Obsidian: Do You Even Care

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:31 am

After starting to play NV again when I heard a new patch came out, however I still see that a ton of issue present since the game first launched, including but not limited to:

- Arms disappearing form first person mode with rifles
- NCR Emergency Radio not working anywhere, ever or works then stops working randomly
- Not being able to send companions to Lucky 38 ever for no apparent reason
- Tons of rocks and other geometry around the wasteland poorly placed or missing pieces
- Quest markers indicating improper areas for quests (Like not showing where the body of the dead NCR soldier is)
- Uncomplete-able quests that can happen for no reason (The Love Mission for the Boomers)
- Uncountable ways to crash the game
- Etc.

Are you even trying Obsidian? These issues have been around since the game launched.

Oh. Well, I guess you fixed the computer screen sighting and Doctor Head Spin glitch. I guess thats something.

I mean really, sometimes I think the only reason the game even works is because 85% of the work was already done for you by Bethesda in FO3. Do you even have a QA department? That you pay and listen to? Because after the disasters of Alpha Protocol and New Vegas I think people are well within reason to question this.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:25 pm

Do you understand how hard it is to patch every issue? Did you even read how many issues have been patched? Did you even know that Bethesda did the Quality Assurance? Did you know that I have not experienced any of those except for out of place rocks? Did you know I don't care about out of place rocks? Did you know etc. is not an issue? Did you know it's Geology and not even that instead of Geometry?
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:06 am

Sad story man.

:violin: :violin: :violin:
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:13 pm

Do you understand how hard it is to patch every issue? Did you even read how many issues have been patched? Did you even know that Bethesda did the Quality Assurance? Did you know that I have not experienced any of those except for out of place rocks? Did you know I don't care about out of place rocks? Did you know etc. is not an issue? Did you know it's Geology and not even that instead of Geometry?



They both do it. And I'm still calling them on it after Alpha Protocol which was an absolute trainwreck.

Congratulations. Want to trade games?

Did you know I didn't want to be here for hours listing even more issues?

Did you know that since its an in-game object that you can walk-on/interact with it still counts as Geometry?

I don't care how hard something is. If its there and can possibly (significantly) impact gameplay, you frakking fix it! "Its hard" is not an excuse. These things have been around since the game launched; thats a long time. Most of them even have their entries specifically for them in the wiki and other quides. Its not like they're unknown things.

They've even tried to sell us 2 DLCs since then, broke the game even more at one point and are trying to sell us a 3rd DLC later this month.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:38 am



They both do it. And I'm still calling them on it after Alpha Protocol which was an absolute trainwreck.

Congratulations. Want to trade games?

Did you know I didn't want to be here for hours listing even more issues?

Did you know that since its an in-game object that you can walk-on/interact with it still counts as Geometry?

I don't care how hard something is. If its there and can possibly (significantly) impact gameplay, you frakking fix it! "Its hard" is not an excuse. These things have been around since the game launched; thats a long time. Most of them even have their entries specifically for them in the wiki and other quides. Its not like they're unknown things.

They've even tried to sell us 2 DLCs since then, broke the game even more at one point and are trying to sell us a 3rd DLC later this month.

Sorry if you have problems, but some of us don have it, so those 3 DLC are worth my money
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:12 am

I really don't think they care anymore. The worst problem any video game could have is hard crashes and this game has had them since day 1. Since the last update I'm getting more hard crashes than before and that's saying something. They happen just out of nowhere. I had 4 in Ultra-Luxe when working on the beyond the beef mission and then I had a couple in Nellis AFB just when leaving the Hangar. Clearing the cache does nothing to help either. I wanted to buy Old World Blues in a few days but I might pass, why should I keep giving money to a company that can't fix the biggest problems in their game? Nothing like really getting into a game and then BAM, it crashes and then you wonder when did it autosave, when did I save last, and it just starts a panic. This game could not have been tested, I don't care what they say. This game has more bugs and glitches than any game (even after 5 patches) I have ever played in my life and I've been gaming since Atari 2600 and Commodore 64. I thought this last patch would fix a lot but it seemed to cause more problems, I even had a group of enemies fall through the ground and glide towards me tonight. Damn Obsidian!!!!
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:13 pm

Gotta throw in my 2 cents. First of all, MouseKing, you're a fool if you feel sympathy towards Obsidian/Bethesda because it's "hard" to patch issues. Boo hoo. Maybe there shouldn't be so many issues in the first place? Maybe i'm the fool for expecting a game, that cost millions to make, should be playable for all who buy it? And if they do have to make patches, then they should do it pretty damn quickly. Especially since they have our money. The people i know who have problems all have the original white console whilst I have the 250Gb Slim console. I'm not sure if this is the reason for the problems, but with 5 friends having lots of problems, on the "original" console & me plus 2 others experiencing very few on the Slim.... Well :confused:

Other than a couple of crashes when loading, I really haven't experienced many problems, at all, with the main game. I have however had nothing BUT problems with the Dead Money DLC: Abandoned BoS Bunker [Requires Key]; Problems with Dog/God dialogue options and getting the initial quest to end, even though the 3 "collars" are standing around the fountain! Now i can't get Dog/God to follow me in order to start the next quest. I've tried everything I can think of, everything that fixed the previous problems & more but no luck. That's 800 point & about 7 hours of my life wasted. (I know: "Boo hoo")

After all that messing around with DM i can still go back to a previous save outside the BoS Bunker & play through the rest of the main game (Hopefully still bug free-ish)... Woo. Effing. Hoo. I really like Fallout. 1 & 2 were great. Fallout 3 was amazing. I played the entire game through, including all DLC, about 3 & a half times. Now i want MORE!!! New Vegas' main game is good but it wont last much longer. In a few days i'll be back in DM, having no fun at all whilst struggling to get into the Sierra Madre. Quitting to dashboard every 5 minutes to delete or download the update & clear the cache. Trying different saves, doing the quests in different orders & different ways, even though i'm certain it wont work. Drinking heavily & eating handfulls of valium to keep myself from ritualistically eating my xbox.

Long story short: I doubt Obsidian gives a poop about disappointed gamers. But i hope to that spaghetti monster in the sky (Allah!!) that Bethesda does. Because The Elder Scrolls 4 is out later this year & it better be good!
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:58 pm

It's very likely total BS, but there was a guy on an anonymous message board a few weeks back claiming to be a Beth employee. He was asked about this and his response was that the game was rushed (paraphrasing).

I do think Obsidian cares, though. Hell, I know they do. They just made a mistake -- I have a feeling that the prospect of reusing assets made the rapid completion of the game seem possible when it, in fact, wasn't. But they signed to deliver, so they had to deliver. It's business.

They have done an awful lot of work on this game after release. It doesn't forgive the initial mess but maybe the industry has taken notice and a shining new era of quality assurance is upon us (*chokes on coffee*).

If nothing else, once all patches are made and all is said and done, New Vegas may be the least buggiest Fallout game. That'll be funny.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:42 am

does it help your Forumscore to post in a thread before it gets shut down by the mods? :rolleyes:
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Penny Wills
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:10 am

They care about getting the dlc's released, which is a strange priority to those of us who straight up can't play.The people in general seem happy to pay, regardless of how little the extra profit is deserved.I just hope they get the vanilla game finished some day.I refuse to even read a description of what the dlc stuff is, it simply does not exist to me.

Anyone know how they plan to get money back to us if they can't fix it?
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:16 am

Anyone know how they plan to get money back to us if they can't fix it?

You can bet it's going to take a little more than us just simply asking for or even demanding our money back. I think their whole philosophy is spelled out pretty clearly in their EULA's, which thankfully they didn't include in the 360 versions of either Oblivion or FO:NV. They're basically a big 'FU, we've got your money and if you don't like it, tough doo-doo'.

These people making excuses for anyone involved with this game are crazy. If it's such a huge game, then it needs a much larger/longer QA. The very fact that Bethesda was forced to announce ONE DAY AFTER THIS GAME CAME OUT that they were busy working on patches/updates FOR ALL 3 PLATFORMS, is all the proof you need that they rushed this game out the door, that they don't care about their customers and that they pawned this QA off on us. You CANNOT defend that sort of egregious behavior. There were no 'honest mistakes' here; just pure, unadvlterated greed. Oh, it also shows that they appear to have complete and total disregard for numerous Consumer Protection laws and unless/until something is done about that, they will continue along this same path. It's very profitable for them not to have to pay to have their games thoroughly tested and to just pass that job off to their customers. It's also very profitable for them to release them during the holiday shopping season, so I think it's safe to assume that regardless of how many bugs Skyrim may have, it's going to be released as-is and the cycle will continue. Anyone want to bet how long it will be before they make the same patch/update announcement for Skyrim?
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:51 pm

Gotta throw in my 2 cents. First of all, MouseKing, you're a fool if you feel sympathy towards Obsidian/Bethesda because it's "hard" to patch issues. Boo hoo. Maybe there shouldn't be so many issues in the first place? Maybe i'm the fool for expecting a game, that cost millions to make, should be playable for all who buy it? And if they do have to make patches, then they should do it pretty damn quickly. Especially since they have our money. The people i know who have problems all have the original white console whilst I have the 250Gb Slim console. I'm not sure if this is the reason for the problems, but with 5 friends having lots of problems, on the "original" console & me plus 2 others experiencing very few on the Slim.... Well :confused:

Other than a couple of crashes when loading, I really haven't experienced many problems, at all, with the main game. I have however had nothing BUT problems with the Dead Money DLC: Abandoned BoS Bunker [Requires Key]; Problems with Dog/God dialogue options and getting the initial quest to end, even though the 3 "collars" are standing around the fountain! Now i can't get Dog/God to follow me in order to start the next quest. I've tried everything I can think of, everything that fixed the previous problems & more but no luck. That's 800 point & about 7 hours of my life wasted. (I know: "Boo hoo")

After all that messing around with DM i can still go back to a previous save outside the BoS Bunker & play through the rest of the main game (Hopefully still bug free-ish)... Woo. Effing. Hoo. I really like Fallout. 1 & 2 were great. Fallout 3 was amazing. I played the entire game through, including all DLC, about 3 & a half times. Now i want MORE!!! New Vegas' main game is good but it wont last much longer. In a few days i'll be back in DM, having no fun at all whilst struggling to get into the Sierra Madre. Quitting to dashboard every 5 minutes to delete or download the update & clear the cache. Trying different saves, doing the quests in different orders & different ways, even though i'm certain it wont work. Drinking heavily & eating handfulls of valium to keep myself from ritualistically eating my xbox.

Long story short: I doubt Obsidian gives a poop about disappointed gamers. But i hope to that spaghetti monster in the sky (Allah!!) that Bethesda does. Because The Elder Scrolls 4 is out later this year & it better be good!

I feel sorry for Obsidian and Bethesda

Everyday some entitled brat comes here and claims that he speak for everyone, that he deservers better thing, and claims his opinions like facts,I

I really feel sorry for them, supporting people like these EVERY friggin day of their lives
I really don't think they care anymore. The worst problem any video game could have is hard crashes and this game has had them since day 1. Since the last update I'm getting more hard crashes than before and that's saying something. They happen just out of nowhere. I had 4 in Ultra-Luxe when working on the beyond the beef mission and then I had a couple in Nellis AFB just when leaving the Hangar. Clearing the cache does nothing to help either. I wanted to buy Old World Blues in a few days but I might pass, why should I keep giving money to a company that can't fix the biggest problems in their game? Nothing like really getting into a game and then BAM, it crashes and then you wonder when did it autosave, when did I save last, and it just starts a panic. This game could not have been tested, I don't care what they say. This game has more bugs and glitches than any game (even after 5 patches) I have ever played in my life and I've been gaming since Atari 2600 and Commodore 64. I thought this last patch would fix a lot but it seemed to cause more problems, I even had a group of enemies fall through the ground and glide towards me tonight. Damn Obsidian!!!!

If you dont think that they dont care and you DONT CARE what they say, then what are you doing here?

You can bet it's going to take a little more than us just simply asking for or even demanding our money back. I think their whole philosophy is spelled out pretty clearly in their EULA's, which thankfully they didn't include in the 360 versions of either Oblivion or FO:NV. They're basically a big 'FU, we've got your money and if you don't like it, tough doo-doo'.

These people making excuses for anyone involved with this game are crazy. If it's such a huge game, then it needs a much larger/longer QA. The very fact that Bethesda was forced to announce ONE DAY AFTER THIS GAME CAME OUT that they were busy working on patches/updates FOR ALL 3 PLATFORMS, is all the proof you need that they rushed this game out the door, that they don't care about their customers and that they pawned this QA off on us. You CANNOT defend that sort of egregious behavior. There were no 'honest mistakes' here; just pure, unadvlterated greed. Oh, it also shows that they appear to have complete and total disregard for numerous Consumer Protection laws and unless/until something is done about that, they will continue along this same path. It's very profitable for them not to have to pay to have their games thoroughly tested and to just pass that job off to their customers. It's also very profitable for them to release them during the holiday shopping season, so I think it's safe to assume that regardless of how many bugs Skyrim may have, it's going to be released as-is and the cycle will continue. Anyone want to bet how long it will be before they make the same patch/update announcement for Skyrim?

They do care, but you just cant expect that they will gonna do a polished just for having more time
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:35 am

Obsidian's main issue is the publisher. First LucasArts, then SEGA, now Beth Softworks.
I for one, did not have any (same with FO3) issues with the game since Day 1. :shrug:

P.S.: Also, Bethesda Softworks were the guys involved in QA and the ones who gace Obsidian the idiotic short deadline. And history repeats.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:16 am

Obsidian's main issue is the publisher. First LucasArts, then SEGA, now Beth Softworks.
I for one, did not have any (same with FO3) issues with the game since Day 1. :shrug:

P.S.: Also, Bethesda Softworks were the guys involved in QA and the ones who gace Obsidian the idiotic short deadline. And history repeats.

Why do you bother to even repeat this, they will still blame Obsidian, and put Bethesda in an altar, like the "best" company ever,

Nevermind Dagerfall right?

I mean really, sometimes I think the only reason the game even works is because 85% of the work was already done for you by Bethesda in FO3. Do you even have a QA department? That you pay and listen to? Because after the disasters of Alpha Protocol and New Vegas I think people are well within reason to question this.

And that 85% percent done by Bethesda is likely to be bugged and/or still had glitches, since most of them havent even fixed in FO3 or Oblviion
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Sunny Under
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:42 am

I feel sorry for Obsidian and Bethesda

Everyday some entitled brat comes here and claims that he speak for everyone, that he deservers better thing, and claims his opinions like facts,I

I really feel sorry for them, supporting people like these EVERY friggin day of their lives

If you dont think that they dont care and you DONT CARE what they say, then what are you doing here?

They do care, but you just cant expect that they will gonna do a polished just for having more time

I don't know where you're from. Mexico maybe? But here in the U.S. a consumer is ENTITLED to that which they have purchased, namely a game that is supposed to work straight out of the box. Not one that requires internet access to download patches/updates if/when they are released that may or may not actually fix the bugs and often introduce new bugs, and certainly not 9 damn months after the game was released.

This isn't friggin freeware we're talking about, or some little side project that someone is doing. It's a commercial product that has netted Bethesda/Obsidian MILLIONS of dollars. If we aren't entitled to a working game, they aren't entitled to millions of dollars. And you feel sorry for them...yeah, I bet they're crying all the way to the bank. The only one I feel sorry for is you, especially if you are from the U.S.

If you're interested in seeing the consumer protection laws this game most likely violates...well forget that, you most likely wouldn't be able to comprehend them.
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adam holden
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:10 pm

It's very likely total BS, but there was a guy on an anonymous message board a few weeks back claiming to be a Beth employee. He was asked about this and his response was that the game was rushed (paraphrasing).

I do think Obsidian cares, though. Hell, I know they do. They just made a mistake -- I have a feeling that the prospect of reusing assets made the rapid completion of the game seem possible when it, in fact, wasn't. But they signed to deliver, so they had to deliver. It's business.

They have done an awful lot of work on this game after release. It doesn't forgive the initial mess but maybe the industry has taken notice and a shining new era of quality assurance is upon us (*chokes on coffee*).

If nothing else, once all patches are made and all is said and done, New Vegas may be the least buggiest Fallout game. That'll be funny.

I highly doubt this will be the least buggiest Fallout game ever, they've released 5 patches and it seems that with each one they create more problems than fixes. At least when Bethesda patched Fallout 3 it no longer hard crashed and most of the major bugs were eliminated. Plus I'm not gonna compare to NV to 1 and 2 because Obsidian made those as well and they create the buggiest of games on the market. I just pray that after Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is done, Bethesda will start working on the next Fallout game because if they let Obsidian make it I'll cry.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:19 pm

I don't know where you're from. Mexico maybe? But here in the U.S. a consumer is ENTITLED to that which they have purchased, namely a game that is supposed to work straight out of the box. Not one that requires internet access to download patches/updates if/when they are released that may or may not actually fix the bugs and often introduce new bugs, and certainly not 9 damn months after the game was released.

This isn't friggin freeware we're talking about, or some little side project that someone is doing. It's a commercial product that has netted Bethesda/Obsidian MILLIONS of dollars. If we aren't entitled to a working game, they aren't entitled to millions of dollars. And you feel sorry for them...yeah, I bet they're crying all the way to the bank. The only one I feel sorry for is you, especially if you are from the U.S.

If you're interested in seeing the consumer protection laws this game most likely violates...well forget that, you most likely wouldn't be able to comprehend them.

See this is why they should not make these big open world games it creates so many variables that finding all the bugs, when your given buggy software to begin with in a 12 month release cycle is impossible, fallout 3 had a 4 year dev cycle was buggy as sin for me, oblivion large dev cycle buggy as sin, morrowind really large dev cycle buggy as sin...

If Bethesda cannot fix these bugs some of which were there in morrowind with large development time, the fact that people expected obsidian to come in with unfamiliar tools and create a polished game using this technology which i don't think has ever been done in a 12 month development cycle is just moronic...

I guarantee you if Bethesda had developed this game people would be more likely to overlook the bugs but because its obsidian its there fault... And again what do you expect in this large of an open world game there will be bugs i didnt experience too many but i understand how everyone plays differently so it never bothered me.

So it's a buggy piece of software that is why i used to rent games before i bought them, And im having trouble finding any consumer protection laws that a "BUGGY VIDEO GAME" violates in the united states, It has a warning on the back about possible seizures like all games so its not in a safety violation, it isn't a dangerous product, it isn't a food, nor is it a communications product, it isn't circumventing any digital copyrights.

I think you need to face the fact that the United States government doesn't give a gosh darn that you bought a buggy video game, you should have done some research, and if you bought day one sell it or return it... You can whine all you want but at the end of the day it is a GAME nobody cares.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:25 pm

wow, im furious, now my game won't even load in Red Rock Canyon. Its been trying for over 5 minutes and I'm pretty sure its not going to load. Thanks for conning me Bethesda and Obsidian :flame:
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Kari Depp
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:37 am

I highly doubt this will be the least buggiest Fallout game ever, they've released 5 patches and it seems that with each one they create more problems than fixes. At least when Bethesda patched Fallout 3 it no longer hard crashed and most of the major bugs were eliminated. Plus I'm not gonna compare to NV to 1 and 2 because Obsidian made those as well and they create the buggiest of games on the market. I just pray that after Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is done, Bethesda will start working on the next Fallout game because if they let Obsidian make it I'll cry.

I still have problems with Fallout 3, at the point of using a fanmade patch, Fallout 3 is still buggy, people tend to forgot that, and dont refuse this too, is buggy for me, maybe not for others, but I cannot even enter Tenpenny Tower without getting a ctash, NV on the other hand works fine and I dont have crashes anymore, after the 2 patch everything went fine

I think this depends on the PC specs of every consumers, sometimes works, sometimes dont, I have a computer cappable of running GTAIV, but sadly it have problems to run GTASA,

I don't know where you're from. Mexico maybe? But here in the U.S. a consumer is ENTITLED to that which they have purchased, namely a game that is supposed to work straight out of the box. Not one that requires internet access to download patches/updates if/when they are released that may or may not actually fix the bugs and often introduce new bugs, and certainly not 9 damn months after the game was released.

This isn't friggin freeware we're talking about, or some little side project that someone is doing. It's a commercial product that has netted Bethesda/Obsidian MILLIONS of dollars. If we aren't entitled to a working game, they aren't entitled to millions of dollars. And you feel sorry for them...yeah, I bet they're crying all the way to the bank. The only one I feel sorry for is you, especially if you are from the U.S.

If you're interested in seeing the consumer protection laws this game most likely violates...well forget that, you most likely wouldn't be able to comprehend them.

Yeah, sure, whatever things floats in you boat bro, you are the only genius in the whole friggin business :rolleyes:

The Goverment of the United States have more important things to do, so, yeah, keep whining, they dont care
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