Honestly i think there should be away to recharge the energy cells by going to a location like Helios, the solar array at Nellis, Hoover Dam, or a few other locations where there is a large amount of electricity.
Why, is there something wrong with the current system where you only need a workbench? :blink:
Just like i have to go to a bench to reload my brass, if you could recharge your cells by plugging them into a bench type item this would fix alot of the cost involved with energy weapons.
do recharge my saved spent energy cells at a workbench. It works almost exactly like reloading brass at a reloading bench in-game, except all you need is science skill and spent cells. There's even a perk for it, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vigilant_Recycler, which works exactly like http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hand_Loader does for guns users.
Further, with regard to all this "cost per shot" malarkey, it's cheaper than reloading brass: no extra costs for powder, primers, or bullets. Take spent cells to workbench, no extra parts needed, recharge at
zero cost or component requirements.