Point of detail:
Mankar Cameron would appear to have been the son of Haymon Cameron - read The Refugees. It will tell you of Mankar's birth and a scout who was with Haymon in Valenwood notes that the mother - a Bosmer woman - was Haymon's concubine ... and she makes some very wild 'prophesies' at his birth about blood and death and his Master aka Dagon we now may surmise.
It appears that all Dagon wants is to beak Nirn into bits and escape from the general area ... not exactly the ally for anyone who values continued existance sadly. So Mankar was Dagon's pawn from birth.
Who Mankar's father Haymon Cameron (The Usurper) was is a tougher nut to crack. Fans have suggested that his mother was a Breton - but no mention of his father ...
your reasoning has no basis. Mankar Camoran is opening gates to Oblivion and is in service to Dagon, Ocato is, according to all information we have, a loyal servant of the empire and is defending Cyrodiil from the invasion. We have no reson to asume Ocato was alive then, or would have a reason to conquer tamriel. its sort of like saying that because i was around on these forums when the ocean mod died, and because i am a modder, i must have caused its death. anyhow, were deep of topic.
...and your speculation aint.
Well if you bothered to read the thread you might have noted the bit where I noted the relationship between Mankar and Dagon - and if you read The Refugees you might also note that Dagon claimed Mankar before his birth.
Yes I realised that Occato is portrayed as a 'goodie' in Oblivion (re the ES stuff - not going into other irrelevancies of yours that are all at sea) and that awareness is built into my posts ...
What those posts are dealing with here is some peoples' expressed dislike of Occato and their mistrust of his motives - which they are entitled to express, right?
This whole thread is about what Occato 'MIGHT BE' - geddit? So - just to belabour the point (because clearly you enjoy that sooo muuch as you keep respondin to my posts) and you are either hard of comprehension where my posts are concerned or ... speculation ... what I am sayin in those posts in this thread to which you have responded is that if Occato is later portrayed as a bad guy the logic-train indicated in my next post would be more likely than that he is an Ayelied.
Now I could just say to the guys they're wrong - but because I believe they are genuine contributors to this Forum Land N and do not like to heavy people like that when they are obviously fascinated by a subject I chose to offer an alternative.
I guess you sorta missed young MK's Christmas greets and the rest of that thread. You know the posts where there is alla that speculation on the Aldmer bein out to dissassemble the Mundus. 'course the posters in that thread do not make a distinction between Aldmer and Altmer and other 'modern' elven types ... which might lead one to sorta assume that because the 'Ancient' Mer wanted or believed a thing modern mer also want or believe the same thing? - at least in part.
For my own part I am totally happy with Occato being a good guy as I have not until this thread encoutered anything that would contradict that from his actions.
However if that Christmas Lore thread holds true, then belief that the Almeri as a whole may wish to undo the mundus holds true an so then one has to allow for the possibility that any NPC mer, however benign in appearance, general manner and actions, might have deeper motives that are not so friendly from a human point of view.
You might also therefore apply the Loreful principal - it is a small multi-comos and everything that goes around comes around - and there is that wonderful stuff about the way everything connects - if you bothered to make the connection with that thread.
Speculation is not a stating that a thing is so - it is generally an extrapoltion from (a variety) of facts ... and usually a darn sight more useful and informational than a dog-in-the-manger; this is where it is; and nothing and nobody is going anywhere; without my say so - and nah-nah,nah you are wrong type attitude.
As it is it appears that once again you have not done your research or you can't or have no intention of refuting the entire logic chain sensibly and in detail and that includes allowing for the fact that this is a reply to several other posts previously, you're sorta missing the point and outta line. Ahh right - you can't refute the entire logic chain because there is only one piece of new speculation there and that is not in itself contradictory of the deeper Lore as it is posted as a speculation and has other Lore that is supportive. See above. So you stoop to claiming that I had claimed the opposite of the actual content of my post - see above.
Larstly Lady N - lest you wish to pose any further claims that this is all beyond me - I have been speculatin for some decades on the way the the ancient Chinese philosposophers achieved a world-view that is supportive of modern scientific theory some thousands of years ago - I may have posted on that subject on these Forums before you joined ... when I was younger I read a fascinatin book from one of my father's libraries published by the Cambridge University Press a small but authoriatative set of encyclopaedias that included a description of the I Ching. The authors noted there are two tri-grams in that structure that are described by 'scholars' as atomic hexagrams = not bad for 3,500yrs ago eh? And the I Ching is still in print today, though some translations are rather more reliable than others. Rather like some Chinese-English dictionaries are rather more reliable than others. Essentially, though I may and do make mistakes, I am and have been a serious contibuter to this Forum for even longer than the esteemed Luagar2 (I beat him by a month

). Myself I look at the content of the posts of these new members and enjoy their creativity - sometimes with awe.
Thankin you for the gift of your precious time and the benefit of your massive erudition -