Oblivon Vs Skyrim Release issues

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:23 am

Hi All,

I brought Oblivion approx 6 months after its release, I’m sure there were patches released to sort out bugs/issues but i can’t remember, it was so long ago. Anyway i loved every second of my time spent with Oblivion and can’t remember any major issues.

Now that Skyrim has been released everyone seems up in arms about textures/bugs/patches not working but it’s still early days...I’m loving Skyrim, however im am playing off line and using 1.1 due to some of the comments I’ve read, also playing from disc to combat the texture issue.

So my question really is where there issues with oblivion in its first few months after release? and were they on par with what we are seeing with skyrim at the moment? if so they were obviously sorted , i think we should stop going on hence give it a few months .....give the developers a chance to rectify the bugs, after all its a huge game and i think we all expected issues?,i understand we have paid for the game but i have had 60/80 hours of fantastic game play and counting which isn’t bad in my book...

Just my opinion what do you think?

Btw- my comments refer to the 360 vershion only. :wink_smile:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:40 am

Skyrim will be fixed don't worry about it. The crazy nerds can't handle going a day or two without playing so they are going insane that this patch broke the game. Be patient and mature, it will be fixed. And yes every Bethesda game to date has had issues like this. It's nothing new.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 am

Skyrim will be fixed don't worry about it. The crazy nerds can't handle going a day or two without playing so they are going insane that this patch broke the game. Be patient and mature, it will be fixed. And yes every Bethesda game to date has had issues like this. It's nothing new.

We probably won't get another patch for at least a month, and there's no way to revert back to 1.1.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:06 pm

Oblivion had major bugs, like the duplication glitch, user falling through the ground, major crashing and freezing issues, and literally dozens of broken quests in its first 6 months.

Edit: It was also one of the newest games on the then "next gen" systems, so a lot of people had more patience and reason to settle their emotions. Skyrim, apparently, is a whole different story :shakehead:
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Nicole M
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 pm

I didn't play Oblivion on release but I can imagine it was just as bad, I haven't had that many bugs. Just a few freezes and getting stuck on somethings but that's it.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 pm

Skyrim is fine for the most part. There's just a really REALLY small minority that is having game breaking bugs.. and most of them are just trolling. The legit are few and far between.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:16 pm

Same as every TES game. Buggy on release. Will be patched eventually to playability, and modded to awesomeness.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 am

We probably won't get another patch for at least a month, and there's no way to revert back to 1.1.

I'm pretty sure there will be a hot fix to take care of the broken magic resistances. And it won't take a month. They have already put out two patches in what two and a half weeks?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:23 am

We probably won't get another patch for at least a month, and there's no way to revert back to 1.1.

Its not going to be a month. Not with this much emotional discharge from the fans. Chances are they'll release a quick fix within several days, then another patch in a couple weeks.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:25 pm

I got both Oblivion and Skyrim right after their respective releases. Both were pretty stable for me.

Skyrim probably slightly more stable. Because Oblivion had a nasty way of crashing when I entered cells (usually going in and out of doors), I think that had to do with the graphics card I had at the time.

But compared with other games (Fallout New Vegas comes to mind) both Oblivion and Skyrim have been stable.

Caveat: I have not installed the controversial 1.2 patch yet. I'm running Steam offline on a computer not on the Internet, and so I have the ability to defer.
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