* Needed difficulty was FINALLY addressed in full. I actually had to restart the DLC because I literally ran out of ammo with all the enemy spawns all over the place.
* The fact I needed to REPAIR my Remnants Armor for the first time in over 60hrs made me very happy.
* Lots of cool weapons I could give 2 ***** about but good for energy weapon users or melee/unarmed users.
* Big expansive world. Lots to explore.
* A Safehouse worth going to but you guys messed up in regards to companions still not coming with you even after OWB is completed.
Ok those were a couple positives I liked about the OWB DLC but I still feel something more is lacking. I would deeply appreciate if you did the following for the "supposed" final DLC (Lonesome Road).
* Give us a FREAKING new Grenade Rifle/Launcher... Actually... Grenade ANYTHING I really don't care. GIVE US SOMETHING NEW! Any new form of explosive weaponry Jesus Christ. I feel people like us who made explosive characters are getting the SHORT END OF THE STICK!
* Give us a FREAKING new Shotgun already. This is like a NO-BRAINER! 3 DLCs now and not a single new Shotgun to replace my Riot Shotty with? And may I suggest the Double Barrell Shotgun in Point Lookout? And may I also suggest it gets named after me for suggesting it? I'd prefer if you called the UNIQUE Double Barrell Shotgun "The Twigster" or simply "TWIG007" [Capital " I " with the "zeros"].
* Bring about NEW ENEMY SPAWNS IN THE MOJAVE PLEASE! And not just any WALKOVER enemy. Make them a freaking challenge like the Reavers were in FO3. Or simply buff up AND increase spawn rates of the current enemies in the Mojave if necessary.
Please fulfill the above 3 tasks for Lonesome Road as a MINIMUM requirement. Not only will I be happy... nope... I am pretty sure I speak for the large majority of Gun AND Explosive build users out there. Thank you.
EDIT: Feel free to PM me for more ideas regarding updates. Together I feel we can make Lonesome Road one of the best DLCs in the Fallout market.