine, killed everyone, equipped the Mail.
5. Masque of Clavicus Vile: Reunited the annoying dog with his annoying master.
6. Mace of Molag Bal: Went into house, betrayed Vilgilant, rescued Boethia worshipper, lead him to the house, let him get trapped, beat him to down, beat him into submission, then beat him to final death.
7. Mehrunes' Razor: Got the parts for the guy at the museum, took them up top on the mountain, betrayed the guy, killed the two surprise demons.
8. Oghma Infinium: Charged up Lexicion in Dwarven ruin, harvested blood of many races, took stuff back to the guy, watched him turn to dust, grabbed book. (I even waited on the second run to use it, just in case, but it made no difference.)
9. Ring of Namira: Went into Hall of Dead, talked to girl, met girl at cave, killed undead and dragonpriest, tricked holy man into going to dinner, turned holy man into dinner.
10. Sanguine's Rose: Drank with Sam, cleaned temple, helped guy get goat back, smoothed things over with Ysolda, killed Hagraven, went to mini castle, got warped to Sam's picnic, got staff.
11. Savior's Hide: Talked to prisoner, killed white deer, talked to ghost, went to cave, killed and skinned werewolf.
12. Skull of Corruption: Talked to guy in bar about nightmare's, followed him while he got stuck on everything and walked around in circles, an hour later we got to a temple, went in, found barrier, went to library, found book, went to lab, found potion, drank potion, went back in time (sorta), made my way to gem thingy that was powering the barrier, took gem, killed two wizards, betrayed guy to get Skull.
13. Spellbreaker: Talked to cat, gave him items, inhaled nasty stuff, talked to ghost wolves, went to ruin, killed invincible to magic guy, went back to nasty stuff, got shield.
14. Volendrug: Killed giant outside of Orc village, did ritual, went with shifty orc to glade, killed giant for orc, killed orc, went back, placed hammer on stand, took hammer from stand.
15. Wabbajack: Talked to nutty guy in Solitude, went to Blue Palace, talked to flirty maid, went into abandoned room, got teleported, did three things to "fix" guy's personality issues, got staff from goofy god.
Now, unless I've gotten bad information from somewhere, that combination of Artifacts should trigger the Trophy, but it doesn't. I've done it twice with those Artifacts and it did not give me the trophy for either character. (I had used the Oghma the first time, and thought that it had negated it, so I started over with a new character, if you're wondering why I did the same choices after it failed.)
This has been a serious waste of my time and seeing as this game has been out for years, it's inexcusable for it to not work correctly in this day and age of patches.