First off, it should be said that i understand the AI in this game has various flaws. I believe we've all experienced Piper's "Are you crazy?" refusal to obey our command of moving 5 feet for no apparent reason. Or the occasional glitch where your companion can't detect an enemy less that 3 meters away. These are issues that i am putting faith into Bethesda to fix; I get that. However, on the PS4, these hiccups are so occasional and ephemeral that they in no way break the game or deduct points off the final rating i address to it. I do believe Bethesda is working on the problems as we speak. In short, I understand the AI has flaws, but the idea of this thread is to highlight the positives.
Understand that these details come directly from my observations, which may differ from yours, as these are opinions based off things that actually occurred in-game for me. The AI will not be perfect, I still feel we are a few console generations away from the AI we are all dreaming of, but view FO4's AI realistically, considering how far games have evolved since we originally experienced pure bliss from everything in every game from our childhoods and our standards weren't so snobbishly high.
My Observations on why the AI is good.
In my close to 200+ hours of Fallout4 I have come to appreciate the AI in other ways than how it relates strictly to combat. I will detail both, but I find it important to appreciate the AI for other reasons than how they preform in combat. For instance:
Companion AI
- The fact that NPC's who inhabit your settlements are programmed well enough to make their way in and out of the structures you design in Workshop mode. In games of past I could only dream that NPC's would scale my 5 story fortress at Sunshine Tidings as randomly and dynamically as they do in FO4. I figured since it wasn't part of the original game, the structures would look cool, but no NPC would ever actually have the code to enter the player created homes which are sporadically constructed; maybe the easy ground level ones, but not the huge towers, ect... I approached FO4 with the same mindset, so I was pleasantly surprised when I came back to the Red Rocket settlement to find several settlers had ascended my man made staircase and were sleeping in the fort I built atop the gas station. And that I can totally alter the fort and they would still find their way to a bed or chair even as I am altering things. This is definitely a step in the right direction.
- I've noticed Piper occasionally engage other NPC's in dialogue, seemingly at random. For example, while at The 3rd Rail in Goodneighbor, Piper started interviewing a patron for one of her articles in Publick Occurences. This has happened before, though I don't remember where so i cannot place a finger on weather these are scripted for certain NPC's or it is a random variable, but I definitely helps add to the immersion of the game.
- Speaking of Companions interacting with the environment, it's awesome to see Companions take a seat on the other side of the room and grab a drink or start tinkering with something, completely independent from the player's reasons for entering the room. Helps add a little realism and again, while not perfect, is a step in the right direction.
- That Companions and NPC's comment on what you are doing, "What are you building" or "hey you look bogged down let me carry something. I tell ya, its all the little things that add up!
- Companions keep their voice down while you are (attempting to, which is frequently my case) sneak.
- Companions have a lot of lines and they say stuff often enough for you to grow attached. Can't tell you how many games I forgot I even had followers because they hardly comment on anything if at all, and if they do its the same thing over and over.
Enemy AI
- Enemies are not perfect either, but it is refreshing to see them quickly move from cover to cover, use diversion tactics, and (attempt) to flank Dogmeat and I. And the fact that the AI performs this way often enough to keep me on my toes provides that much needed challenge.
- Here's a situation: Alpha Deathclaw takes 12 shotgun shells to the face, falls below 50% then runs off to hide. You follow, and just as you round the corner, BAM there he is right there in your face, and terrifyingly closer than you had originally thought. Same goes for environmental exploits used to keep pesky enemies at bay. They will run off, far away often times, and try to find another route of attack.
- Did that Raider just shoot a car behind be to cause an explosion? I couldnt even pay attention to the potential bomb i'm using for cover with all the bullets flying over my head. Urrg I just lost 15 minutes of playtime but it is a smart move for the AI, and keeps me aware of my environment.
- Enemies will run off, hide behind the next wave of enemies, and heal themselves when at 25%-30% health. Enemies in other games often do this, though not with the frequency as I have observed in FO4. In other games, the 'flight' mechanisms or the 'heal' mechanisms are either reserved for certain important enemies or used only by high level enemies, respectively. In FO4, almost all forms of enemy save for the 'rush' enemies will apply this tactic.
- I have heard male Raiders yell "You killed her!" after I've mowed down a female counterpart in a Jet fueled slaughter spree. Its a small touch, but life is made up of the little things.
So there you have it, a few of the more notable observations of why I appreciate the AI in this game. I am sure there are a few pointers I missed, which will be addressed later when I encounter them. For anyone else, please feel free to add the positive things you've noticed with the AI. This game is not perfect, but since we all love it, lets focus on the good qualities this title possesses.