I am slightly disappointed with only 25 questions, I was expecting more. I also hoped there would be one new image at least. But I am happy we got at least what we did, because at the end of the day they didn't have to answer any questions, yet they chose to...... so be grateful!
Questions I wanted answered:
- I was hoping they would confirm werewolves and vampires one way or the other (no other details would have been necerssary, just knowing would have been enough)
- I was hoping for more detail on smithing
- Whether you can choose a side in the civil war
- Will the varients of armour on males and females look different
My Thoughts:
- I am also disappointed with the merger of greaves and cuirass, however if it means there are loads more armours in the game (I'm talking minimum 2x) including more unique armour I will be ok with it I think. Does it really make that much difference to how many people are on a screen at once because of how many pieces the armour is divided into and how does it make that much difference?
- I was also hoping enchanted items would recharge over time rather than need recharging with soul gems.
- I am happy that there are loads of quests with fewer braching tree lines, rather than vice versa. I always found Fallout 3 to be lacking in quests compared to Oblivion. Althogh I hope there are at least a few of the magnitude of the Megaton quest.
- I am ok with no levitation although it would have been nice. The reason for it breaking quests of the games design are perfectly plausible reasons for excluding it
- Marriage - Big Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy
Incredibly disappointed. No time for spears or medium amrour, but plenty of time for romantic crap?
I am well chuffed that romance is in. I've wanted romance in for months and when I mentioned it a couple of months back when I first joined the forums I was flamed for it so :tongue:
I would have liked spears in. I understand the reasons for no medium armour and accept Bethesda's decision
non lethal barbrawls!

As long as they can be lethal as well....... if you so choose to cross the line