» Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:05 pm
No time then the better to post this
Thanks to L@zarus for given TEAM Alpha(FCOM) permission to modify and update his wonderful mod.
List of Fixes
Various Tweaks and Fixes
- ALL UOP Fixes intergrated has much has I could without adding new scripts, aipackages, etc.
- Renamed EditorId of GoldenSaint to OWCGoldenSaint to fix issue with SI Golden Saints..Set Voice on Female to Imperial..
- Removed all stuff that was marked has changed but was same has master (alot of armor)
- Fixed All Bow reach Value
- Fixed Leveledlist % on TrophyGolbin List
- Fixed Enchantment on Unithinfying to do 5 point fire damage
- Fixed Enchantment Script Effect on 001SetKryptaEnch to "Ghost Effect" <= I need to test this to see if work's correctly
- Fixed Empty Leveledlist = 01TreasureBossStandart with a placeholder in case we ever use it for something has it not in play.
Script Fixes
- Puts some restrictions on the Set Items so that their control Globals don't slip outside the acceptable range. It won't prevent the errors caused by unequipping things directly into containers, or using hotkeys to equip them, but it will make resetting the errors a lot easier, I hope.
- added a check in Rakanishishusshus's script so the player only gets attacked when he's attacking Rakawhatsitwhosit.
- removed the content of the script that prevents players from activating Flayer's corpses. The previous Flayer Knife script fix made this unnecessary.
Replace your current Oblivion Warcry EV.esp with this version.
Please report any bugs or issue on the Bethesda Game Forums Oblivion Mod Section look for Warcry Thread.
Also an Warcry BSA is avialable for Download has well.
Oblivion Warcry Resources packed into single Uncompress BSA
- Has not been pyfii, warcry has some weird stuff once again
- textures have been checked for mip map well
But a few could have been missed so report any purple objects, flat black looking , or missing mesh - wtf problems.
Required: You need to uninstall all resources from Warcry before using the bsa. -
BSA Loading and BSA File Date
-Do not rename the bsa,
-They are named correctly and will load has needed
Warcry does not overwrite any other mod resources, so file date on bsa is not of importance, unless you have textures replacer or meshes replacers for their resources. Which you need to reinstall after these.
Thank you
TEAM Alpha
edit: FCOM Users updated FCOM Warcry 1.09 Version posted in FCOM THREAD