Um, I think you just run it, if it's an autopatcher. You might have to point it at your Oblivion install or something. Read the readme if it comes with one.
Also, the OGE stuff isn't easy to use. It's probably some of the hardest Oblivion mod stuff to use, to be honest, and it seems like very few people can actually get it to work, not to mention I'm rubbish at giving support for it. If you're not much into stuff as you say, you may want to reconsider trying to use SSAO. If not, then at least you've been warned that it's tricky. :shrug:
the autopatcher simply doesnt include an exe file. it includes some c++ source and vc+ project files..
i actually managed to install OBGE, OSE OBSE and if i start the game using the obse_loader it looks like the ssao is working. but only the ssao in a red/black spectrum. before i changed the shaderlist.txt it was even in a grey scale, which if multiplied to the original image would actually do what i am looking for.
sadly the item OBGEv2 Support doesnt show up.. dont have a clue, why
atm. i am just googling around.
edit: somehow got it to work, that the item is there. now i need to get the idea why the screen is looking so strange

thanks for all the input so far...