My responses, numbered according to the Q and A
1) So in other words, polymorphing is a "maybe"
2) Customization sounds good from what has been said. I'm excited to see it.
3) I understand the reason for the armor piece merger and it doesn't bother me. However, members of the forums have been vocal about this, so I expect some disappointing posts cropping up...
4) More quests, fewer branches. Here's hoping the branches that are there are interesting.
5) "We’re handling leveling stuff similar to how we did in Fallout 3, but with a few new twists that we hope players won’t even notice."
Challenge Accepted Bethesda
Just don't give us bandits wearing Daedric gear and we'll get along fine.
The "Epic" loot concept sounds interesting.
6) Well sorry guys, spears, mark and recall, etc. are definitely not in. Not that it bugs me personally, but I feel for those who will miss them.
Ok, despite the one article that everyone speculated on, I didn't think much of this actually happening. I honestly did not see this coming. Color me very curious to see how this goes.
Anti-relationship forum firestorm incoming in 3...2...
8) Dragon armor? Most interesting *strokes beard*
9) PC wise, sounds good to me
10) Oh joy. I hated having to recharge enchated weapons, so glad this is making a comeback. /sarcasm
Ah well. Modders, get cracking once the creation kit is out
Enchanting being a separate skill intrigues me though.
11) Race-specific passive abilities. Nice
12) That's good honestly. It encourages multiple playthroughs.
13) Ooh characters responding to gender and race. Nice touch.
14) So wait, that mean we can KO enemies without killing them? If so, YES
And Tavern brawls FTW!
15) Hoping this is as good as it sounds. I want fights to be interesting. Having combat feel the same every time svcks.
16) That's good, less micromanaging for me xD
17) So mostly Nordic. Fine by me, this is Skyrim after all.
18) Wasn't expecting fully destructible environments in a TES game anyway, least not at this point. Maybe someday.
19) YES! Different animations for races and genders is awesome! Every step away from Oblivion's animation issues is a huge plus
20) So if we pay a fine everyone will like us again after going on a murderous rampage? I hope some crimes carry an irreversible death warrant, because being a murdering sociopath shouldn't be so easy to get out of.
21) Crafting, nice
22) GOOD. Having fully voiced player characters would pull a lot of people (myself included) out of the experience. This isn't Mass Effect, the concept wouldn't work so well here since its *our* character, not a specific person ala Commander Shepard.
23) Sounds interesting. Curious to see all the dragon shouts. The ones so far have been pretty cool (Storm Call is an awesome one).
24) Let's hope this works well this time. Try hiding behind foliage in Oblivion, and you'll quickly discover you might as well been standing in your enemies' face xD
25) This would have svcked otherwise. I always hated that about Fallout 3. Glad to see TES is sticking to being able to play post main quest
All in all, this sounds very good to me :tes: