Obsidian should handle fallout from now on

Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:56 am

lol that was good.But to Boradam did I ever say that Fallout 3 was better then any other Fallout game no. And did I ever say anything about how much they sold no. Please don't twist my words, I really don't have any problems with any of the fallout games the more Fallout the better.

Other people did.
I usually quote people and then talk about something else that someone else posted before.
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Da Missz
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:44 am

Like he said, "no", but a lot of people do seem to believe this, and it was a common argument that Fallout 3 done more like a 3D Fallout 2 would not have sold as many copies, and that was plenty of proof for them that sales == quality (despite the counter argument [to the effect] that McDonald's food out sells every gourmet restaurant combined).

The argument, at least from the likes of me, was that a 3D ISO, FO2 style game would not have sold enough copies in this market for a AAA developer to even consider it. "Quality", whatever that means, had little to do with the argument, except when you guys brought it up, usually in negative terms towards FO3 FP format.

Note, that I understand that FO:NV sold (sells) more copies then FO3 already, and from my point of view, FO:NV is not a better game.
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:25 pm

I think you're overpraising this game.

I don't.

Obsidian did better on evrything but in Fallout 3 when you completed a quest you seen results not just at a end cutscene.

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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:50 pm

I like that I can go much longer without crashing in FNV and I have not yet had one hard freeze that required my hitting the reset button.

I also like it that the Obsidian programmer have resisted the urge to make the game impossibly hard to please those hardcoe gamers with extraordinary skills. The majority of players, like myself, need it easier. The inclusion of the hardcoe mode was a good idea to partially satisfy the hardcoe gamer. Perhaps someone could now make a mod where there is only one gun, ten bullets and only cazadores to eat. These super gamers could then be ecstatic.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:07 am

Its all opinon really, its our opinion which decides what defines a fallout game, which is to say that there are so many ways to describe what a "fallout" game is that there is no definition for it.

I like New Vegas, but I like Fallout 3 more, I can't explain it. Some would say that logic dictates that I should like New Vegas more, but I don't, and probably never will. New Vegas is just second place in my opinion. I judge Fallout 3 on its own merits as a game and I find its merits to be more than great.

I liked the originals, sure. Did I like them as much as Fallout 3 or even New Vegas? Nope. They were fun in some ways but just didn't grab my attention really and occasionally I found myself forcing myself to play them (not that a statement like that makes any sense). I respect them for being the "orginators" of the series though and laying the foundations of the lore, but I'd rather read a story about their plots, not play them.

I don't necessarily believe that Obsidian is incapable of making a game that I love as much as Fallout 3 (New Vegas comes very close) its just that I feel Bethesda can give me a better game more so than Obsidian can, and thats just my opinon and I respect others who differ from it.

I also like it that the Obsidian programmer have resisted the urge to make the game impossibly hard to please those hardcoe gamers with extraordinary skills.

I agree, I never quite understood the urge for game programmers to occasionally make things so difficult that it becomes frustrating, or when gamers say "but its tooo easy," when its really not THAT easy (im talking about games in general here). Personally I play a game to have fun and not to be frustrated or get angry. challenging? yes hardcoe HARDNESS!! no
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:04 pm

Writing and story were excellent in New Vegas. Drunken monkeys could have implemented it better, I have never played a game so bugged.

Involved, yes. In charge and responsible for quality control? Not on your life.

Uh......you DO know who did the Q & A for FONV don't you?
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Symone Velez
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:10 pm

Uh......you DO know who did the Q & A for FONV don't you?

:wavey: *raisehandandflapitaround* OH OH, I DO!

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Amy Melissa
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:55 am

Sadly I agree with lt. Andronicus. I don't know why new Vegas doesn't hold my attention as much as fo3 did, I think they are both great games but if skyrim came out today I would probably not touch fnv again and I hate saying that but it's true for me at least.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:46 pm

If they don't collaborate on the next FO...which I hope they do. Bethesda needs to take some pointers from NV like the quest writing, and multiple roads to take not only for the main quest but the side quests, more followers that are colorful characters, and the crafting system. I feel that the ultimate FO would be a hybrid of both games :nod:

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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:33 pm

The argument, at least from the likes of me, was that a 3D ISO, FO2 style game would not have sold enough copies in this market for a AAA developer to even consider it. "Quality", whatever that means, had little to do with the argument, except when you guys brought it up, usually in negative terms towards FO3 FP format.

Note, that I understand that FO:NV sold (sells) more copies then FO3 already, and from my point of view, FO:NV is not a better game.

I can accept that opinion though don't share it. Question is... content aside, what makes Fallout 3 a better game than Fallout NV?
(and if its only the content that fails you... How is it that game related? .... Consider that Chess is a game with no content, and a movie is content with no game).
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:25 pm

no no no no no no no no no no no, No No No No No No No, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:29 pm

no no no no no no no no no no no, No No No No No No No, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!

Why? They did everything important better than Bethesda Game Studios.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:55 pm

If they don't collaborate on the next FO...which I hope they do. Bethesda needs to take some pointers from NV like the quest writing, and multiple roads to take not only for the main quest but the side quests, more followers that are colorful characters, and the crafting system. I feel that the ultimate FO would be a hybrid of both games :nod:


I agree with the followers but the characters weren't much more"colorful", the crafting and moding systems need TONS of work (in NV it's a small step up from not having them at all), there should be more ways to go through a quest (atleast four), and you really want four or five really good quests to be over shadowed by the dozens upon dozens of sh*tty courier quests? But I somewhat agree... They should factor in things from NV to help them with F4 (just not that much).

Just remember Bethesda, we're past the 200 year mark of post-apocalyptia so it can't all look like F3 did...

I'd really like to see snow (as a random side note)
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:12 pm

I'd really like to see snow (as a random side note)

We should have the next game in alaska with post nuclear moose and sarah palin behemoths and polar bears that come from the ground and mutant manfish with snowflakes being so damn epic that they learned how to be samurai ninja turtles and frosty the snowman that would always say "HAPPEE BIRFDAAAAAAAAAAI" and [censored].
But seriously, alaska would be great.
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sally R
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:08 pm

I agree with the followers but the characters weren't much more"colorful", the crafting and moding systems need TONS of work (in NV it's a small step up from not having them at all), there should be more ways to go through a quest (atleast four), and you really want four or five really good quests to be over shadowed by the dozens upon dozens of sh*tty courier quests? But I somewhat agree... They should factor in things from NV to help them with F4 (just not that much).

I completely forgot how, in FO3, characters had next to no background, there was no crafting, there were two (GODLY GOOD or SATANIC EVUL) options for almost every quest, and quests that had no effect and made no difference anywhere else in the wastes, and NV having doing all of this better was such a mistake.
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:12 pm

Alright... I'd like to see a http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gehenna in the Alaskan tundra, covered in snow, dressed like a radioactive snowman in a beat up top hat.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:33 pm

I agree with the followers but the characters weren't much more"colorful", the crafting and moding systems need TONS of work (in NV it's a small step up from not having them at all), there should be more ways to go through a quest (atleast four), and you really want four or five really good quests to be over shadowed by the dozens upon dozens of sh*tty courier quests? But I somewhat agree... They should factor in things from NV to help them with F4 (just not that much).

Just remember Bethesda, we're past the 200 year mark of post-apocalyptia so it can't all look like F3 did...

I'd really like to see snow (as a random side note)

Erm, I dont see couriers in real life doing what The Courier in NV do, so, I for me the quest was good, Real Couriers dont go to a vault filled with plantmonsters and Giant Mantis just for retrieve some stuff
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:39 pm

I had an idea for Fallout: Alaska...

There are still troops there from (the real, in game) Operation: Anchorage... They turned into ghouls and attack all of the robots (still stationed there) that have gone crazy... But there is very few of them left and they're quickly becoming overwhelmed by the robots, partialy because of a factory that's still building them, a group called the Anchors are constantly scavenging for scrap metal and bringing it back to their factories... Since then there has been a group of seven of the troops that headed south (although still within the map) and became famous mercenaries...
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u gone see
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:19 pm

I had an idea for Fallout: Alaska...

There are still troops there from (the real, in game) Operation: Anchorage... They turned into ghouls and attack all of the robots (still stationed there) that have gone crazy... But there is very few of them left and they're quickly becoming overwhelmed by the robots, partialy because of a factory that's still building them, a group called the Anchors are constantly scavenging for scrap metal and bringing it back to their factories... Since then there has been a group of seven of the troops that headed south (although still within the map) and became famous mercenaries...
That is an awesome idea. Ghoul snipers in parkas on the cliff tops; and with a live open reactor core (from a Sub) in a cave to keep warm (or have it be the "beached" sub itself stuck in the ice or on land cast ashore by a wave).

Reminds me of the stories about past war troops stranded in the islands, not realizing the war was over decades before.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:03 pm

I'd love a Fallout set in Alaska, it would be a welcome change from the desert setting, I'd LOVE IT LIKE IT WAS MY OWN!! and technically it would be since I will have bought it....
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:39 pm

I'm apathetic as to where the next Fallout is going to be. If Obsidian could do a side series involving the NCR and its expansion, that would be awesome, but I guess it just won't happen. Like it or not (I loath it) Bethesda owns Fallout, and sadly... They're calling the shots.
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James Potter
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:55 pm

Patrolling the Mojave make you wish for a Nuclear Winter, for sure

Obsidian and Bethesda SHOULD handle Fallout from now on
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Elle H
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:00 am

Obsidian and Bethesda SHOULD handle Fallout from now on

Would be nice :foodndrink:
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:43 pm

I love the expanded content of NV. I just wish that doing some tasks before other tasks (there is no printed schedule of required events after all) would not cause the quest to derail. Other than that, NV is loaded with stuff and is more stable. Speaking of stability, never had once crash in Unreal 3 so it is possible to achieve this in a game.

I like to think of Fallout 3 and NV as being first person shooters with frills. They are my favorite shooters. Those of you used to Elf Lords probably see other role playing elements as important.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:13 pm

I agree with the followers but the characters weren't much more"colorful", the crafting and moding systems need TONS of work (in NV it's a small step up from not having them at all), there should be more ways to go through a quest (atleast four), and you really want four or five really good quests to be over shadowed by the dozens upon dozens of sh*tty courier quests? But I somewhat agree... They should factor in things from NV to help them with F4 (just not that much).

Just remember Bethesda, we're past the 200 year mark of post-apocalyptia so it can't all look like F3 did...

I'd really like to see snow (as a random side note)

The characters were way more "colorful" than FO3 in the sense you could have more than a couple line conversation with them and not only that NV followers had small quests, the companion wheel was a good addition as well...perfect, no they could be expanded. When comparing the crafting systems FO3 almost seems nonexistent as compared to NV...again perfect, no. The same goes for the quests, NV quests do have more ways to complete them than FO3 just look in a game guide I splurged and got the CE for both the game and guide, I have only peeked at the guide as not to ruin to much since I'm only on my second play through, but I usually find a different way to go about things in the quest flow charts.

I read yesterday there is a way to take out the Van Graff's without really doing anything.

Yes there were some quests that weren't so good :meh: , I think that was due to Obsidian having limited development time, some parts of the game do feel rushed....I believe given another 6-12 months Obsidian would of hit it out of the park.

That's just my lousy .02 caps for what it's worth :shrug:

IMO FO3 and FONV are BOTH great for different reasons I :wub: them both and will continue to play both :yes:
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