My Oddest Moments In TES.

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:07 pm

I start......

A few days ago, BOTH of my saved games where currupted. I created a new breton spellsword, gained a few levels, went to Bruma and guess what, just out of nowhere the soldiers from all the cities where gathered up in Bruma and where ready to fight the daedra. I didnt even get the Amulet of Kings to Jaufree yet, but somehow all of the quests before the Bruma fight where just skipped. The quests were not even showing in my journal! Just a random day in bruma, where I spottet a Chrorrol soldier and thought that he was just a bug, but then I see soldiers from all of Cyrodiil.

Guess what, when I left the city for a dungeon loot and came back, ALL OF THE SOLDIERS WHERE GONE!

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Melis Hristina
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:16 am

That sounds friggen epic.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:51 am

In the Mages Guild quests, the one where you have to go rescue the informant who gets turned into a zombie. I walked into the ruins and met a Spell sword mage there, who said he was the last one, then after talking to him he yells "CHARGE" or something and runs down the stairs and straight into a trap and gets crushed. I thought that was odd. "huh?".
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:34 pm

After helping the count of Skingrad with his wife and he tells me to leave I'm in Lake Rumare under the bridge hunting slaughterfish and he's down there swimming at a depth saying that, 'Please go....' line he gives you. This is the same bridge I found Roderik Pierrenes wife buried hald under. Like they built her into the bridge or something.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:31 am

A nice odd moment in Daggerfall, thanks to the randomized quests and locations. I get a Fighters Guild quest to eliminate an animal who wandered inside someone's location. The dialogue goes like this:

- Well we just came to know that someone in town left his backdoor open and an wild animal came in. He hired us to get rid of it. Should you accept, there'll be 364 gold pieces for you.

- Yes, I'll do it.

- Excellent, it's in the Fighters Guild, not far from here. Go in there, kill the animal and get back here.

- "A voice comes from the back: I think it's a spider."


Oh well, it was easy money. I felt like I was the only one capable of fighting in the Fighters Guild.

I start......

A few days ago, BOTH of my saved games where currupted. I created a new breton spellsword, gained a few levels, went to Bruma and guess what, just out of nowhere the soldiers from all the cities where gathered up in Bruma and where ready to fight the daedra. I didnt even get the Amulet of Kings to Jaufree yet, but somehow all of the quests before the Bruma fight where just skipped. The quests were not even showing in my journal! Just a random day in bruma, where I spottet a Chrorrol soldier and thought that he was just a bug, but then I see soldiers from all of Cyrodiil.

Guess what, when I left the city for a dungeon loot and came back, ALL OF THE SOLDIERS WHERE GONE!


Oh boy, blame it on Sheogorath! ;)

In the Mages Guild quests, the one where you have to go rescue the informant who gets turned into a zombie. I walked into the ruins and met a Spell sword mage there, who said he was the last one, then after talking to him he yells "CHARGE" or something and runs down the stairs and straight into a trap and gets crushed. I thought that was odd. "huh?".

Hehe I had the same reaction. I also thought : "Who the heck do they hire in the Battlemages ranks? Don't they check their Intelligence or something?"
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:03 pm

Lol, I kind of love glitches in TES games sometimes. It sometimes adds much-needed comic relief.

I can just remember when I was playing Morrowind. I was trying to jump on to peoples' heads in Vivec, just because I was bored.

I was finally able to land on this one dark elf's head. He greeted me in a voice that was really high pitched (must have glitched), while I was standing on his head. It was pretty hilarious.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:56 pm

I was finally able to land on this one dark elf's head. He greeted me in a voice that was really high pitched (must have glitched), while I was standing on his head. It was pretty hilarious.

I often get that glitch. In fact, every time I jump and get stucked on a surface below me while still jumping, the sound effects will change their pitch. It's one of the reasons I often jump around in taverns, laughing as the NPCs greet me with squirrel voices. :P
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:13 pm

I often get that glitch. In fact, every time I jump and get stucked on a surface below me while still jumping, the sound effects will change their pitch. It's one of the reasons I often jump around in taverns, laughing as the NPCs greet me with squirrel voices. :P

Thats one of the reasons why I love TES. :D
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:58 am

For me it was finishing the fight with Umbra without killing her.
I started to fight, already beat her up pretty badly and then managed a disarming attack which made her drop the sword. I quickly grabbed it and... she stopped. In fact she even seemd to have a line for beating her with disarming!
Beth, i want to see more like that, being able to solve quest alternatively.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:54 pm

My oddest moments are:
1. My first encounter with Tarheil. I kept thinking I did something wrong as all I could hear was screaming.
2. When the guards suddenly get violent with the furniture. When I entered a guard tower, all I could see is a guard sitting down and all of the stuff on the table flying everywhere.
3. When doing the 'Unfriendly Competition' quest, I entered the Merchant's Inn only to see the bookstore owner in town stealing off of the Innkeeper. Shortly after the person who I was following left, I saw a guard enter and stand right behind the theif practically waiting for me to leave before the bloodshed could begin.
4. When I quicktraveled to Skingrad I saw another redguard, this time it was the marksman trainer, stealing food of someone at the stable nearby. A guard comes running up to him in an attempt to arrest/kill him. I end up talking to the guard and when I stop, he has completely forgotton about the theft and walks away.
More to come as I remember them.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:26 pm

For me I had a horse that was following me somehow jump(sortof noclipped) off the edge of a bridge on my way to cloudtop and die... bad horsie.

Also forgot to mention the times when I would enter a house sometimes randomly and a tornado was going on with all of the objects flying around for about 5-10 seconds.
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