Official Q and A

Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:13 pm

You only been a member like 3 months, you have no idea what your speaking of !

If you are responding to the whining part, then yes I can imagine ^^

If you are responding to the rest, since when does an opinion about a game that hasnt even been released yet relate at all to how long I've been a member? 0o
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Je suis
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:33 am

The part about weapons needing constant recharging as in Oblivion also seems kind of :meh:.

I guess I won't be using the enchantments on my weapons, then. It was always too much of an uncomfortable chore than use of actually enchanted weaponry, in my opinion, and I can't enjoy playing the game while constantly looking for more souls to power a weapon... nor can I be much of a pure warrior, in that manner, either.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:16 am

The part about weapons needing constant recharging as in Oblivion also seems kind of :meh:.

I guess I won't be using the enchantments on my weapons, then. It was always too much of an uncomfortable chore than use of actually enchanted weaponry, in my opinion, and I can't enjoy playing the game while constantly looking for more souls to power a weapon... nor can I be much of a pure warrior, in that manner, either.

That's probably exactly their reasoning. Enchanting your sword should be more of a gamestyle and less of a thing that everyone gets always. If you want to be pure warrior you shouldnt rely on enchantments. If you are a pure mage (witch/wizard) you wont use weapons anyway.

Enchantments are for battlemages, and skilling enchanting should also be for battlemages. That is why I want it to be a commitment to run around collecting souls and enchanted weapons to brake down, much like it's a commitment to run around collecting flowers and better alchemy labs to make poisons and potions.

It's also worht noting that wizards have scrolls, tomes, staffs and other wizards to collect to gain more magical knowledge and power, and now pure warriors has smithing. Everybody happeh!
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:28 am

The part about weapons needing constant recharging as in Oblivion also seems kind of :meh:.

I guess I won't be using the enchantments on my weapons, then. It was always too much of an uncomfortable chore than use of actually enchanted weaponry, in my opinion, and I can't enjoy playing the game while constantly looking for more souls to power a weapon... nor can I be much of a pure warrior, in that manner, either.

Actually that's good in a way. It makes for a good reason not to focus on the Enchanting skill, so that it doesn't become the "essential skill that everyone just has". You either put an effort into it or you don't bother.
EDIT: O got ninja'd :ninja:
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:05 am

Actually that's good in a way. It makes for a good reason not to focus on the Enchanting skill, so that it doesn't become the "essential skill that everyone just has". You either put an effort into it or you don't bother.

What? You don't need to enchant anything to obtain a Daedric artifact or an already-enchanted, powerful, god-created weapon that somehow needs to be babysat.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:44 pm


For real? This is the super-awesome fan interview we waited 2 months for? That got delayed several times because you wanted to make it even better?
25 answers with hardly any new solid information. I don't even know wheter I should be disappointed or burst into laughter. This is pitiful.

- No talk about werewolves
- Armor simplification confirmed
- Again trying to justify no spears
- No Enchanting with your own skills
- No differences in running speed

But hooray, we got tavern brawls and marriage! Should make up for everything else, right?

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jadie kell
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:48 pm

Yay, not as bad as I expected! (And I expected to learn a hundred different ways of saying "we can't talk about it yet" ^^)

At least there's some new interesting information to keep us occupied for the next couple of... days, and it's nice of them to have answered my question about gender/race-specific animations. But I am still very unhappy that they haven't even touched the rest of my list, which was far more important to me - including queries on the Creation Kit, magic and AI's usage of it, factions and guilds, politics and ability to participate in them, psychic guards and crime system, and, most importantly, if it's possible to play a primarily socially-oriented character.

And while they have finally confirmed once and for all that cuirasses and greaves are combined (which was thoughtful of them to address), they haven't mentioned if the same applies to clothing and whether modders will have extra equipment slots available to eventually fix it, which is still a great concern of mine.

Dammit. Marriage better be cool. If it's silly and shallow and makes me feel like a moron, I'm going to be pissed.

Also, I better be able to be homosixual.

Oh, I hope so too!

(Unless there's David Boreanaz or Alexander Skarsg?rd somewhere in the game, my character isn't going to even touch a male ^^)

And yes, if romantic relationships are in, I expect them to be no less than perfect and portrayed with as much maturity and depth as possible.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:18 pm

Same goes for you, If you had been on here longer you wouldnt feel as tho all this info is "new", much of it is old news to us who have been on here every day for like a friggin yr beggin for news scraps and piecing together stuff from tidbits, instead you jump on, read for 5 minutes all the new stuff, dont explore anything yourselves, then make comments about us being spoiled who want more news then this at a time,.... thats what I am talking about !

As someone who has been here since the early days of Morrowind (albeit on a different account), lets just say that all this has happened before and all of it will happen again. Only difference between Skyrim and Oblivion is the amount of fans around to do the talking (or whining, or complaining, etc.).
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Kate Norris
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:14 am


For real? This is the super-awesome fan interview we waited 2 months for? That got delayed several times because you wanted to make it even better?
25 answers with hardly any new solid information. I don't even know wheter I should be disappointed or burst into laughter. This is pitiful.

- No talk about werewolves
- Armor simplification confirmed
- Again trying to justify no spears
- No Enchanting with your own skills
- No differences in running speed

But hooray, we got tavern brawls and marriage! Should make up for everything else, right?


I like the humor here, which makes it all the more depressing... :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:55 am

Dragon Armor and Tavern Brawls Yeah !!!!
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:55 pm


For real? This is the super-awesome fan interview we waited 2 months for? That got delayed several times because you wanted to make it even better?
25 answers with hardly any new solid information. I don't even know wheter I should be disappointed or burst into laughter. This is pitiful.

- No talk about werewolves
- Armor simplification confirmed
- Again trying to justify no spears
- No Enchanting with your own skills
- No differences in running speed

But hooray, we got tavern brawls and marriage! Should make up for everything else, right?


I do agree that I shouldn't have taken months to get this up, but it only sounds bad because of the massive crying and [censored]ing on the forums. Also, there was a good amount of information.

- They are not finished with metamorphis yet, thus they cannot talk about it yet. Don't be a crybaby
- It's not necessarily simplified only because they melted pieces together. Due to smithing it's more likely more complex. Don't be a crybaby
- It's time to let go off the spears. Either let them take another 4 months to put it in, or play the game at 11-11-11.
- There most certainly is enchanting with your own skills.
- Races alone give differences in running speed. Higher stamina will indirectly make you run faster, and what you are wearing and equiping plays a role aswell. You will obviously be able to modify and plan your running speed, you just wont be able to run in the speed of light and jump over hills anymore.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:16 am


For real? This is the super-awesome fan interview we waited 2 months for? That got delayed several times because you wanted to make it even better?
25 answers with hardly any new solid information. I don't even know wheter I should be disappointed or burst into laughter. This is pitiful.

- No talk about werewolves
- Armor simplification confirmed
- Again trying to justify no spears
- No Enchanting with your own skills
- No differences in running speed

But hooray, we got tavern brawls and marriage! Should make up for everything else, right?


You honestly expected it to be super-awesome? It's just an interview. Don't expect miracles to occur.
Actually it's pretty good because it gives info on some specific details that have been bugging many, and not is just elaboration on broad and vague subjects.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:40 am

Same goes for you, If you had been on here longer you wouldnt feel as tho all this info is "new", much of it is old news to us who have been on here every day for like a friggin yr beggin for news scraps and piecing together stuff from tidbits, instead you jump on, read for 5 minutes all the new stuff, dont explore anything yourselves, then make comments about us being spoiled who want more news then this at a time,.... thats what I am talking about !

Dude. You've been a member for 3 years LESS than me. I've been on this forum practically every day since they announced Skyrim. I may not have written, but I have read. Alot. So do yourself a favor and shut up.

I never said "all" this info is new. Some of us just don't feel like the dev's owe us anything, you spoiled kid.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:43 am

Romance is kind of meh to me. I never cared for companions much and they actually served a purpose other than just taking up space in my home. I hope they make them interesting somehow with quests or something but I can't imagine I'll get much entertainment from it.

I do like the sound of beast specific animations which heightens my hopes for unique body types for them too.

Perks for companions confirmed so that probably means NPCs get them also.

Some quests and stuff locked out depending on choices made sounds good, it adds more replay value and makes characters a bit more unique depending on your choices.

Some loss of customization with greaves being merged with cuirass but I don't mind that much myself. Hopefully they leave the armor slots in the creation kit so modders can make use of them though. It would be nice to have extra slots for anything not just separating greaves again.

I don't much mind that encumbrance the same for every character but it would have been preferred to have some differentiation between races. I mean come on, it's not that hard or unbalancing to give the nords and orcs a bit more encumbrance is it? It just makes more sense to me but whatever not a big loss. Same applies to speed. Would have been better to differentiate the races a bit but not a big loss. Both will definitely be modded in my game though.

The rest was pretty meh.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:42 am

I am slightly disappointed with only 25 questions, I was expecting more. I also hoped there would be one new image at least. But I am happy we got at least what we did, because at the end of the day they didn't have to answer any questions, yet they chose to...... so be grateful!

Questions I wanted answered:
- I was hoping they would confirm werewolves and vampires one way or the other (no other details would have been necerssary, just knowing would have been enough)
- I was hoping for more detail on smithing
- Whether you can choose a side in the civil war
- Will the varients of armour on males and females look different

My Thoughts:
- I am also disappointed with the merger of greaves and cuirass, however if it means there are loads more armours in the game (I'm talking minimum 2x) including more unique armour I will be ok with it I think. Does it really make that much difference to how many people are on a screen at once because of how many pieces the armour is divided into and how does it make that much difference?
- I was also hoping enchanted items would recharge over time rather than need recharging with soul gems.
- I am happy that there are loads of quests with fewer braching tree lines, rather than vice versa. I always found Fallout 3 to be lacking in quests compared to Oblivion. Althogh I hope there are at least a few of the magnitude of the Megaton quest.
- I am ok with no levitation although it would have been nice. The reason for it breaking quests of the games design are perfectly plausible reasons for excluding it
- Marriage - Big Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy

Incredibly disappointed. No time for spears or medium amrour, but plenty of time for romantic crap?

I am well chuffed that romance is in. I've wanted romance in for months and when I mentioned it a couple of months back when I first joined the forums I was flamed for it so :tongue:

I would have liked spears in. I understand the reasons for no medium armour and accept Bethesda's decision

non lethal barbrawls! :D

As long as they can be lethal as well....... if you so choose to cross the line
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:06 pm

I do agree that I shouldn't have taken months to get this up, but it only sounds bad because of the massive crying and [censored]ing on the forums. Also, there was a good amount of information.

- They are not finished with metamorphis yet, thus they cannot talk about it yet. Don't be a crybaby
- It's not necessarily simplified only because they melted pieces together. Due to smithing it's more likely more complex. Don't be a crybaby
- It's time to let go off the spears. Either let them take another 4 months to put it in, or play the game at 11-11-11.
- There most certainly is enchanting with your own skills.
- Races alone give differences in running speed. Higher stamina will indirectly make you run faster, as it lets you carry more without penalty to speed. It might mean that increasing your stamina will increase your speed, if the weight doesnt change, which means stamina will make you run faster, possible jump higher.

- Todd didn't say why they don't want to talk about metamorphs yet.
- Don't assume things, it will only lead to disappointment. "More than we have ever had" can be just 1 more.
- They know we wanted spears sind Oblivion's first announcement. I at least hope they put them in a DLC this time.
- There is not, as it said in answer #10.
- There are no racial differences in running speed. Check answer #11.

You honestly expected it to be super-awesome? It's just an interview. Don't expect miracles to occur.
Actually it's pretty good because it gives info on some specific details that have been bugging many, and not is just elaboration on broad and vague subjects.

Yes, I expected it to be awesome. Because they said it would be, and maybe because I'm used to it from other developers.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:40 pm

The part about weapons needing constant recharging as in Oblivion also seems kind of :meh:.

I guess I won't be using the enchantments on my weapons, then. It was always too much of an uncomfortable chore than use of actually enchanted weaponry, in my opinion, and I can't enjoy playing the game while constantly looking for more souls to power a weapon... nor can I be much of a pure warrior, in that manner, either.

I was disappointed about that too.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:17 am

Disappointing, if thats all of it.

Thought honestly, I'm disappointed anyway.
I guess I'll just stay away from this forum until november.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:09 pm

- Todd didn't say why they don't want to talk about metamorphs yet.
- Don't assume things, it will only lead to disappointment. "More than we have ever had" can be just 1 more.
- They know we wanted spears sind Oblivion's first announcement. I at least hope they put them in a DLC this time.
- There is not, as it said in answer #10.
- There are no racial differences in running speed. Check answer #11.

Yes, I expected it to be awesome. Because they said it would be, and maybe because I'm used to it from other developers.

I wont assume things if you wont.

And you need to reread 10 and 11 yourself.

You're expecting other developers to explain in detail how the entirity of their game works a few months before it's released, and slave over every question answered?

You sir are spoiled.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:39 pm

There are a lot of spoiled people on this forum apparently. Be grateful we even get a Q&A.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:11 pm

Why isn't anyone talking about this:" Argonians, just like khajiits, will have fur."? In my opinion it is ridiculous that a lizard has fur instead of scales, but whatever i wont be using argonions anyway...
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:58 am

There are a lot of spoiled people on this forum apparently. Be grateful we even get a Q&A.

I will toast to that :foodndrink:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:29 pm

I do agree that I shouldn't have taken months to get this up, but it only sounds bad because of the massive crying and [censored]ing on the forums. Also, there was a good amount of information.

- They are not finished with metamorphis yet, thus they cannot talk about it yet. Don't be a crybaby
- It's not necessarily simplified only because they melted pieces together. Due to smithing it's more likely more complex. Don't be a crybaby
- It's time to let go off the spears. Either let them take another 4 months to put it in, or play the game at 11-11-11.
- There most certainly is enchanting with your own skills.
- Races alone give differences in running speed. Higher stamina will indirectly make you run faster, and what you are wearing and equiping plays a role aswell. You will obviously be able to modify and plan your running speed, you just wont be able to run in the speed of light and jump over hills anymore.

And all of this info was pretty much already known or logically concluded. Again no new info other than tavern brawls and the marriage single player social network sim... or whatever... yeah.... oh wait dragon armor... hmmm... well at least it is up from 2 new things(1 good and 1 bad) to 3 new items.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:15 pm

There are a lot of spoiled people on this forum apparently. Be grateful we even get a Q&A.

The gods forbid we actually expect a game developer to be better than your average Activison or EA dev.
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Del Arte
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:52 am

Yes, I expected it to be awesome. Because they said it would be, and maybe because I'm used to it from other developers.

Oh well :shrug:, we all learn in some way that Bethesda isn't just another developer. Sadly sometimes that has to be the hard way. :violin:
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Ross Zombie
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