Official Q and A

Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:30 am

This makes me happy

Yeah that was my favorite bit of info.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:22 pm

Just hope people don't start saying its TES V: Fablewood

TES V: Real LIfe-rim
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:07 am

So, good news:
More armor variety than ever before. "Ever" includes Morrowind, I hope.
Variations in major quest lines that can have an effect on the ending of them, more branches in incidental quests.
Different animations for genders. Unique animations for beast races! Yes!
PC version will look amazing if you have a really good PC. (svck on it, consolers! B) )
Enchanting effects are acquired by breaking down enchanted weapons, making them completely distinct from your known spells.
Dragons mark the environment and can even destroy buildings sometimes.
Unique voice for each PC race and gender.
NPCs will react more to your race and gender, even locking you out of quests based on it. There is no affirmative action in Skyrim.
Specific powerful artifacts are static; no more crappy Umbra at low levels.

The meh news:
You can have romantic relationships and get married. Pointless, I think. (Frilly maid dresses for lusty Argonians not confirmed.)

The bad news:
Cuirass and greaves merged. Boo! What if my orc wants to go topless, deflecting arrows with his manly pecs?
Everyone moves at the same speed and starts off with the same encumbrance. That's idiotic. [censored] you, Bethesda. Seriously. Day one mod.
No levitate or mark/recall, but at least they give a good reason for it.
Fame/Infamy no longer listed. That's not so bad in and of itself but does that mean the whole stats screen is gone? How do we keep track of bounties?

Some good, some bad. Thankfully, as always, mods will be there to make adjustments and pick up the slack. The lack of variation in movement and encumbrance between races is very upsetting and I'm sure the forums will be bursting into flames any moment.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:01 am

Oh god, they added marriage....

I wish they would've gone more in depth about smithing, but overall a pretty good Q & A.
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loste juliana
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:19 am

I did like finally getting confirmation that encumbrance starts off the same for all races/genders and is tied to Stamina.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:42 am

Yeah, I'm not doing the romance thing. This isn't the Sims you know.

lol alright, throw features out of the game because a bad game a done it. that way, you'd have no weapons, no view of the world at all... hell no game at all!

And besides, this is Bethesda we're talking about. it probably won't be spamming the "compliment button" until your partner loves you, you know

Fame/Infamy no longer listed. That's not so bad in and of itself but does that mean the whole stats screen is gone? How do we keep track of bounties?

and there it goes again.... you know, just because you don't have ketchup in your hamburger, doesn't mean you don't get to eat
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:05 am

I never ever complain about anything Skyrim related since I joined at the beginning of the year. Not a single time. I think most people here would vouch for that. I am disappointed with this Q&A though. Oblivion's was 4 parts. We got 25 questions and no new screens. That's what i'm mainly upset with. It took 2 months for 25 questions and on the Bethblog they attached a one month old, E3 screen to the Q&A. That's not cool.

I can vouch for you being a great person, but I still disagree with you. Showing a lot of Oblivion was necessary in order to sell next generation hardware and appeal to a broader market.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:44 am

Still nothing about werecreatures. :brokencomputer:

Sounds like there's not going to be a lot of armor customization. What a disappointment. :shakehead:

Don't care about marriages. I just don't see how it could be fun.

Everything else sounds good. Thanks for the fan interview! :foodndrink:
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Tyler F
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:14 pm

Why was this delayed so much? It should have taken 20 minutes to answer those questions. disappointed.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:16 pm

non lethal barbrawls! :D
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:52 pm

I like how they re-added enchanting as a skill. Why did they remove it in the first place?
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:30 am

Well, I'm perfectly happy for romance in Skyrim, IF IT'S DONE WELL! Please be as awesome as ever BGS <3
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:26 am

I can vouch for you being a great person, but I still disagree with you. Showing a lot of Oblivion was necessary in order to sell next generation hardware and appeal to a broader market.

Thanks for the kind words. The 25 questions themself weren't bad, I just mainly hoped for at least one new screen. I'm shocked they didn't give us that.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:09 am

ya, that was pretty good I guess. I was a bit disappointed about some of the answers but I'm glad they cleared them up. Except the changing shape answer.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:25 pm

NPCs will react more to your race and gender, even locking you out of quests based on it. There is no affirmative action in Skyrim.

Nope, the quest thing was based on your choices, not race/gender.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:26 pm

what a dissapointment.


I didn't find those answers particularly reassuring or hyping (some even the contrary).

Edit: Also, what's with the "We don't want to talk about that"-answer???
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Jade Payton
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:12 am

My responses, numbered according to the Q and A

1) So in other words, polymorphing is a "maybe"

2) Customization sounds good from what has been said. I'm excited to see it.

3) I understand the reason for the armor piece merger and it doesn't bother me. However, members of the forums have been vocal about this, so I expect some disappointing posts cropping up...

4) More quests, fewer branches. Here's hoping the branches that are there are interesting.

5) "We’re handling leveling stuff similar to how we did in Fallout 3, but with a few new twists that we hope players won’t even notice."
Challenge Accepted Bethesda :P
Just don't give us bandits wearing Daedric gear and we'll get along fine.
The "Epic" loot concept sounds interesting.

6) Well sorry guys, spears, mark and recall, etc. are definitely not in. Not that it bugs me personally, but I feel for those who will miss them.

Ok, despite the one article that everyone speculated on, I didn't think much of this actually happening. I honestly did not see this coming. Color me very curious to see how this goes.

Anti-relationship forum firestorm incoming in 3...2...

8) Dragon armor? Most interesting *strokes beard*

9) PC wise, sounds good to me

10) Oh joy. I hated having to recharge enchated weapons, so glad this is making a comeback. /sarcasm
Ah well. Modders, get cracking once the creation kit is out

Enchanting being a separate skill intrigues me though.

11) Race-specific passive abilities. Nice

12) That's good honestly. It encourages multiple playthroughs.

13) Ooh characters responding to gender and race. Nice touch.

14) So wait, that mean we can KO enemies without killing them? If so, YES
And Tavern brawls FTW!

15) Hoping this is as good as it sounds. I want fights to be interesting. Having combat feel the same every time svcks.

16) That's good, less micromanaging for me xD

17) So mostly Nordic. Fine by me, this is Skyrim after all.

18) Wasn't expecting fully destructible environments in a TES game anyway, least not at this point. Maybe someday.

19) YES! Different animations for races and genders is awesome! Every step away from Oblivion's animation issues is a huge plus

20) So if we pay a fine everyone will like us again after going on a murderous rampage? I hope some crimes carry an irreversible death warrant, because being a murdering sociopath shouldn't be so easy to get out of.

21) Crafting, nice

22) GOOD. Having fully voiced player characters would pull a lot of people (myself included) out of the experience. This isn't Mass Effect, the concept wouldn't work so well here since its *our* character, not a specific person ala Commander Shepard.

23) Sounds interesting. Curious to see all the dragon shouts. The ones so far have been pretty cool (Storm Call is an awesome one).

24) Let's hope this works well this time. Try hiding behind foliage in Oblivion, and you'll quickly discover you might as well been standing in your enemies' face xD

25) This would have svcked otherwise. I always hated that about Fallout 3. Glad to see TES is sticking to being able to play post main quest

All in all, this sounds very good to me :tes:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:38 am

I hope I can have 30+ kids and move them all into the same town so I get swarmed by little tykes and their presents like I did in Fable3.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:25 pm

I like how they re-added enchanting as a skill. Why did they remove it in the first place?

IIRC, because of some stupid jab at trying to "balance" what didn't really need to be balanced to such a degree. Enchanting as it was in Morrowind was already damned hard and unless you had the ability to amass a great fortune for every item you enchant (something not every player was going to know how to do efficiently until they've already been through much of the game anyway) it was fairly hard to make epic suits/weapons of power.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:10 am

Dammit. Marriage better be cool. If it's silly and shallow and makes me feel like a moron, I'm going to be pissed.

Also, I better be able to be homosixual.

This, but I'm automatically pessimistic on that front.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:19 pm

Don't care about marriages. I just don't see how it could be fun.

My good sir please, you can use one of two heads you were born with and still come up with boundless visions of fun!
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:55 pm

I would like to thank Bethesda for taking the time and bother. Time spent on the fan nterview was obviously subtracted to where it matters the most. So, again, thank you Todd, Bruce and Mark.

LIke I said a couple of day ago, I'd much rather have a great game and a mediocre interview than the other way around.
We now have a mediocre interview so I guess a great game is coming in 4 months.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:50 am

Interesting little tidbit Todd shared with me on Mark &Recall

Originally in Oblivion the sigil stones you found were used for mark and recall. Makes perfect sense if you think about how they appear in game. Grab a sigil stone and then use it by placing it somewhere, and then use a spell to recall back to it. It would open an Oblivion gate that you stepped through to where you placed your stone. Fantastic! Also horribly game breaking. So we removed it and it wasn’t until closer to the project’s end that we found another use for sigil stones, which was enchanting items. Anyway, it’s a feature we do love, but still haven’t found a way to work in without breaking other things.

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:12 am

Incredibly disappointed. No time for spears or medium amrour, but plenty of time for romantic crap?

yeah I was dissapointed with their excuses for those as well, I really hoping romance isn't as crappy as it was with fable...
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:31 am

Yes, we spend months and months speculating only to find out what we came up with is freaking correct, and the bad kind.

One speed all races

One piece armors? the only hope as that it is not as useless as Halo reaches armor customization "system"

.lawl im not even going to go on, I'll be called a complainer..even though the "complainers" figured most of this out along time ago....

the wait is killing me...I just want to play, Im tired of bad news just give me the game so I can play.

Yeah what Skyrimer said, the mediocre interview can take a back seat as long as the game blows me away.
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Alexandra Ryan
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