Occupy Bethesda - game fail

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:58 pm

I am testing the honestly and accuracy of a moderator...

Bethesda's actions show they care about their clients less than the big corps the OWS folks are ranting about.

Lets see. New buggy patch which makes buggy untested game (and NO you didn't test it.. by testing I mean the GAME - not spot loads but booting it up and hitting New Game)
and an untested patch..

and a DRM that loaded 30% of the update when I explictedly (and still have) "no automatic updates" as I WANT TO PLAY THE F-ing version I paid for that while buggy as hell actually runs.

Your company just gave us all the middle finger. Only thing is some think of this as business-as-usual.

Would you stand for this if this was software in your car? home? satellite/cable? workplace?

I sure as heck wouldn't.

I would love community adive on how to play (and just play) the only version that halfway works (11-11-11) as if that version totally didn't work lawyer class-action city.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:24 pm

pointless spam removed
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phil walsh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:34 pm

Ok, now I'm going to give you a rather weird (Please, don't be shocked!) reality... From everyone that bought the game, less than half of the half experienced problems, even less experienced game-breaking problems.

But that's okay, you can get the impression that everyone's game is broken because (Who would think about that?) this forum is where almost every costumer inform Beth about their problems.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:46 pm

Ok, now I'm going to give you a rather weird (Please, don't be shocked!) reality... From everyone that bought the game, less than half of the half experienced problems, even less experienced game-breaking problems.

But that's okay, you can get the impression that everyone's game is broken because (Who would think about that?) this forum is where almost every costumer inform Beth about their problems.

Yes of course, the backwards flying dragons are my imagination. Quests that have hiccups are solely the fault of gremlins who change internal variables and flags on only certain peoples computers. Everyone's isn't broken but everyones is flawed because of piss-poor non-existent testing. The mouse inputs were indeed fully fleshed out before relase with different speeds for different movement types.. oh wait.

and of course so many bugs they dont even have an official bug list yet as it would be awfully embarrasing.. only the unofficial lists - plural.

my sense of "entitlement" to want something I have paid for to work as advertised.. and I am the disgusting one? Alrighty then.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:52 pm

Yes of course, the backwards flying dragons are my imagination. Quests that have hiccups are solely the fault of gremlins who change internal variables and flags on only certain peoples computers. Everyone's isn't broken but everyones is flawed because of piss-poor non-existent testing. The mouse inputs were indeed fully fleshed out before relase with different speeds for different movement types.. oh wait.

and of course so many bugs they dont even have an official bug list yet as it would be awfully embarrasing.. only the unofficial lists - plural.

Nobody said it's your imagination. He said most people aren't experiencing these bugs. And he's right, most of us aren't. In fact, most of ours aren't flawed. Most people are running the game flawlessly.

It seems like you're trying to blow your own bugs out of proportion. Is that what you're doing, Vanguard?
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Tai Scott
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:04 pm

Nobody said it's your imagination. He said most people aren't experiencing these bugs. And he's right, most of us aren't. In fact, most of ours aren't flawed. Most people are running the game flawlessly.

It seems like you're trying to blow your own bugs out of proportion. Is that what you're doing, Vanguard?

Got a point, i have only run into a couple minor issues, and none of it was gamebreaking.

For the sheer scope of the game and everything that is going on, I think Bethesda has done a great job.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:44 am

Yes of course, the backwards flying dragons are my imagination. Quests that have hiccups are solely the fault of gremlins who change internal variables and flags on only certain peoples computers. Everyone's isn't broken but everyones is flawed because of piss-poor non-existent testing. The mouse inputs were indeed fully fleshed out before relase with different speeds for different movement types.. oh wait.

and of course so many bugs they dont even have an official bug list yet as it would be awfully embarrasing.. only the unofficial lists - plural.

my sense of "entitlement" to want something I have paid for to work as advertised.. and I am the disgusting one? Alrighty then.

Ok, maybe, just maybe (But who am I to tell what I was trying to say?), I was trying to say that not everyone (Not even a little close to everyone) is having issues. I don't said that the game doesn't have issues, I'm just saying that to a huge part of the gamers it's working as it should.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 pm

1. What or who is vanguard?

2. Have you seen the number of locked threads? number of negative threads? Hello.. start using somethign besides your anecdotal evidence.. and if yours is working so well why are you here? Or is your claimthat those negative persons/threads are from imaginationland?

No. he is claiming that from the Millions of people that bought the game, just a couple thousand (or less) people experienced game-breaking issues like yours.

Of course Bethesda should (and will) fix your game with new patches, that doesn't change the fact that many people doesn't experiences them.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:53 am

The Occupy Wall Street movement is about the inequality of the distribution of wealth in this nation, especially in regards to how some people get away with paying little in taxes in spite of having a greater share of wealth, while others with less tend to end up paying more in taxes in ratio to the wealthier classes. Also about how many perceive politics in D.C. to be largely corporate-sponsored and bought.

This about your sense of entitlement with a product that a company has just attempted to patch.

... Pretty much.

What's next ? Raise your fist and sing "We shall overcome" each time the Skyrim ad airs ? :P
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josh evans
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:49 am

1. What or who is vanguard?

2. Have you seen the number of locked threads? number of negative threads? Hello.. start using somethign besides your anecdotal evidence.. and if yours is working so well why are you here? Or is your claimthat those negative persons/threads are from imaginationland?

1. He's a guy who posted this exact same thread today.

2. I have seen them. Most of which are repetitive and were locked to keep discussion in one thread. We don't need 20 threads about the same thing. That's stupid. And what anecdotal evidence? Most people AREN'T having the issues you are. I'm here posting while I upload screenshots to photobucket. An no, I don't claim that. That would be stupid.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:35 pm

1. What or who is vanguard?

2. Have you seen the number of locked threads? number of negative threads? Hello.. start using somethign besides your anecdotal evidence.. and if yours is working so well why are you here? Or is your claimthat those negative persons/threads are from imaginationland?

Just want to point out:

Creative and constructive criticism: Good! These threads don't get locked!

Needless Flaming about everything Bethesda does; Bad! These threads will be locked!! And (hopefully) the OP Banned!
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:29 pm

I am testing the honestly and accuracy of a moderator...

Bethesda's actions show they care about their clients less than the big corps the OWS folks are ranting about.

Lets see. New buggy patch which makes buggy untested game (and NO you didn't test it.. by testing I mean the GAME - not spot loads but booting it up and hitting New Game)
and an untested patch..

and a DRM that loaded 30% of the update when I explictedly (and still have) "no automatic updates" as I WANT TO PLAY THE F-ing version I paid for that while buggy as hell actually runs.

Your company just gave us all the middle finger. Only thing is some think of this as business-as-usual.

Would you stand for this if this was software in your car? home? satellite/cable? workplace?

I sure as heck wouldn't.

I would love community adive on how to play (and just play) the only version that halfway works (11-11-11) as if that version totally didn't work lawyer class-action city.

I honestly believe that this mentality is everything wrong with the video game industry, right now. I also think it's part of why we're stuck with under-performing consoles and bland titles.

Everyone's afraid of trying something new (that may contain bugs) over whining and pining like this.

A handful of bugs in a world as big as Skyrim; and the whole house catches fire from nerdrage.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:22 pm

1. He's a guy who posted this exact same thread today.

2. I have seen them. Most of which are repetitive and were locked to keep discussion in one thread. We don't need 20 threads about the same thing. That's stupid. And what anecdotal evidence? Most people AREN'T having the issues you are. I'm here posting while I upload screenshots to photobucket. An no, I don't claim that. That would be stupid.

Kinda like saying we only want one vote because the others are saying the exact same thing.

Only one voice shallbe heard on any topic? I respectfully disagree - all that does is hide from view the number that might have same, or similar, opinion.

Locking neative threads (condensing) is not evidence supporting a "all is well just a vocal minority" you know.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 am

Kinda like saying we only want one vote because the others are saying the exact same thing.

Only one voice shallbe heard on any topic? I respectfully disagree - all that does is hide from view the number that might have same, or similar, opinion.

Locking neative threads (condensing) is not evidence supporting a "all is well just a vocal minority" you know.

Having 100 threads on the same topic only serves to spread out everyone's opinion. If everyone who was having issues posted in one thread, that would be ideal and wouldn't silence anyone. You can still post and have your opinion heard, but you don't need your own thread to do so. This is the forum's policy. It really helps the forums from moving to fast. They're not trying to shut you up or push your opinion under the rug, they just want to keep redundancy to a minimum. I hope that makes sense.

EDIT - On the other side of the same coin, having 100 threads praising the game would be equally stupid. Either way, it looks sloppy and limits the scope of discussion as thread addressing other questions will be pushed farther back. There's a search function for a reason, ya know.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 pm

I don't have any of the problems you speak of.

So no, my game is not fail. This thread on the other hand...

I just left out the second patch and playing my game is fine. Believe me people Morrowind itself had more patches then you think from way back and up until the last expansion they made for it. They will get to the issues when they can, so we can all play and stop complaining...... :facepalm: I am not some BGS really devoted fan and I have had my issues with the streamlining and crap. But I am atleast giving them the benefit of the doubt for now. They aren't Atari whom basically blew off the game TDU2 and fired 60% of the staff that made it. Wow was that a mess.....LOL
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:36 am

Im surprised they havent acknowledged this at all. None of their twitter accounts mention this; but theyre posting videos of 2,500 cheeses rolling down a hill. And I dont get why they keep taking down these topics from the general board. Its not like everyone hangs at the Issues board, is it that bad to inform users not to get their game saves broken?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:00 pm

I honestly believe that this mentality is everything wrong with the video game industry, right now. I also think it's part of why we're stuck with under-performing consoles and bland titles.

Everyone's afraid of trying something new (that may contain bugs) over whining and pining like this.

A handful of bugs in a world as big as Skyrim; and the whole house catches fire from nerdrage.

I respectfully disagree - heres why:
1. consoles have the larger market - business follows the $$$.
2. trying something new generally is awesome.. great.. magnificent.. luck (and profit) favors the bold..
3. handful of bugs which were and remain seklf-effident and were not spotted due to lack of testing (which used to be done in this industry and still done in programs written for commercial and government entities as one gets paid when it works, not when its delivered).

Giving error filled patches while one takes away any chance of playing a previous version is the issue. The two together mandate a single path - if the former happens those with issues could choose to not partake. Unfortunately that is not the case.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 pm


Lets see, I bought the game, started it up and have been playing like a mad man ever since. I've had NO game-breaking bugs, some few minor bugs that just make me laugh. So for me, the game is not broken. I then downloaded the patch 1.2 and some of the few minor bugs are now gone. Still no new bugs for me. So u see not everyone has the problems u do.

That u have the problems on the other hand, I am sorry for, and I hope they get fixed soon. But the way I see it, the way u are going about making them fix it is just plain wrong. Attacking bethesda the way u do just makes your case that much worse. The best way to go about the whole thing is to take a deep breath, state your concerns in a grown up way and others do the same. That way the mods DONT lock the thread and bethesda has a much bigger shot of picking up on what u are saying. I don't think as a game developer, u go to the forums to check out all the locked threads.

Now I don't know if u are Vanguard, or another user, but ur post sure look much the same. Please learn from your own and others mistakes and keep it civil. The threads are not locked because we state problems with the game, but because they are discusses in a childish and useless way.

I'll go back to enjoying the game now, thank you.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:40 pm

Having 100 threads on the same topic only serves to spread out everyone's opinion. If everyone who was having issues posted in one thread, that would be ideal and wouldn't silence anyone. You can still post and have your opinion heard, but you don't need your own thread to do so. This is the forum's policy. It really helps the forums from moving to fast. They're not trying to shut you up or push your opinion under the rug, they just want to keep redundancy to a minimum. I hope that makes sense.

EDIT - On the other side of the same coin, having 100 threads praising the game would be equally stupid. Either way, it looks sloppy and limits the scope of discussion as thread addressing other questions will be pushed farther back. There's a search function for a reason, ya know.

Modern psychology disagrees with you. Reading (or even seeing) 100 pre or con threads will influence someone - even if they are experiencing the opposite. Wearing red and coming across 100 people in blue will make one feel out of place. Besides, the effort to click next page is not strenuous. On the other hand, business, politicians, etc all have ways to minimize negatives. This forum is doing that by reducing the number of Bug threads into one.. it keeps them all in one place and not strewn around (which is more cluttered/filled/occupied - a room with 100 dirty socks in one pile or one hundred dirty socks strewn everywhere.) Mathematically they occupy (and smell) the same but to the observer the rooms will often be seen very, very differently.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:08 am

I respectfully disagree - heres why:
1. consoles have the larger market - business follows the $$$.
2. trying something new generally is awesome.. great.. magnificent.. luck (and profit) favors the bold..
3. handful of bugs which were and remain seklf-effident and were not spotted due to lack of testing (which used to be done in this industry and still done in programs written for commercial and government entities as one gets paid when it works, not when its delivered).

Giving error filled patches while one takes away any chance of playing a previous version is the issue. The two together mandate a single path - if the former happens those with issues could choose to not partake. Unfortunately that is not the case.

1. Console market doesn't mean anonymous, impatient, entitled brats.

2. Not when you have people like yourself and too many others that over criticize a bad patch (which after 10 hours of playing today, I've had none of these new bugs. I've just seen them on YouTube). This is how development happens. They follow the money and there's all too often money is following the sheep.

3. Poor testing in a world as huge as Skyrim? Yeah, I can see that being a problem. But would you rather they make the game half as large, to keep QA to uber demanding needs?
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:41 pm

I'll occupy Skyrim as soon as I get home from work. Great idea, OP!
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Andy durkan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:01 am

I have not had a backward flying dragon, I have had maybe 3 quest glitches and that's it, really I must be lucky to get such an un bugged copy because I have not had any of the problems that people complain about
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Connor Wing
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:13 pm

Would you stand for this if this was software in your car? home? satellite/cable? workplace?

Anyone else read this in Heimskr's voice?

And I've only seen one or two bugs, nothing too bad. Just not being able to use weapon racks and not being able to finish a quest in Riften so I can't be Thane. Does this make me part of the 1%?
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Doniesha World
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:15 am

Anyone else read this in Heimskr's voice?

YES! Yes I did.

I've read half the forum today in his crazy tinfoil hat preachy voice.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:44 pm

YES! Yes I did.

I've read half the forum today in his crazy tinfoil hat preachy voice.

Awesome, Glad I'm not the only one.
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