So I while back I was kind of frustrated with the water in my game using MGE, so I deleted the water folder hoping that the regular pixel shaded water would work but nope, game crashed on startup. Wasn't aware MGE was completely incompatible with the regular water. I completely reinstalled MGE, started up, and everything seemed fine EXCEPT now my screen is off-center. It seems to be showing things a bit down and to the right, and I'm pretty sure I've heard of this happening before. Does anyone know what causes this? Maybe I deleted something other than MGE, I dunno, but I get no errors in-game. Everything works great except for that.
Edit: Why do I always figure out my own questions after asking them? >.> It turns out the problem is Morrowind Code Patch, the latest version. I still don't know what exactly causes it or how to fix it though.
Edit 2: Aha, I figured it out. For some reason I had "Widen Menu Screen" on, I guess I didn't read what it was because it says it off-centers the screen if you don't use something with it. I'm sorry for making a pointless post like this, I was trying to figure it out for a while. Maybe it'll help someone someday.