Official: Beyond Skyrim - TES VI. #6

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:20 pm
Wow, nice pics!

Those look like they were taken in Louisiana - did you find those or take them yourself?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:14 pm

Black Marsh is best for next TES imo.
They could base MQ around war between Argonians and Dunmer so next TES can take place on both Black Marsh and Morrowind (I know we've already seen Morrowind, but we still haven't seen Morrowind's mainland, and lot of things changed since TES III).
For TES VII, I think they could Valenwood, Elsweyr and Summerset Isle all at once (they are not that big provinces).

Still, I think that they should focus now on FO 4 & 5, and leave TES alone a bit (they should rest and meditate on what they've learned).
During that period, they should improve Skyrim with patches and DLCs until they polish it to a diamond-shine.
So their release timeline should look something like this:
TES V > FO 4 > FO 5 > TES VI > FO 6 > TES VII

You know what?
Scrap that!
Release timeline should go like this:
TES V > FO 4 > Redguard Remake or TES Adventures II > FO V > TES VI > FO 6 > TES VII

It would be awesome if they could remake that game.
I personally haven't played it, but would really like too (heard a lot of wonderful things about it).
The problem is, it's simply too old game for my taste (it still runs in DOS).
In case a remake does not sound like a good idea, then they can make a new TES Adventures.
Plus, it would be a great chance for Bethesda to make a proper action-adventure and earn money on it, and then focus on making TES VI into a proper action RPG.

I just said they should think more out of hte box than that, not "hey guys I have a great and fully worked out idea for what the next game should be".

My point was that the first game was set over the entire continent, the second game was set over parts of two provinces with a game world the size of an actual country, then the next game was set in a much smaller but hand-crafted representation of one part of one province. It's only since then that this one game = one province mapped over about 16 square miles idea has dominated, to the extent that most people are assuming that the next game will just do that same thing yet again. All I hope is that they at least entertain the possibility of doing something as radically different to the last game as the first three did.

If you're asking me to name some specific example of what that might be then you're entirely missing my point.
Well, then the idea of TES VI being in Black Marsh with Morrowind included shouldn't be that bad actually.
Also, I wonder when will they introduce new continents to us, or anything outside boundaries of Tamriel.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:14 pm

I want Elswyer for two reasons:

1. Khajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^w^

2. Deserts would be alot quicker, and easier to hand-craft than say... The dense swamps of Black Marsh. Or the giant rainforest of Valenwood. This would allow for not only a WAY bigger landmass. But more time to improve non-wilderness areas (Cities, buildings, dungeons, etc. ) as well.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:06 pm

I want Elswyer for two reasons:

1. Khajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^w^

2. Deserts would be alot quicker, and easier to hand-craft than say... The dense swamps of Black Marsh. Or the giant rainforest of Valenwood. This would allow for not only a WAY bigger landmass. But more time to improve non-wilderness areas (Cities, buildings, dungeons, etc. ) as well.
I like the Khajiits but I don′t like deserts too much :confused:

Valenwood maybe?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:25 pm

Release timeline should go like this:
TES V > FO 4 > Redguard Remake or TES Adventures II > FO V > TES VI > FO 6 > TES VII

Why do you want to plan out their release schedule 20 years in advance?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:44 pm

Why do you want to plan out their release schedule 20 years in advance?
Because I'm that awesome, lol.
Seriously though, it's just a thought.
The important part in that timeline (imo) is until TES VI since I think that that is best way for them to release games (just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less).
I think I've already stated reasons why it should go something like that.
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Wayne W
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:56 pm

But they are good about making each game better.

They only proved this with Skyrim after Oblivion, so we don't know this.

I'd like to see either Argonia or Elsweyr. After fairytale we've seen in Cyrodiil and somewhat generic nordic spirit that was present in Skyrim, it's time for something outlandish again.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:10 pm

I had a thought about the setting for TES VI which would be the combo of Morrowind and Black Marsh.

It's just my opinion but I'd like to return to Morrowind and not just Vvardenfell but all of Morrowind. It'd also give the players a chance to take part in a Dunmer / Argonian war.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:12 pm

I like the Khajiits but I don′t like deserts too much :confused:

Valenwood maybe?
Well, Elswyer isn't ALL desert. I think like one third of the province has jungles as well.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:36 am

I'd like to see either Argonia or Elsweyr. After fairytale we've seen in Cyrodiil and somewhat generic nordic spirit that was present in Skyrim, it's time for something outlandish again.
I agree wholeheartedly. Come on Bethesda, man up and do something original.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:01 pm

I think Bethesda might be reluctant about doing some complex environment design that would be necessary for Black Marsh and Valenwood, and I'm really hoping they wouldn't want European fantasy domination for a 3rd game in a row, so the next game will be more likely to be set in Elsweyr, Hammerfell or Summerset Isles. Personally, I don't think Summerset Isles sounds that interesting, and also far too strict and non-diverse (How would you even do anything as a non-Altmer?). Elsweyr is struggling under the Thalmor and there could be some interesting stuff there, but I don't know how Bethesda would feel about having cats as their promotional image, given how they like to keep with the norm. They have done Hammerfell before, even if only (other than Arena) small parts of it, so that might be a deterrent there. On the other hand, they are the next stop for the Thalmor invasion and a totally approavable culture for Bethesda's current style of "make sure it's easily mass-marketable". Both provinces would be great I think, but it's difficult to say what they would choose.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:01 am

It would be too bad if something like general public marketing appeal got in the way of an idea as fascinating and rich as Elsweyr or Argonia. They would make such excellent settings for the next title. I do definitely see potential in Hammerfell, but however it would end up, it would still be quite recognizable by our standards (I'm assuming it's culture would be very similar to Saracen, Turkish, or Umayyad, with some ES flair) and audience would no doubt be recalling the Assassin's Creed series. Even the arabic motif levels in CoD and BF have had a lot of exposure. Overall, the arabic-like setting has been seen a lot in gaming recently. This is a chance for Bethesda to show some truly creative designing by delving into either of the 2 beast countries, especially Black Marsh, which is more foreign in both culture and landscape than Khajiitland. And they'd have to make Sumerset pretty weird if they wanted it to be stimulating.

I think an important question the team is asking itself is: "In Skyrim we had dragons, shouts, perks, and modified skill development as the core adjustments to the game. How do we make a proportional improvement for TES VI? What kind of development will stand out and make it better than just an improved Skyrim in a new place. There has to be a hook. "

Here's my suggested answer again: "Center the game on sailing adventures." Just from that idea you can derive It's like the pythagorean identity.
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meghan lock
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:40 am

Summerset Isles maybe, where the Mages Guild foundations was made? It would be a very different game compared to the cold and snowy Skyrim. :)
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Avril Louise
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:18 pm

It would be too bad if something like general public marketing appeal got in the way of an idea as fascinating and rich as Elsweyr or Argonia. They would make such excellent settings for the next title. I do definitely see potential in Hammerfell, but however it would end up, it would still be quite recognizable by our standards (I'm assuming it's culture would be very similar to Saracen, Turkish, or Umayyad, with some ES flair) and audience would no doubt be recalling the Assassin's Creed series. Even the arabic motif levels in CoD and BF have had a lot of exposure. Overall, the arabic-like setting has been seen a lot in gaming recently. This is a chance for Bethesda to show some truly creative designing by delving into either of the 2 beast countries, especially Black Marsh, which is more foreign in both culture and landscape than Khajiitland. And they'd have to make Sumerset pretty weird if they wanted it to be stimulating.

I think an important question the team is asking itself is: "In Skyrim we had dragons, shouts, perks, and modified skill development as the core adjustments to the game. How do we make a proportional improvement for TES VI? What kind of development will stand out and make it better than just an improved Skyrim in a new place. There has to be a hook. "

Here's my suggested answer again: "Center the game on sailing adventures." Just from that idea you can derive It's like the pythagorean identity.
If riding the coattails of popular concepts (Like Assassin's Creed) and finding a new hook are both things they want, climbing should be that hook I think. It's really one of the only aspects that I think should be core to the series that aren't in it (well except Daggerfall). It might be a bit of a challenge, but I think it's worth it, it would revolutionise stealth gameplay completely. As for combat, just add in more special moves you can get with perks, and magic, well there's plenty of ways to expand that.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:49 pm

It obviously needs to be set in Summerset Isle with the Thalmor being the main enemy ^_^
I was so disappointed in TESV when you couldn't kick their a**es and drive them out of Skyrim.

Valenwood, Elsweyr and Black Marsh sound really awesome too, but I really want to see the fight taken to the Thalmor.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:40 pm

If riding the coattails of popular concepts (Like Assassin's Creed) and finding a new hook are both things they want, climbing should be that hook I think. It's really one of the only aspects that I think should be core to the series that aren't in it (well except Daggerfall). It might be a bit of a challenge, but I think it's worth it, it would revolutionise stealth gameplay completely. As for combat, just add in more special moves you can get with perks, and magic, well there's plenty of ways to expand that.

I climbing system like the one in AC is overdue for rogues. But the way I see it, they would have to have more of a hook, because this one does not cater to all playstyles. They need more hook.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:05 am

I'd say we are overdue for a good desert. And please, don't tell me you don't like deserts. Elsweyr has some sub-tropic jungles and Hammerfell has some good old foresty mountains. (according to Daggerfall.) I'm just saying, Summerset Isle isn't taking in foreigners and they are so strict so a free, open-world game there is unlikely. Even High rock is more likely than that and Bethesda just did snowy Skyrim. Plus, Elsweyr and Hammerfell are really close to the Dominion. It seems so logical. You may want Summerset Isle but it's not logical. It can still happen but I can't think of a reason why it would. Valenwood may be a possibility but seeing as how they are with the dominion, it might not happen. I would think Bethesda would prefer to stay out of the Dominion. Watch me be completely wrong, curse my luck, but I'm going by my logic.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:47 am

I climbing system like the one in AC is overdue for rogues. But the way I see it, they would have to have more of a hook, because this one does not cater to all playstyles. They need more hook.
I know it doesn't, although neither does sailing really, I've never actually roleplayed a sailor or pirate type character before. I don't see why they need a hook, really. Can't the hook just be big amazing open world full of people and wonders and things to do, like it was with Morrowind? I've seen the ad for Morrowind, it doesn't have any special feature it's promoting except it's world. If anything the hook could be storyline related more than a character's ability, like it was with Oblivion. I don't want another "You are the special guy with unique powers", I just want to be a rogue, mage or warrior in my huge world.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:00 am

Hope 1:

Fallout 4 is released on next gen consoles and PCs as the test run, instead of TESVI, so if they are baffled by hardware it won't be on anything I'll play.


Better mage questline. My only plot disappointment in Skyrim was the College of Winterhold main sequence, even if the peripheral quests are fun.

Hope 3:

That there are still Thu'ums, but as the next character will likely not be Dragonborn, they would be very limited and weakened.

Hope 4:

Execution of political questlines need improvement. The Civil War did no individual thing wrong, but needed work on narrative structure.

Hope 5:

Dragons exceedingly rare, but still present, with perhaps a quest regarding the Way of the Voice that will, if not include, at least reference Paarthurnax.

Hope 6:

War with Thalmor is present, but not finished in the game.

Hope 7:

Not in Alinor, but still in the Dominion (Elsweyr or Valenwood).

Hope 8:

Continue Skyrim's structure of having one metaphysical plot and one mundane. So, a plot involving Towers and Psijics and Talos and Auriel and mantling and whatnot set against the backdrop of a Second Great War.

Hope 9:

Mounted combat.

These are my first thoughts on TESVI. There will be more eventually, and these will be expanded to have more detail.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:26 pm

I don't see why they need a hook, really. Can't the hook just be big amazing open world full of people and wonders and things to do, like it was with Morrowind? I've seen the ad for Morrowind, it doesn't have any special feature it's promoting except it's world.
May be true but the pre-Morrowind marketing is not relevant for the post-Skyrim era, now Bethesda and their series are changed and they do need a hook because the suits will not accept sales loss.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:31 pm

Hire her
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:49 am

May be true but the pre-Morrowind marketing is not relevant for the post-Skyrim era, now Bethesda and their series are changed and they do need a hook because the suits will not accept sales loss.
Skyrim is the only one that has had this kind of "special gameplay abilty" hook, and yet every single TES main series game has outperformed the last, just based on the world they've built and/or the story they've presented. Like I said, Morrowind's ad didn't even advertise the story, it was just the world, and Morrowind is the game that pulled Bethesda out of bankruptcy. I don't want any gimmicks, just great, in-depth, open world gameplay. Best game ever. That can be the hook.
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An Lor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:09 am

More political intrigue, back stabbings, assassinations, war, rival keeps, ranks, affiliations and their disposition towards you.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:03 pm

Skyrim is the only one that has had this kind of "special gameplay abilty" hook, and yet every single TES main series game has outperformed the last, just based on the world they've built and/or the story they've presented. Like I said, Morrowind's ad didn't even advertise the story, it was just the world, and Morrowind is the game that pulled Bethesda out of bankruptcy. I don't want any gimmicks, just great, in-depth, open world gameplay. Best game ever. That can be the hook.
I actually think that best TES game would be one without the MQ.
They should just make the world, fill it with stuff and let us have fun with it.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:15 pm
That's what Nibenay should have looked like. With rice paddies thrown in with Roman Venice sitting on stilts in Lake VIctoria.

Anyways, I want Elsweyr or Hammerfell.
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