OK first off this is in no way a bashing of Bethesda. Their games are awesome, but I have an idea.
I think Obsidian should make the DLC for Skyrim. Bethesda makes great games but horrible DLC. Just take Oblivion and Morrowind for example, I mean horse armor, an island where you mindlessly fight a thousand skeletons and nothing else, and random player houses. I would say Bethesda does not know how to make proper DLC. Obsidian on the other hand (based on NV) makes epic DLC that fits in great with the game and each one has an intriguing story line. I did not mind the Morrowind DLC because it was all free but the DLC for Oblivion was a joke, I mean come on, charging us money for something that they literally spent 15mins on goofing around in the Construction set. I think Obsidian makes much for fair DLC as far as price to content goes. And they are some of the greatest writers in the video game industry. Who else agree that the DLC should be outsourced to Obsidian?
Morrowind DLC was pretty good stuff, and free. So bashing it seems a bit silly. Firemoth was one of the better ones, hoarde of skeletons and all.
Oblivion DLC was dirt cheap for the little stuff. None of them sold for more than $3 at the time. Sure, Horse Armor was a major joke. Bethesda themselves has admitted as much and it's been quite the running gag. That said, there were good ones too like Mehrune's Razor and Battlehorn Castle. Then of course you have Knights of the Nine, and the granddaddy of them all, Shivering Isles. I guarantee you the only thing that was a 15 minute hackjob in the CS was Horse Armor.
You also seem to have left out the stuff from Fallout 3, which was arguably much better.
Considering I personally don't care much for Obsidian (NWN2, the travesty can never be forgiven) I don't want them coming anywhere near Skyrim. They were one factor in why I didn't touch F:NV (Steam being another). As far as I'm concerned that company has zero redeeming qualities. They're on my no-buy list.