I highly doubt this will be the least buggiest Fallout game ever, they've released 5 patches and it seems that with each one they create more problems than fixes. At least when Bethesda patched Fallout 3 it no longer hard crashed and most of the major bugs were eliminated. Plus I'm not gonna compare to NV to 1 and 2 because Obsidian made those as well and they create the buggiest of games on the market. I just pray that after Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is done, Bethesda will start working on the next Fallout game because if they let Obsidian make it I'll cry.
I still have problems with Fallout 3, at the point of using a fanmade patch, Fallout 3 is still buggy, people tend to forgot that, and dont refuse this too, is buggy for me, maybe not for others, but I cannot even enter Tenpenny Tower without getting a ctash, NV on the other hand works fine and I dont have crashes anymore, after the 2 patch everything went fine
I think this depends on the PC specs of every consumers, sometimes works, sometimes dont, I have a computer cappable of running GTAIV, but sadly it have problems to run GTASA,
I don't know where you're from. Mexico maybe? But here in the U.S. a consumer is ENTITLED to that which they have purchased, namely a game that is supposed to work straight out of the box. Not one that requires internet access to download patches/updates if/when they are released that may or may not actually fix the bugs and often introduce new bugs, and certainly not 9 damn months after the game was released.
This isn't friggin freeware we're talking about, or some little side project that someone is doing. It's a commercial product that has netted Bethesda/Obsidian MILLIONS of dollars. If we aren't entitled to a working game, they aren't entitled to millions of dollars. And you feel sorry for them...yeah, I bet they're crying all the way to the bank. The only one I feel sorry for is you, especially if you are from the U.S.
If you're interested in seeing the consumer protection laws this game most likely violates...well forget that, you most likely wouldn't be able to comprehend them.
Yeah, sure, whatever things floats in you boat bro, you are the only genius in the whole friggin business :rolleyes:
The Goverment of the United States have more important things to do, so, yeah, keep whining, they dont care