» Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:23 pm
I think Bethesda should do it. It's their game, their franchise, their baby. That'd be like someone in Leonardo da Vinci's family changing the Mona Lisa after he released her for the world to see. Skyrim, whether it's a game or not, is a piece of art. One Bethesda has, in more then one aspect, improved from Oblivion. Graphics, NPC interaction, combat, UI etc, etc. I'm pretty sure they can 1-UP themselves in DLC too.
Shivering Isles was done extremely well. It WAS DLC. A very large one at that. Console games, or games that are on consoles and PC usually don't get the Expansion Pack if it's on a PC. Knights of the Nine was ok. The story was good-ish, but I found it was short. Around the same length of a Fallout 3 DLC.
If you're seriously comparing New Vegas to Skyrim, just leave. New Vegas STILL has bugs that can just ruin faction quests. I had the Brotherhood of Steel Companion, and she wanted to return to the BoS, and when I accepted the quest, she started acting like something was attacking us ALL THE TIME. I go to the bunker, and the entire BoS is doing the same thing. I couldn't even do the quest. It just failed when I got to the Elder. I haven't played New Vegas since, and only played Old World Blues and Dead Money. Dead Money was just bad. Old World Blues was 75% talking. 25% of that was just when you got to the bloody area and accepted the mission.
Let Bethesda finish their masterpiece however they see fit, with DLC however large they want. I hope they're about the same size as Shivering Isles, it's probably my favourite Bethesda DLC to date. Sheogorath FTW!