We don't need any more PA. The stuff we have is already powerful. I ask, of the people who want more PA: what do you want in new Power Armor? What kind of benefits are you looking for?
Some just want a special suit of the stuff,
a la the Prototype Medic Power Armor from FO3.
Others, like myself, want
Power Armor to actually live up to its name and lore. PA in FO3 and F:NV is nowhere near as strong as the first two games established it should be, which is compounded by the extreme damage values of many top-tier weapons basically punching right through as if the armor wasn't there. Of course, you really shouldn't be able to block shots from an AMR or a Gauss Rifle, so in such cases this isn't an issue. However, the leveled lists used to determine what weapons NPCs spawn with often jump from tier 3 to tier 5 when you reach the highest level threshold, which results in such weapons becoming far more prevalent than they actually should be, which in turn largely negates the point of wearing PA in the first place due to said weapons being meant to punch through heavy armor.
As a result, it's often better to wear Light Armor and fight from concealment so that said high-end weapons never actually get used on you in the first place. A large part of the problem is the all-or-nothing nature of DT: DT blocks all of the damage from an attack until you exceed the DT rating, at which point
all of the rest is applied to your HP. For example: 40 DT and a 100DAM attack, you take 60. Because the portion of damage that exceeds your DT rating is applied in full, heavy weapons essentially nullify DT because they exceed even the most you can stack by a wide margin; 40 DT might as well not be there when you're taking 140/strike from an AMR or Ballistic Fist, and even 70, which is the most you can stack in vanilla, isn't going to fare much better since you're almost always outnumbered at least 3:1 in open fights with NPCs.
Now, PA in the first two games had a 3-layer protective system. One of those layers, Armor Class, is no longer applicable due to the switch from an accuracy-centric system to a damage-centric one, while the other two, DT and DR, are present but not used together in F:NV unless you either pop a +DR chem or are wearing the Rebreather. This combination of protections is what made PA so strong, since anything that actually hit and was not blocked got (greatly) reduced in severity. I ended up adding DR to all actual Power Armor, and it made a
huge difference in how much abuse I could take while wearing some. A bit [i]too[/b] much of a difference in some cases, perhaps, due to the DR being applied before the DT. Were the order of operations reversed that would be nearly perfect, since it would allow the use of higher DR values with increased DT while not making the armor overpowered, thus allowing for more proper modeling of PA's stats. I am currently tinkering with adding Energy and Fire resists to the Object Effects applied to the various armors, although the presence of and ability to create Atomic Cocktails is complicating matters.