Odd behaver

Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:25 am


I've played this game five times though now addons and all, as you can tell I love the game..... But since afew nights ago every time I enter a shop, guildhall or chapel the main npc seems to run to me as if I was stealing and staying close, does make hard to steal ;) why is this I have not stole from them, I even though it might of been a bug some background code flagging me as thief so I punched a guard paid a fine, that seemed to do it but after resting it stared again, now I don't think I have anything in my inventory that might warrant this behavior, plz note its only thestewards in guildhall that come up to me.

Anyone else had this problem and solve it plz let me know

Oh and no I don't have any stolen loot on me.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:52 am


I've played this game five times though now addons and all, as you can tell I love the game..... But since afew nights ago every time I enter a shop, guildhall or chapel the main npc seems to run to me as if I was stealing and staying close, does make hard to steal ;) why is this I have not stole from them, I even though it might of been a bug some background code flagging me as thief so I punched a guard paid a fine, that seemed to do it but after resting it stared again, now I don't think I have anything in my inventory that might warrant this behavior, plz note its only thestewards in guildhall that come up to me.

Anyone else had this problem and solve it plz let me know

Oh and no I don't have any stolen loot on me.

That's normal behavior as far as I know. All shopkeepers will follow you around, if not with their feet, then with their eyes, turn around, they will be staring at you.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:19 am

I second the Big Daddy :dance:

Although they shouldn′t need to run to you like you describe, and no one in the chapels or guilds (except the FG porter) follow you around.

Do you have a high infamy perhaps?
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My blood
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:32 am

No, mirocu & daddy. I totally know what the OP's saying. Sometimes an NPC will run up to you and stand there, as if they're admiring you. It's not the typical shopkeeper or FG porter following you around, it's different. This usually happens out of the blue, almost.

Rivernagash, is your character's disposition towards those NPCs high? In other words, do these NPCs like your character? That's what I thought it might be. I've noticed after getting deeply into the KotN or the Main Quest, when a lot of NPCs start to like your chaarcter, thats' when it seems to happen.

Great for roleplay, by the way, to have an NPC give your character gaga-eyes. :eek: out of the blue like that (if this is indeed what the OP is describing)
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