[Insert bashing of Obsidian here].
Please go troll somewhere else about the bugs, please...we already know about the....the industry didn't put a gun to your head to buy it. It was your choice to get it. If you're that displeased and upset, then, sorry? It seems most people here love the game. Obsidian had to work with, what I consider, a quite...what's the word...unique...engine. If you absolutely had to gripe and insult something, look at the Gamebyro engine, not Obsidian. Obsidian should be thanked for at least keeping the atmosphere and overall mood and humor of what a Fallout game, in my opinion, should be.
Personally, I loved Fallout 3 too, but not before Fallout 1 and 2 and now...New Vegas, if I so had to choose if someone put a gun up to my own head. But since they're not, I love them all. Fallout 3, to me, was a Fallout game in its own right, but to me didn't provide as much of a feel for it as Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas has. Granted, I found it was an interesting way to present what would happen in a place like D.C., but I feel out west is what brings out the true Fallout feel. Obsidian did a great job.
People here, including you, of course have a right to bash Obsidian, but it's quite melodramatic because of the scope of what you're saying. They're thieves? Sure, just as much as EA or Lucas Arts, Microsoft, Sony, and every other single company in the gaming industry. Tax creditors, the grocery store you go to, the bank, every time you go to fill up gas, the pharmacy; they're just as much as 'thieves' as Obsidian and they're not even directly related to the gaming industry. How about the movie theater? "My god, this movie was horrible! It was confusing, the dialogue svcked, and the plot was full of loopholes! Don't watch this movie people! Don't spend your money at this theater, these people are thieves!" to which most people would react by saying, "Lolwut?" as you storm out the door. I'm afraid what would happen if you got stuck in heavy traffic on the freeway.
Seriously, no one can be pleased these days. One tiny thing out of line and everything goes to complete chaos. It's, in my opinion, quite annoying. Listen, I don't mean to sound insulting towards you, but I, just like many others here, are tired of hearing senseless bashing on companies because of one or two things...or many small things that displeases someone so much they want to vomit. As people said, it's a big game, it's BOUND to have bugs somewhere along the lines. And no game is completely bug free, despite what game it is, especially in this case because it covers a large area and there's many different buildings, items, NPC's, quests...something's bound to be awkward there. Can't count the number of times where I see a brahmin trying to catch up with the rest of the caravan but was stuck in a rock for a little bit before finally getting on course, but NPC's have never been all that bright overall in...well, many different games. The perfect AI, in my opinion, would probably turn into freakin' Skynet if we go too far. I even spotted some typos in the first two Fallouts, but I didn't go insane over them, even if I am a grammar Nazi....and typos are really the least of anyone's worries...typos, like bugs, also happen.
To sum it all up, don't blame Obsidian. They had to work with a difficult engine which technically started with Dark Age of Camelot, believe it or not (But it's more known for Oblivion. I have Oblivion as well, yes...the bugs in there are obvious too, but I rarely complain about them...). Be at least somewhat happy they brought back many classic things. I'm just drooling over my Vault 13 items. And besides, the game just freaking released, of course there will be many bugs still roaming around somewhere....but through patches, and in some cases, unofficial patches, will become less and less apparent and overwhelming. So far the 'worst' thing I've seen is a brahmin trying to kiss a rock somewhere near Novac. All I did was laugh, but I didn't rage and say, "I want my money back, this company is full of thieves." One or two bugs, or heaven forbid...five of them....and "Oh lord, the world is ending! Save yourselves from this torture! This ruining of a great franchise!" As Elrundir said, melodramatic indeed. I agree there. Just a few bugs and it's the end of the world because the thieves stole your money....
As for KotOR 2, I for one, loved it. And while I did beat it and it did look to be unfinished, it's understandable, they were rushed to get that thing out the door. That didn't take away my fun with it. In-fact, many people still loved it. If people here love Obsidian's products, then Obsidian has done their job. I don't think Obsidian will give up or crumble because of complaints of a few people. As my history and government teacher once said, the minority, is usually, always screwed.
*sigh* Rant over. Had to get that off of my chest. If it seems really personal, I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to convey a point to overall senseless bashing. It's almost as bad as if a sandwich doesn't taste quite the same because one tiny thing was missing, but will get fixed later on down the road because you figure it was just a certain type of meat you forgot to slap on into it and then it'll taste better. God, now I'm hungry.
When were the good old days? I've been playing games since the early 90s. They were largely broken on release then as well. And if they were broken, you had to deal with them being broken; NO PATCHES FOR YOU. It wasn't until the late 90s that we got broken games which would then be fixed, courtesy of the Intertubs.
Anyone who comments on the, "good old days," needs to take their beer goggles off for a while

Indeed. However for me, 'broken' games usually means someone accidentally threw the cartridges and the discs against the wall. I suppose I was lucky as far as bugs went regarding the early 90's, or I just didn't catch them since I was little and all. I only got annoyed because I couldn't complete a level in a game because I wasn't fast enough, I didn't time my jumps right, my turn-based tactics usually turned back against me, so I'd like to think the actual games weren't at fault, at least from what I've encountered. I rarely played PC games back in the early 90's because I was stuck to my NES and my Genesis....and then eventually PSX, N64, PS2, and finally, X-box,,,,, but the PC games I did play rarely had any issues either. I don't remember the year I played Fallout unfortunately, but I know I'd have had to have played it once, because New Vegas has brought back many nostalgic moments.
Sorry for my book of a post, people....I'm a writer at heart. lol