» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:35 am
It is a matter of personal choice. On a personal note, I love the swords and magic (especially magic) however, I miss a good FPS once in awhile. Halo has gotten boring and I sadly do not own Borderlands, so I have tried to get Oblivion to be a somewhat okay FPS, but due to the odd way that Kendo went about making a gun mod, I couldn't get immersed well enough.
I have seen the beta of Halo equipment, and yes, it looked really good, however it is not available for public use last I checked. So in the mean time, the only other gun mod I know is Kendo Gunman which just replaces the staff animation with a animation where the player is in a pose to hold a gun. It does not have ammo, they are over powered (and over priced) and they don't shoot bullets, but instead shoot magic (damage health magic). Personally, this was very de-immersing and I could not stand how it worked. So to my knowledge, there is not a good gun mod out there yet.