that is what most people refer to when they say its missing something...
I said lacking not missing. I meant the whole game just felt like (and looked with all thos re-used assets) Fallout 3. The only thing that were new was the story and the setting really.
It felt like a big mod for Fallout 3 to me. A much more boring and lackluster Fallout 3. If you liked it then good for you, I don't determine what you think.
Back on to the DLC. Look at what they have been releasing for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. They have over-seen that DLC is split into bigger packages. There isn't going to be "Horse Armor" like
DLC anymore. This has been stated by Bethesda personally. They were experimenting with Oblivion because it was a new thing to grasp. To be honest I have seen worse DLC. In tiger woods you have the
option to buy a max stats uniform for 400 MS Points and don't forget the Gears of War 3 guns skins. What a rip!