Odd problem after main quest completion.

Post » Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:07 pm

Okay, so, I started a new save to go through the main quest with interesting npc's and such, and I've encountered something weird. After I beat Alduin and return to Tamriel, all imperial-aligned guards attack me on sight. Even ones that are only technically aligned with the Empire, like Whiterun. I tried going through the quest again, and that didn't change anything. Hell, I tried going through the quest and COCing back to the main worldspace and into areas with Empire-aligned guards at various parts of the final quest, and it only happens AFTER the quest is finished. Can anybody help me with this? If it helps, I have a metric f***ton of mods. I'll look into posting a list in a bit- I'm just a tad busy at the moment.

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