» Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:04 am
After some reflection, I can say that Oblivion is the best game that I own, and have played. I have several games that have excellent graphics, gameplay, or story lines across several genre's, but Oblivion is unique because it is the only game that makes me actually "give a damn." I care about what happens to my character, my friends, and my enemies. When I play other games such as SR, GTA, DA2, ME2, Fable... even Fallout series, etc I may enjoy several aspects but am always aware that I am playing a video game and eliminating pixels. For me, Oblivion is unique in that the game actually makes me care about my character, and the outcome of others in the game. In my case, I think it is the way the the chapels, pilgrimages, wayshrines, daedra, demons, and Hell gates all work together to make me factor my own spirituality as I role play. This makes me weigh the moral consequences of my actions better than any other game I own. I guess this would roughly fit under the category of immersion for me. Since I enjoy playing mages, I am somewhat concerned about some possible game play mechanic changes proposed by Skyrim, such as the removal of custom spell crafting. However, with a more advance radiant AI, relationships, etc I expect that my favorite aspect of Oblivion will only be magnified in Skyrim. I can only imagine the weight of caring for a spouse, or the potential of losing a spouse in adventuring or some other result of your own actions. Oblivion is currently my favorite game, and the only game I can see trumping it in the short term is Skyrim. Not based upon features (graphics, dual wielding, perk trees, dragons, etc) but on the basis of depth and immersion for me personally.