I find the Dwemer fascinating. However, I don't want them to return, ever. Partly because that would make them less mysterious, and partly because the Dwemer were horrible people. Just look what they did to the Falmer! I am considering playing a character who is obsessed with the Dwemer at some point, either in Skyrim or Morrowind. Exploring Dwemer ruins is always fun (but can also be stressful, due to the risk of death).
Well, the statues/images of dwemer (and dwemer ghosts) encountered in-game have beards, and I assume their accent would be similar to that of the Dunmer, as they are from the same region. Also, they weren't any smaller than the other elves. The name "Dwarves" was given to them by the giants of Skyrim, because elves are shorter than giants.
I'm also obsessed with the Dwemer. I made a character once that was Kagrenac himself and came to clear out all the Dwemer ruins. Honestly it was quite boring. Going to Dwemer ruin after Dwemer ruin.
Nope. I use an Altmer.
I don't like downloading race mods.
Umm... http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:TR-creature-Radac_Stungnthumz.jpg and according to all indications, they were of normal height. Not sure about their accent though
Bringing the Dwemer back would definitely ruin the mystique.
http://images.uesp.net/4/43/MW-art-Dwemer-Concept.jpg sure did. And if you really wanna know what ancient civilization they were designed after it's the http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/Marduk-apla-iddina_II.jpg. It's a complete rip-off; in a good way though.
Oh, and look, https://38.media.tumblr.com/895ad0a410ea1d9a0d998990c77d6554/tumblr_myqz0rd7Jp1ql5d2uo1_1280.jpg!!!11
SPOILER Gelebor SPOILER is easily the coolest character in the entire game imo. I'd clone him and put him as the jarl of every chief town if I could.
The Dwemer, or Deep Elves, are debated frequently. Some think that they were simply called Dwarves by the giants (for obvious reasons); I've heard that they were simply the size of men, similar to a Breton, though obviously only comparable in height and nothing else. I can't remember where I heard this and therefore can't post any links but I'm sure you'd be able to find it on the UESP.
Yeah I just found it on uesp.net:
It's speculated that the moniker "dwarf" may have been given long ago by the giants of the Velothi Mountains, who would have perceived them to be unusually small and thus deemed them to be "Dwarves".
The Dwemer were Our Little Cousins before the Night of Tears. The Imperial and Elven "Researchers" have misinterpreted Our History before, and after Saarthal We even chose to disavow Kinship to any Elves.<--- Headcannon.
Dwemer were of the same hieght as Imperials and Chimer, the Ridiculous Idea that they were as short as a Breton or Bosmer is a Falacy.
Dwemer had well kept Beards on Thier Men. The Dwemer did not view "being" in the same way Men and Mer currently do. Thier World View led to Thier Necromancy of Our God Shor, and The Dwemer were cast from existence.
Some say the Dwemer ceased to Be, but Yagrum is proof of this being wrong. Some Others say the Dwemer await Judgement, while Others say The Dwemer are trapped trying to get to the Beginning of Everything.
Considering what happened with the Dwemer, bringing them back would make the Warp of the West look like a picnic.
I think giving us an answer would take out the fun of the mystery with the Dwemer. Debating on whether they're in their own heaven or simply gone forever is what's most interesting.