Ok Obsidian. Do the RIGHT thing for Lonesome Road

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:23 am

Old World Blues was actually well done. I will highlight the following positives:

* Needed difficulty was FINALLY addressed in full. I actually had to restart the DLC because I literally ran out of ammo with all the enemy spawns all over the place.
* The fact I needed to REPAIR my Remnants Armor for the first time in over 60hrs made me very happy.
* Lots of cool weapons I could give 2 ***** about but good for energy weapon users or melee/unarmed users.
* Big expansive world. Lots to explore.
* A Safehouse worth going to but you guys messed up in regards to companions still not coming with you even after OWB is completed.

Ok those were a couple positives I liked about the OWB DLC but I still feel something more is lacking. I would deeply appreciate if you did the following for the "supposed" final DLC (Lonesome Road).

* Give us a FREAKING new Grenade Rifle/Launcher... Actually... Grenade ANYTHING I really don't care. GIVE US SOMETHING NEW! Any new form of explosive weaponry Jesus Christ. I feel people like us who made explosive characters are getting the SHORT END OF THE STICK!
* Give us a FREAKING new Shotgun already. This is like a NO-BRAINER! 3 DLCs now and not a single new Shotgun to replace my Riot Shotty with? And may I suggest the Double Barrell Shotgun in Point Lookout? And may I also suggest it gets named after me for suggesting it? I'd prefer if you called the UNIQUE Double Barrell Shotgun "The Twigster" or simply "TWIG007" [Capital " I " with the "zeros"].
* Bring about NEW ENEMY SPAWNS IN THE MOJAVE PLEASE! And not just any WALKOVER enemy. Make them a freaking challenge like the Reavers were in FO3. Or simply buff up AND increase spawn rates of the current enemies in the Mojave if necessary.

Please fulfill the above 3 tasks for Lonesome Road as a MINIMUM requirement. Not only will I be happy... nope... I am pretty sure I speak for the large majority of Gun AND Explosive build users out there. Thank you.

EDIT: Feel free to PM me for more ideas regarding updates. Together I feel we can make Lonesome Road one of the best DLCs in the Fallout market.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:06 am

i think that the
Chinese Assault rifle
Assault Rifle
Combat Shotgun
Should make it in to LR, hell i would pay just for these weapons
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:13 am

onlly thing i would really whant wepons wide rigth now is the infiltrator
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City Swagga
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:57 pm

I agree with most points, but about the safehouse, I'm happy with the sink. We all knew they wouldn't let companions interact with DLC. Veronica's dialogue about Elijah was an exception.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:25 am

I don't really agree with the belligerent tone of the OP, but I do think that having 2-3 perks exclusively for shotguns, and then not having a larger variety of shotguns available is disappointing. I love playing a shotgun spec and I would really like to see at least 1 more unique shotgun introduced in LR. I would recommend the AA-12.

I also agree about explosives. I haven't played an explosives character in FONV at all, but I remember thinking to myself in OWB "Wow, they are really neglecting Explosive users here." I did a full sweep of OWB and found like 20 missiles and not much else.

Explosive users could definitely use 1-2 more unique weapons as well.

As an energy/melee weapon user, I have to say thanks for Proton Axe and please include Proton Sword in LR!
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:27 pm

* Bring about NEW ENEMY SPAWNS IN THE MOJAVE PLEASE! And not just any WALKOVER enemy. Make them a freaking challenge like the Reavers were in FO3. Or simply buff up AND increase spawn rates of the current enemies in the Mojave if necessary

I really don't see that one happening. If there's one thing all the DLCs have had in common so far it's their near total disconnect from the main game. You put the main game on pause, run off to play their side game until completion, then return to the Mojave as if nothing had happened.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:17 pm

Explosives Players and Power Armor players are getting the short end of the stick. I miss using power armor that was completely unique and "new".

Remants Power armor is good, but not great. I thought OWB would have power armor for sure, was disappointed when there wasn't any.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:33 pm

* Give us a FREAKING new Shotgun already. This is like a NO-BRAINER! 3 DLCs now and not a single new Shotgun to replace my Riot Shotty with? And may I suggest the Double Barrell Shotgun in Point Lookout? And may I also suggest it gets named after me for suggesting it? I'd prefer if you called the UNIQUE Double Barrell Shotgun "The Twigster" or simply "TWIG007" [Capital " I " with the "zeros"].

I don't think they would make a weapon with your name just cos you asked them too......
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:42 am

I don't really agree with the belligerent tone of the OP, but I do think that having 2-3 perks exclusively for shotguns, and then not having a larger variety of shotguns available is disappointing. I love playing a shotgun spec and I would really like to see at least 1 more unique shotgun introduced in LR. I would recommend the AA-12.

No AA-12 to modern for Fallout. If I suggest a shotgun it could be the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browning_Auto-5, in Fallout simply called semi-auto shotgun. Either 12 gauge or 20 gauge, developers choice.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:13 pm

power armor, nuff said.
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sally R
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:58 am

power armor, nuff said.

So some prototype power armor that no one has heard of, just so happens to be sitting near death valley? OWB, would have been the place for some kind of prototype power armor, but they missed their chance.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:16 am

No AA-12 to modern for Fallout. If I suggest a shotgun it could be the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browning_Auto-5, in Fallout simply called semi-auto shotgun. Either 12 gauge or 20 gauge, developers choice.

Too modern? We've had them since 2010, the great war was in 2077, right? I know the FO universe is not the same as the real world, but I find it hard to believe an automatic shotgun is too modern in a game with tons of futuristic technology.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:16 pm

Too modern? We've had them since 2010, the great war was in 2077, right? I know the FO universe is not the same as the real world, but I find it hard to believe an automatic shotgun is too modern in a game with tons of futuristic technology.

I mean as since the timeline spilt near the 50's and 60's the guns tend to represent that kind of style. Ususally anything invented in our era is not invented, gun wise. I think the M4 is the most modern thing that are in both universe's.

They could have another automatic shotgun, I'm just saying it won't be a AA-12, but sure an automatic shotgun is definately plausible.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:10 am

Too modern? We've had them since 2010, the great war was in 2077, right? I know the FO universe is not the same as the real world, but I find it hard to believe an automatic shotgun is too modern in a game with tons of futuristic technology.

AA-12, modern or not, is too freaking op in real life. Imagine it inside easy New Vegas. :o
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:24 am

AA-12, modern or not, is too freaking op in real life. Imagine it inside easy New Vegas. :o

Really a gun is overpowered in real life? A pistol is "overpowered" in real life. A baseball bat is "overpowered" in real life. New Vegas makes the game harder to kill things than real life, so one shot from it wouldn't kill a guy.
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:37 pm

I mean as since the timeline spilt near the 50's and 60's the guns tend to represent that kind of style. Ususally anything invented in our era is not invented, gun wise. I think the M4 is the most modern thing that are in both universe's.

They could have another automatic shotgun, I'm just saying it won't be a AA-12, but sure an automatic shotgun is definately plausible.

The anti-material rifle is based on the PMG Hecate II, and that's been in service since only 1993. By that logic, that's too new, too.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:51 am

I think the problem with shotguns is that they've already spoiled us in the base game. We've got 6 different types of shotguns (excluding unique variants) and between them they've covered everything from old fashioned 'break action' to lever action to pump action and to the more modern riot shotgun. What else can they add that these doesn't already provide?
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:17 pm

As far as explosives go, I'd like to be able to craft Molotov cocktails. Aside from that, me and my extended barrel grenade rifle get along really, really well. And when she doesn't do it for me, I bring out the modded missile launcher with HE missiles and all my problems get solved.

As far as power armor goes, there's enough power armor in New Vegas:

NCR Salvaged
Gannon Family Tesla
Enclave Remnants

We don't need any more PA. The stuff we have is already powerful. I ask, of the people who want more PA: what do you want in new Power Armor? What kind of benefits are you looking for?
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:11 pm

I'd like to see a way to raise the DT on the stealth suit mark 2.Or drop it to *light*
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:10 am

As far as explosives go, I'd like to be able to craft Molotov cocktails. Aside from that, me and my extended barrel grenade rifle get along really, really well. And when she doesn't do it for me, I bring out the modded missile launcher with HE missiles and all my problems get solved.

As far as power armor goes, there's enough power armor in New Vegas:

NCR Salvaged
Gannon Family Tesla
Enclave Remnants

We don't need any more PA. The stuff we have is already powerful. I ask, of the people who want more PA: what do you want in new Power Armor? What kind of benefits are you looking for?

Somthing like the medic armor in Broken steel or a even a PA perk to actually make it tough LIKE ITS MEANT TO BE!
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:41 am

Explosives Players and Power Armor players are getting the short end of the stick. I miss using power armor that was completely unique and "new".

Remants Power armor is good, but not great. I thought OWB would have power armor for sure, was disappointed when there wasn't any.

There are 5 types of pa in fo nv. Almost every pa type made is in fo nv. Besides Hellfire, FOT and Fo3 apa mkll they are all in the game.

It think they needed to make all of it stronger, but there are not many people that wear pa in nv to fight.

Im pretty happy with what they have given us to this point.

I would have liked the fo3 assult rifles, There is only 1 full auto assult rifle in fo nv. It isn t bad since they made standard 5mm have -10 dt.
Exposives there is a lot of stuff, a lot, 4 things that shoot grenades. (Mercy counts as its own type, because nothing else is like it)

several types of grenades too C4

6 shotguns.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:57 am

i want power armor mods like the chemical hardening in fo1 and fo2 or OMG some unique pa since ncr heavy armor is NOT pa its just the plates no servos other wise need perk DUH
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:50 am

Really a gun is overpowered in real life? A pistol is "overpowered" in real life. A baseball bat is "overpowered" in real life. New Vegas makes the game harder to kill things than real life, so one shot from it wouldn't kill a guy.

What about 50 Cent? He survived 10-12 gun shots. LMAO!!
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:38 am

And may I also suggest it gets named after me for suggesting it? I'd prefer if you called the UNIQUE Double Barrell Shotgun "The Twigster" or simply "TWIG007" [Capital " I " with the "zeros"].

No. :)
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alicia hillier
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:07 am

The anti-material rifle is based on the PMG Hecate II, and that's been in service since only 1993. By that logic, that's too new, too.

Based on and the same thing is different. Anyways Fallout New Vegas basically failed with that. None of the others really had modern weapons, if they did they were based on something or whatever. Then New Vegas decided to add all these new guns. Some good examples of how the weapons evolved in the Fallout Universe are the AK-112, so those were still around, and the M199, so the Model rifles were around, before they turned into R class.

EDIT: Fallout 2 also has the FAL and G11, those are examples of modern, but no to modern if you understand. FN FAL -1954, and G11 sometimes in the 60's.
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