Obsidian should make the Skyrim DLC.

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:48 pm

I don't care.
As long as there is somekind of NPC that is equally awesome to.... CHEESE! :whistling:

So probably Bethesda then.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:27 am

OK first off this is in no way a bashing of Bethesda. Their games are awesome, but I have an idea.
I think Obsidian should make the DLC for Skyrim. Bethesda makes great games but horrible DLC. Just take Oblivion and Morrowind for example, I mean horse armor, an island where you mindlessly fight a thousand skeletons and nothing else, and random player houses. I would say Bethesda does not know how to make proper DLC. Obsidian on the other hand (based on NV) makes epic DLC that fits in great with the game and each one has an intriguing story line. I did not mind the Morrowind DLC because it was all free but the DLC for Oblivion was a joke, I mean come on, charging us money for something that they literally spent 15mins on goofing around in the Construction set. I think Obsidian makes much for fair DLC as far as price to content goes. And they are some of the greatest writers in the video game industry. Who else agree that the DLC should be outsourced to Obsidian?

Morrowind DLC was pretty good stuff, and free. So bashing it seems a bit silly. Firemoth was one of the better ones, hoarde of skeletons and all.

Oblivion DLC was dirt cheap for the little stuff. None of them sold for more than $3 at the time. Sure, Horse Armor was a major joke. Bethesda themselves has admitted as much and it's been quite the running gag. That said, there were good ones too like Mehrune's Razor and Battlehorn Castle. Then of course you have Knights of the Nine, and the granddaddy of them all, Shivering Isles. I guarantee you the only thing that was a 15 minute hackjob in the CS was Horse Armor.

You also seem to have left out the stuff from Fallout 3, which was arguably much better.

Considering I personally don't care much for Obsidian (NWN2, the travesty can never be forgiven) I don't want them coming anywhere near Skyrim. They were one factor in why I didn't touch F:NV (Steam being another). As far as I'm concerned that company has zero redeeming qualities. They're on my no-buy list.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:46 pm

How so? A romp through an alien ship with no actual plot to speak of? A boring anchorage simulation?

Perhaps the Pitt and Point Lookout were on par, but the rest were just garbage.

Mothership Zeta was just bad IMO, and while Operation Ancorage was fun, it was a bit single focused.
The Pitt and Point Lookout on the other hand is better than any of the NV DLCs IMO. Broken Steel is the biggest reason I think the FO3 DLC is better, allowing you not only to continue after the MQ, but also make some pretty cool changes to the world. All of the NV DLC is just "go-here-and-do-this-without-any-effect-on-the-main-story".
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:39 am

Basically, no. Obsidian's DLC track record has been miserable - out of four released, one is kinda decent (Old World Blues), and the other three are extremely rubbish. Bethesda, meanwhile, has given Knights of the Nine - content-wise, about on par with most F:NV DLCs, and that little tiny thing known as SHIVERING ISLES, damnit.
Another problem is that Obsidian CANNOT do an open-world design for their life. The New Vegas main game? Hello, friendly invisible walls and monster-placement railroading to southward! The DLCs? Hello, isolated one-off areas that don't integrate in the main world one bit and only serve as overpowered item-generators!

So that's that. Obsidian may have some better main quest designers (which we don't know how Skyrim's is going to be), but they re pretty much pants at TRUE open-world design and integration. Not to mention absolute lack of testing and bug-catching.

This. Obsidian has no experience with open world games, and I don't think they really care for them either, which is why they constantly tried to force you down a specific route in New Vegas. They're much more story orientated. But I'm not really interested in a fairly lineair story driven DLC for Skyrim. I want to explore: Bethesda already did fairly lineair stuff with the FO3 DLC and I didn't like that much. Especially Zeta. But Point Lookout was pretty good.
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:55 pm

Mothership Zeta was just bad IMO, and while Operation Ancorage was fun, it was a bit single focused.
The Pitt and Point Lookout on the other hand is better than any of the NV DLCs IMO. Broken Steel is the biggest reason I think the FO3 DLC is better, allowing you not only to continue after the MQ, but also make some pretty cool changes to the world. All of the NV DLC is just "go-here-and-do-this-without-any-effect-on-the-main-story".

Lonesome road added some new locations to the main game, and I would have to disagree about the Pitt and Broken Steel. The Pitt, even long after release had nasty hiccups and framerate stuttering, along with a glitch that made part of it uncompletable if you had Point Lookout installed at the same time...the overall story and experience of it wasn't anything special either.

Broken Steel was unremarkable, incredibly short, and added the ridiculous almost perfect perk. The only good thing about it was allowing us to continue playing after the main quest, and even that can be gotten around by just avoiding its completion.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:34 pm

Keep your Obsidian out of my TES!

As others have stated, Fallout has been done by different game developers, while TES is and always will be Bethesda's project. Therefor, any DLC made for TES should be made by Bethesda and no one else.

I seem to remember that the first DLC for Oblivion (horse armor etc) were tests for Bethesda to see how well (or not XD) they were received and such. As for expansions - Bloodmoon, Tribunal, Shivering Isles - Bethesda has already proven that they make good expansion content for TES games. They were pretty darn good and seeing as they've already stated they want to do big DLC ala SI for Skyrim I really don't see why you would want someone else to make them.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:39 am

Morrowind DLC was pretty good stuff, and free. So bashing it seems a bit silly. Firemoth was one of the better ones, hoarde of skeletons and all.

When was Morrowind expansions ever FREE???? :shrug: Unless you got them somehow illegally.............. :ermm:
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:42 pm

How about Obsidan starts making their own damn rpg series?

They tried that. It was called Alpha Protocol. And just like all the other stuff they make, it had a great concept, a great story, but the gameplay was stiff, the game itself was bug ridden, and it didn't sell well. After that, they went on to make Dungeon Siege 3.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:26 pm

OK first off this is in no way a bashing of Bethesda. Their games are awesome, but I have an idea.
I think Obsidian should make the DLC for Skyrim. Bethesda makes great games but horrible DLC. Just take Oblivion and Morrowind for example, I mean horse armor, an island where you mindlessly fight a thousand skeletons and nothing else, and random player houses. I would say Bethesda does not know how to make proper DLC. Obsidian on the other hand (based on NV) makes epic DLC that fits in great with the game and each one has an intriguing story line. I did not mind the Morrowind DLC because it was all free but the DLC for Oblivion was a joke, I mean come on, charging us money for something that they literally spent 15mins on goofing around in the Construction set. I think Obsidian makes much for fair DLC as far as price to content goes. And they are some of the greatest writers in the video game industry. Who else agree that the DLC should be outsourced to Obsidian?

Alright, I loved Obsidian's dlc for New Vegas, but honestly... Bethesda all the way.

You seem to forget that the majority of the 'crappier' dlc for Oblivion came out before the good ones. Not to mention, Bethesda was still one of the first to really pioneer console dlc.
Knights of the Nine was short, simple and sweet. Shivering Isles was just... great. Still one of the best dlc I've seen on a console.

And what's more, you can't forget that Bethesda also were the ones to put out Tribunal and Bloodmoon.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:18 pm

OK first off this is in no way a bashing of Bethesda. Their games are awesome, but I have an idea.
I think Obsidian should make the DLC for Skyrim. Bethesda makes great games but horrible DLC. Just take Oblivion and Morrowind for example, I mean horse armor, an island where you mindlessly fight a thousand skeletons and nothing else, and random player houses. I would say Bethesda does not know how to make proper DLC. Obsidian on the other hand (based on NV) makes epic DLC that fits in great with the game and each one has an intriguing story line. I did not mind the Morrowind DLC because it was all free but the DLC for Oblivion was a joke, I mean come on, charging us money for something that they literally spent 15mins on goofing around in the Construction set. I think Obsidian makes much for fair DLC as far as price to content goes. And they are some of the greatest writers in the video game industry. Who else agree that the DLC should be outsourced to Obsidian?

i think you're mentally challenged. . .
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:30 am

When was Morrowind expansions ever FREE???? :shrug: Unless you got them somehow illegally.............. :ermm:

The expansions weren't free, but Bethesda made a few free plugins as well. Mostly to show people what you can do with the CS I suppose. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Siege_at_Firemoth was one of them, a small quest involving a siege on an Imperial fort filled with skeletons, and one really nasty lich.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:05 pm

Is this even a legitimate topic, Beth obviously.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:19 pm

Morrowind DLC was pretty good stuff, and free. So bashing it seems a bit silly. Firemoth was one of the better ones, hoarde of skeletons and all.

Oblivion DLC was dirt cheap for the little stuff. None of them sold for more than $3 at the time. Sure, Horse Armor was a major joke. Bethesda themselves has admitted as much and it's been quite the running gag. That said, there were good ones too like Mehrune's Razor and Battlehorn Castle. Then of course you have Knights of the Nine, and the granddaddy of them all, Shivering Isles. I guarantee you the only thing that was a 15 minute hackjob in the CS was Horse Armor.

You also seem to have left out the stuff from Fallout 3, which was arguably much better.

Considering I personally don't care much for Obsidian (NWN2, the travesty can never be forgiven) I don't want them coming anywhere near Skyrim. They were one factor in why I didn't touch F:NV (Steam being another). As far as I'm concerned that company has zero redeeming qualities. They're on my no-buy list.

While I agree with you, I don't think Battlehorn Castle was very good, the only reason I got it was because it was free when it first came out. It had loads of copy-pasted dialogue from other parts of the game (which a modder could have eaily done), the only real reason to get it was the cool looking sword in the grotto.

They tried that. It was called Alpha Protocol. And just like all the other stuff they make, it had a great concept, a great story, but the gameplay was stiff, the game itself was bug ridden, and it didn't sell well. After that, they went on to make Dungeon Siege 3.

Also This ^^
While I personally enjoyed Alpha Protocol, the game was a mess.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:42 am

I thought new vegas was pretty awful. Great attention to detail, not much meat. Yeah, I have thirty kinds of ammo for my pistol, but it all felt so linear. I felt like I was being herded down a path, and there wasn't as much to explore off the beaten path as there was in fallout 3. I don't want obsidian touching TES at all.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:15 pm

All hail the expansion packs, screw the DLCs!!! :toughninja:

And made by Bethesda, 4 sure
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:27 pm

No just no....
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:05 am

no honestly i cannot believe i bought kotor2 that literally like destroyed my hopes for obsidian, with new vegas they did good but really i was just amazed that some of there work is admitedly shotty.
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matt white
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:52 pm

It's more like this;

Bethesda = TES

Obsidian = Fallout

The reason why Obsidians DLC was better than Bethesda's for FO3 because a large portion of Obsidians staff were on the original development teams of the first two Fallouts.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:39 pm

I don't think,
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Nick Swan
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:28 pm


-Mr. Maric
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Danii Brown
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:25 pm

I don't think it would be a good idea, that a other gamestudio then the maker from the orginal games, make a expanion oder dlcs.

But a TES VI from Obsidian? I would like it. (The only studio I think that would make something great).
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:47 am

TES forums say no.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:59 pm

Sorry but that is in no way true f nv has turned me off of obsidian all together patches to fix patches so many game ending bugs and quite a few left in the game that havent been fixed yet. Honestly i have faith that beth can take care of its own dlc/expansions and if beth contracts more work to obsidian i wont touch it not gonna spend 30 hours on a character over and over and over again due to the patches to fix ghe game corrupting saves
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:45 pm

Keep obsidian out of TES

their DLC for NV was horribly boring and I found no reason to keep playing them, the story was dry, it didn't add anything interesting and they just weren't worth the money

Fallout 3s DLC on the other hand was pretty good for the most part.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:05 pm

Bethesda did an amazing job with knights of the nine and shivering isles. I think the creators of a game should be able to make their own DLC...
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