Odd startup

Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:03 am

Whenever I start up Fallout 3: Game of the Year edition, a notification pops up asking me to authorize the program to change something, in this case Fallout3.exe.

When I say 'Yes', it takes me into the game, while changing the color scheme of my desktop to windows basic for some reason.

When I say 'No', it tells me that 'Fallout 3 does not appear to be installed and the installer could not be found. Try exploring the DVD-ROM drive and selecting setup.exe to install the game.

I'm afraid I did something funky when I was messing around, trying to fix a problem with frequent crashes. This was a while ago, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the game using the wrong number of processors (IE 3 when I had 2 or something like that.)

It's by no means debilitating, and I'm able to play the game without any major problems, I was just wonder if there was a reason for this weird quirk.
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