Well the next TES will be next-gen so I wish for some more next-gen things.
I'd like to see an upgrade on most things from Oblivion and Skyrim.
Both quality and quanity upgrades.
*Oblivion and Skyrim have 4 guilds,TES VI should have 6-8 guilds.
*Oblivion had 220 quests,TES VI should have 300-400 quests.
*A world about 30% ~ 50% larger than Oblivion/Skyrim.
*More jobs/ordinary life things to do.Like getting a fish rod to fish for example.
*I'd like to see water being more meaningfull and be used for gameplay,like underwater dungeons,puzzles that have to do with water in Tomb Raider/Zelda style..
*More unique items that impact gameplay or can help as solve puzzles and mystery stuff.
*Since lots of people spend hours in the character creation menu,and lots of them try to make their own face,I'd like to see an in-game system made by Bethesda that would allow us to import photos of our faces to make our character's faces.Like a lite Bethesda made Facegen intergrated to the main game.
*Of course use of the various graphics technologies that are or will be available like cloth and hair physics,would be very welcome.
*There are many people asking for destroyable terrain or stuff,but I understand Bethesda's concern that players might destroy something that shouldn't,and that would lead to unexpected events like disabling a quest.. My suggestion for a kind of destroyable things is a semi-random semi-scripted earthquake physics system.
The "Quake Engine" as I call it, would create earthquakes randomly calculating some variables,but the effects of an earthquake would be scripted.Bethesda would decide which buildings would be destroyable,and would rate each of the destroyable buildings with a "Quake Resistance Score". If building
A had a Q.R.S. of 5,it means that it would only collapse if the magnitude of the earthquake (picked up randomly) was 5. Buildings with a smaller score would collapse too,while buildings with a higher score would stay standing,perhaps with minor visual damage.The radius of the earthquake would be one out of three (or more) different radiuses for example let's say Radius Class A effects only a city,Radius Class B effects some surrounding cities/villages too,while Radius Class C effects the whole region.
This "Quake Engine" would raise the immersion levels,and would also add some form of destructable stuff,so with 1 stone it would kill 2 birds.
*I'd like to see the effects of rain.To see water flowing in the ground,and perhaps create some flows in its way.To see people reacting to rain and perhaps using some kind of umbrellas,or run to go under a roof to not get wet.
It would add so much to immersion when raining...
I have more unique ideas like the "Quake Engine" that I could propose,but I'm not sure you'll find them interesting.
If you lke it,ask me to tell you more of the Earthquake generation system I'm thinking about,or other cool stuff like that.