I think that for summoning, instead of summoning a minion for a short amount of time by casting a quick spell it should be a bigger deal, whenever you kill a creature you take the 'ingredient' it drops, some other random ingredients and a soul gem with that creatures soul. then you place them in some occult circle or device (like a mortar and pestle only for summoning) and then summon that creature as a permanent minion. Maybe you can also train up to have more than one minion at a time?
The Elder Scrolls VI: Pokemon Master

Seriously though, I really like this idea and would really like to see it used in the next game. Another idea I saw that I really liked was the concept of racial perks. Other thing I'd like:
- I hope that class will stay dead for the future of the serie, as I feel that they added nothing to the game at the best of time and were a nuisance at worst.
- Better NPC reaction, none of that non-sense of guards praising me for being the most awesome guy evah before going all "I have my eye on you stranger, better not try anything!"
- Speaking of that, make the game take better note on how my character acts, so if I attack daedra worshipper and Thalmor on sight, then those two groups should actively see me as a menace or if I usually act a certain way, the npc will start to expect me to act this way.
- Better dialogue option, I've seen a few instance where the choice are basicly "OH YEAH!" or "With pleasure!", for instance the quest Taste of Death where the dialogue force me to agree to help murder and eat a rather friendly NPC, even having certain NPC act as if I did the deed, even if my reaction was to stab the questgiver in the face with my axes as soon as I could. Sure, I can exit conversations, but the NPC should react to that as if my character ignored them, not as a request to repeat their lines.
- There should more option in quest when they make sense. To once again give a exemple, there is a specific quest when at some point you can get proof that a particular important citizen of a town is more or less a traitor and murderer. However, the only thing you can do with this information is nothing at all, since you can't share them with the jarl, his steward, his housecarl or anyone else not actually involved in the quest for that matter.
As for the setting, I wanted Hammerfell, but reading a bit more about the Redguard on one of the wiki, I fear that, politically speaking, it's a bit too similar to the situation in Skyrim, where the local are mostly great, honorable and prideful warrior mostly split between those mostly supporting the empire and those mostly hating every other races, with mostly all of them being quite disgusted by the empire submitting to the Thalmor. Instead, I'd like the game to take place in Black Marsh, since it seems to be quite an interesting and mysterious place unlike those that we already saw. Elsweyr would be cool too for mostly the same reason, but Elsweyr is kind of a stupid name I think, so I'd rather play TES VI: Black Marsh than TES VI: Elsweyr. Actually, what I'd really want is a gigantic game taking place all over Tamriel, but that may be a bit too ambitious.