So I encouraged my friend to give FO4 a try. He had no experience with the series but thought he would like it.
He’s a collector of figurines from Star wars to the Smurfs. I knew he gets OC about his collection........but didn’t think it would translate to the game.
He got the game at midnight release and after a few conversations about the common mechanics of FO, he dropped off the radar.
Went around to his place to check on him and found some “surprising” progression of his game. Anybody seen stats like these....
Xbox One
Level 63... I think
364 game hours!!!
Hasn’t started;
- Railroad
- Or Institute
Virtually no perks apart from gun nut and armour, he “needed” to fill all the stars on each s.p.e.c.i.a.l. before he systematically fills the perk trees
The object placement problem at settlements drove him nuts, so most of his collections are in containers.
- All magazines on racks in alphabetical order
- All guns and armour sorted and separated by type and legendry, I’m talking hundreds of items in each
- All Nuke cola machines, smoke machines and milk bottle machines filled to the brim with the respective items
- Nuke quantum cola bottles piled in bathtubs. Gives off a brighter glow than a rad storm lol
- Containers for folders, clip boards and just about anything you can interact with...
- All but 2 bobble heads to go
I won’t go on, but there are many more things to note.....He’s loving it!!!!
So, should I get this man help, or are there many others out there that feel his plight?