I've noticed a lot of people flaming the consoles and implying that there a drag on gaming in general limiting everything. What really get's on my nerves is the PC owners droning on about how consoles are inferior in nearly every way, their is absolutely no need for this.The majority of console owners can not afford to buy a gaming PC and choose something which will be just as effective but low maintenance. The advantages of having a PC is that it can be updated with new hardware and software easily and with full support of modding tools especially in games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls which simply is not provided for consoles. However much I wish this was available to consoles it will not be because of risking invalidating their warranty and have their console banned for it, and really hope if the Consoles will not be changed but updated with new hardware in a scheme where you take your outdated tech back to the shop and they exchange it for a new console with maybe a small charge and they convert/strip the outdated consoles into new ones. I know stupid idea but hey just a thought
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